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Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 ? Helena Mitasova. Outline. summary statistics ? global and zonal operationsneighborhood (focal) operationsmap algebra and local operationsexpressions, operators, functions and variablesbasic calculations, integer and floating point data"if" conditions, h
1. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Geospatial Analysis I:map algebra, neighborhood operations Geospatial Analysis and Modeling:
Lecture notes
Helena Mitasova, NCSU MEAS
2. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Outline summary statistics – global and zonal operations
neighborhood (focal) operations
map algebra and local operations
expressions, operators, functions and variables
basic calculations, integer and floating point data
"if" conditions, handling NULLs, creating masks
special operators
patching, mosaicking and overlay
3. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Summary statistics Continuous raster data: stored numbers are values quantifying the phenomenon
univariate statistics: min, max, mean, standard deviation,
histogram requires discretization into bins
Intro - this has been already covered Intro - this has been already covered
4. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Summary statistics Continuous raster data: stored numbers are values quantifying the phenomenon
univariate statistics: min, max, mean, standard deviation,
histogram requires discretization into bins
Discrete raster data: stored numbers can be values (quantitative data) or category numbers (qualitative data)
univariate statistics can be applied only to quantitative attributes
mode (most frequent cat), diversity (number of different cats) apply to category data
Can be applied as global, zonal, or focal operations Intro - this has been already covered Intro - this has been already covered
5. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Global statistics: continuous data Intro - this has been already covered Intro - this has been already covered
6. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Global statistics: continuous data Intro - this has been already covered Intro - this has been already covered
7. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Global statistics: continuous data Intro - this has been already covered Intro - this has been already covered
8. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Global statistics: continuous data Intro - this has been already covered Intro - this has been already covered
9. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Global statistics: discrete objects Works for soil erodibility factor: Does not apply to soil ID
Mean: 0.248 stdv 0.028 Mean: 29379.2 stdv 349.302
but not for erodibility classes Intro - this has been already covered Intro - this has been already covered
10. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Zonal statistics: continuous data Zonal summary statistics for continuous data:
Raster 1: rasterized polygon (zipcodes) Intro - this has been already covered Intro - this has been already covered
11. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Zonal statistics: continuous data Zonal summary statistics for continuous data:
Raster 1: rasterized polygon (zipcodes)
Raster 2: continuous field (elevation) Intro - this has been already covered Intro - this has been already covered
12. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Zonal statistics: continuous data Zonal summary statistics for continuous data:
Raster 1: rasterized polygon (zipcodes)
Raster 2: continuous field (elevation)
Resulting raster 3: mean elevation value for each zipcode Intro - this has been already covered Intro - this has been already covered
13. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Zonal statistics: category data Zonal statistics for category data
Raster 1: rasterized polygon (zipcodes)
Raster 2: category map (land use 1996 with 24 classes) Intro - this has been already covered Intro - this has been already covered
14. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Zonal statistics: category data Zonal statistics for category data
Raster 1: rasterized polygon (zipcodes)
Raster 2: category map (land use 1996 with 24 classes)
Resulting raster 3: most frequent land use for each zipcode
Guess the categories in the result below Intro - this has been already covered Intro - this has been already covered
15. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Neighborhood operations Focal operations: value at a grid cell is function of its neighborhood values.
Grid cell neighborhood – moving window, square or circular
Same handling of continuous and discrete data as for global and zonal operations
16. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Neighborhood operations Functions:
mean, stdv,max, min, median, sum, variance
mode, diversity, interspersion – most frequent cell value, number of different cell values
Implemented as modules or in map algebra
Image processing applications
17. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Neighborhood operations Continuous data:
focal mean operator
5x5 window
18. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Neighborhood operations Continuous data:
focal mean operator
5x5 window
19. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Neighborhood operations Discrete data:
land use 1996
focal diversity
7x7 window
20. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Neighborhood operations Discrete data:
land use 1996
focal diversity
7x7 window
21. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Raster map algebra Computes a new raster map using expression built by applying logical and/or arithmetic operators, mathematical functions to existing raster maps representing variables:
newmap = expression (map1, map2, ...map3)
Local: Expression is applied on per-cell basis
Focal: moving window calculations apply expression to the given cell and its neighboring cells
22. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Raster map algebra Each software has its own syntax and set of operators and functions, examples:
Logical ?
Arithm. Operators ?
Math. Functions ?
Special operators ?
23. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Raster map algebra Each software has its own syntax and set of operators and functions, examples:
Logical operators and functions:
less than, equal,
and, or, not, ...;
if(x), if(x,a,b)
Arithm. Operators
+, -, *, /
Math. Functions:
min(x1,x2,..), max(), median()
24. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Map algebra: int and fp rules Integer and floating point matters for arithmetic expressions:
F(map1_int, map2_int) -> map_int
F(map1_int, map2_fp) -> map_fp
Example: compute ndvi index from landsat integer maps
25. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Map algebra: int and fp rules ndvi=(tm4-tm3)/(tm4+tm3)
26. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Map algebra: int and fp rules ndvi=(tm4-tm3)/(tm4+tm3)
27. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Map algebra: int and fp rules tm3: 1-255
28. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Map algebra: int and fp rules tm3: 1-255
29. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Map algebra: if conditions logical expressions – apply to both continuous and discrete (category) data and their combination
use for complex reclassification, masking and overlays
Example: find all forested areas with elevation > 120m
30. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Map algebra: if conditions logical expressions – apply to both continuous and discrete (category) data and their combination
use for complex reclassification, masking and overlays
Example: find all forested areas with elevation > 120m
31. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Map algebra: null data handling Raster maps can include NULL data (no-data), each software has its own rules how to handle them in map algebra operations
General rule: If a cell is null in at least one map (variable) then it is null in the resulting map
“If “ statements can test for null and/or assign a cell null value based on the if condition
Special operators can be implemented to extend the rules applied to nulls
32. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Map algebra: null data handling Compute average elevation from 30m SRTM and one tile of 6m NCFlood DEM,
33. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Map algebra: null data handling Compute average elevation from 30m SRTM and one tile of 6m NCFlood DEM, cells that do not have NCFlood tile values are NULL
34. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Map algebra: relative coordinates Focal operations - moving window - operations
filters or simulations – slower than C modules but more flexible,
edge cell problem
Operations on raster map subset, creating new maps
Replacing values in a subregion of a raster map
Generating tilted plane
Modeling dynamic processes
Fluxes and diffusion
35. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Map algebra: relative coordinates Example for applying operation to subset of a given region:
For an area where
x < 637033. and y < 225552. and
x > 633985. and y >222504.
use lidar-based DEM elevlid_D783_6m
everywhere else within the define region
use SRTM-based elev_srtm_30m
36. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Map algebra: relative coordinates Examples: generating tilted plane (e.g. geological fault)
z=x+y+100 plane dipping to NW starting at 100m
37. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Raster maps patching and overlay Merging several neighboring raster maps into a single raster
“Filling-in” nulls in base raster map with values from additional raster maps
Order of maps matters
Issues: resolution, extension that is not aligned, no-data slivers due to projection
38. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Raster maps patching Merging several neighboring raster maps into a single raster:
example patch DEM tiles A, B, C, D into map E
39. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Raster maps patching and overlay
40. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Reclassification and rescaling Reclassification / recoding: transformation rules used to convert between raster value types and classes
general form:
change interval or list of values <wi, wj> to a new value vk or interval of values <vk,vl>
applies to continuous data or values associated with discrete data
wnew =k*wold for each cell
histogram equalized: values are distributed according to a cumulative histogram Intro - this has been already covered Intro - this has been already covered
41. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Reclassification examples Reclassification examples
How is this handled in DBMS? When do you want to do this? Intro - this has been already covered Intro - this has been already covered
42. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Reclassification examples Reclassification examples
Intro - this has been already covered Intro - this has been already covered
43. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Rescaling examples Slope equal interval Intro - this has been already covered Intro - this has been already covered
44. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Rescaling examples Slope equal interval hist. equalized Intro - this has been already covered Intro - this has been already covered
45. Geospatial Analysis and Modeling MEA592 – Helena Mitasova Summary and references summary statistics (global, zonal, focal)
Neteler ch. 5, Bolstad ch. 10
map algebra
Neteler ch. 5.2 , Bolstad ch. 10
patching, rescaling, reclassification