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FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE. FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE. Actual world installed power ( energy needs ) is around 15 TW ;. World installed power in the first years of 1900 was around 0,7 TW ;.
FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India
FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE Actual world installedpower( energyneeds ) isaround 15 TW ; World installedpower in the first yearsof 1900 wasaround 0,7 TW ; In 100 yearswehaveincreased 20 times the energyrequirements ; Actualincrease trend in installedenergypowerisaround + 2 % / year ; Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India 2
FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India
FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE We have instantaneous power from solar energy that can be converted directly or indirectly in useful renewableenergyforallour world energyneeds; Mostpromisingfieldsofapplicationofrenewableenergies in agriculture are : - biomass / biogas / biofuels; - solarthermal / photovoltaics ; - windpower / smallhydro; Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India 4
FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE BIOMASS , BIOGAS , BIOFUELS In this first case we have the storage of the irradiated energy into agricultural feedstocks that, than will be converted in different useful energy carriers (solid, biogas or liquid) ; Thisapproachreducespollutiongeneratedbyfossilenergy ; Thisapproach, supportedbynewprocess and mechanizationtechnologieshelpstoincreaseyelds in agricultural production and in feedstocktransformation, tilltopermittotheseenergiesto compete withfossiloneswithoutfightingwith the mainobjectiveofagriculture : food production ; Due to big R&Defforts on thesetopicsthere are manynewpromisingpossibilities : bioethanol via fungalenzymaticmethods, transformationofheatfrombiomasswithturbines, seebeckcellsand trigeneration, direct production ofelectricityfrommicrobialfuelcellswithredoxbacteria ; Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India 5
FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE BIOGAS TREND Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India 6
FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE SOLAR THERMAL , PHOTOVOLTAICS In this case we have not the storage of the irradiated energy, but efficient direct conversion of solar energy into heat or electrical energy ; we have to use the energy produced on site or place it into the grid ; Thisenergyisreallycosteffective : actualcostsof production are from 40 to 60 % lessthanfossil ( 2$c / kWhe ; 1,5$c /kWht ) ; These are technologiessimpletoapplyalsoforruralelectrification or for water pumping ; Thereis a strong state of the art : vacuumtubesforsolarthermal (65 % h), high efficiencycellsfor PV (25% h), thermophotovoltaicmodules (photovoltaic and thermal on the samepanel and 75% h). AddictionallyR&Defforts are reducingcosts and increasing the efficiencyofconversion ; Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India 7
FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE PHOTOVOLTAICS TREND Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India 8
FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE WIND POWER , SMALL HYDRO In this case we have not the storage of the produced energy too (sometimes possible on small hydro), but efficient conversion of indirect solar energy into electrical energy ; we have to use this energy produced on site (irrigation) or place it into the grid for electrification; The electricalenergyproducediscosteffective : actualcostsof production are from 10 to 30 % lessthanfossil ( 4-5 $c / kWhe ) ; These are technologiesconsolidated and reliablewithsimplemanintenance ; Actualwindturbineshavepowerfrom some W to 5-6 MW and the big oneshaveanefficiencynear the maximum (Betzlaw) ; same state of the art forsmallhydrostartingfrom some W to 1-2 MW with 90-95% h ; Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India 9
FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE WIND POWER TREND Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India 10
FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE Actually these 3 renewable fields have a constantgrowthof morethan 20 % / year; Theyactually cover the 2,6% of the wholeinstalledcapacity ; These 3 renewablefields are perfectlysustainable ; They are in gridparity(or evenbetter) withfossilfuels ; The 3 renewablefields can help the developofruralareasreducingcostsofenergy; The introductionofthemcan help the developementof a distributednationalgrid ; Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India 11
FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE SOME BEST PRACTICES In many of these installations we can use agricultural waste and municipal rubbish or wastewater and liquid manure to produce electrical and thermal energy useful also for thermal pasteurization of the final effluent ; In this case we reduce the pathogens and weincrease the adsorptionvelocityofnutrinetsubstances in exitingeffluentusedas a fertilizer; Some oftheseinstallations can beusedtoprovideenergyforcropwatering, with the possibilityofstorageof the energyproducedinto the water ; Some oftheseinstallations can directlyprovideelectrical and thermalenergyfordryingpurposes ; The excessenergyproduced can beusedto drive agriculturalmachinery; Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India 12
FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE SOME ABOUT US We are active in the field of biogas-biomass plants and machinery (the Agripower division) , producing innovative cogeneration units and efficient biogas plants for all feedstocks; We are active in the planning and constructionof PV and PV-thermalpowerplants (Thermal-Photovoltaicdivision) ; Wecollaborate to the constructionofwindpowerplants; Naturallywehistorically produce mixing wagonsforlivestockfeeding, (Unifeeddivision) machines and technologiesfortratmentoforganicwaste (Eco linedivision) liketurningmachines, selectionscreensand bio-choppers-mixers ; We are on the market ofagriculturalmechanizationfrom 40 years ; We are represented in 27 countriesby 165 dealers ; Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India 13
THANKS FOR ATTENTION SEKO S.P.A. Via Gorizia 90 35010 Curtarolo (PD) ITALY www.sekospa.com - marketing@sekospa.com Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India