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PRAYAS - (Online Public Grievance Monitoring System) http://kathua.nic.in/prayas/home.aspx. District Profile.
PRAYAS - (Online Public Grievance Monitoring System) http://kathua.nic.in/prayas/home.aspx
District Profile • Kathua District is situated at 320 17' to 320 55’ North Latitude and 750 70' to 760 16’ East longitude. The District is surrounded by Punjab in the South-East, Himachal Pradesh in North-East, District Doda and Udhampur in North and NorthWest, Jammu in the West and Pakistan in the South West. Dogri is the main language spoken by the people of the district. Though the dogri spoken in some parts of the district has the influence of Punjabi tone also. The Language in the rural and hilly areas has maintained its native purity, accent and sweetness. However a very small section of the Population residing in Lohai-Malhar and BANI Blocks also speaks Kashmiri. GOJRI is also spoken by the Gujjar Community settled here and there. • Lohai-Malhar, Bani, Basohli and Billawar Blocks of Kathua district are the hilly and most of the villages of these blocks do not have th road connectivity. Some of the villages of these blocks are more than 20 to 30 Kms by foot.
Challenges • 1. Difficult Terrain: Most of the part of the Lohai-Malhar, Bani, Basohli and Billawar Blocks is hilly. Bani – is 200 Kms (approx)from District HQ and it takes about 10-12 hours to reach there. Most of the villages of Bani are by foot. Basohli – is 85 Kms (approx)from District HQ and it takes about 3-4 hours to reach there. Most of the villages of Basohli are by foot. Lohai-Malhar – is 110 Kms (approx) from District HQ and it takes about 6-7 hours to reach at Katli and from there it is 5 Kms by foot Most of the villages of of the block are by foot • 2. Lack of road connectivity: Due to which they are not in a position to lodge their grievances and their grievances are remain unheard. Therefore administration remains ignorant about their demands and the apathy towards administration increases which always reflects in poor delivery of services to the common people.
Challanges • Officers behavior when it comes to dealing with common man and their grievances • Outdated and Out of use systems of grievance handling • Decreasing manpower • Inefficient human resource management systems
PRAYAS - (An SMS based Online Public Grievance Monitoring System) http://kathua.nic.in/prayas/home.aspx For redressal of public grievances, the District Development Commissioner, Kathua along with all District Officers/Sectoral Officers listen to Public grievances through Speaker Phone installed at the Conference Hall of DC Office Kathua every Wednesday between 10 Am to11 AM. Any person can call to the Deputy Commissioner at that time and his/her grievances are noted down and marked to the concerned District officer for taking immediate action required to solve the grievances. Phone No. is: 01922- 238796.
Benefits of PRAYAS Centre Kathua (J&K) Any Person, Any Time From Anywhere Good Governance Simple & user friendly Improving Delivery of Public Services 01922 – 238796 PRAYAS Centre Kathua (J&K) Transparent Handle Unresolved Complaints Effective Responsive
Steps taken for wide publicity of “PRAYAS” • Hoardings and wall paintings at important public places, • Broadcasting of PRAYAS Documentary at local TV channels, FM (AIR), Kathua • Regular coverage of events, meetings, action taken through local print and electronic media. 8 8
OBJECTIVES & SCOPE • The objective of the PRAYAS – Centre Kathua provides services during the office hours in an integrated manner in an efficient, transparent, easily accessible, responsive, user friendly, cost effective and time saving platform for Public grievances rederssal through the use of telecom/ IT services. • All Submissions at a single point through Landline/ Mobile Phone. • PRAYAS – Centre Kathua aims to provide qualitative and time bound delivery of Public services at common man’s door steps. • Committed date for the delivery of service. • PRAYAS – Centre Kathua shall prove its worth in providing additional important services:- • Help line for Disaster Management and mitigation • Nodal centre for cross checking the progress and quality of different development works and flagship projects of Government • Ultimate objective is to strengthen the concept of Good Governance by Restoring Public Faith & Reliability in the Administrative Setup through Effective use of Commonly Available ICT tools
IMPLEMENTATION OF PRAYAS • Effective Public Grievance rederssal is the top most priority of the District Administration. Deputy Commissioner Kathua (J&K) has developed a platform Known as “PRAYAS” with the technical support of NIC District Centre Kathua. • PRAYAS is a very honest effort to redress grievance of the remote and rural people like Bani, Lohai-malhar, Basohli, Billawar and other remote areas who could not afford to visit the District HQ to meet Deputy Commissioner. As it will cost more than Rs 500 to a person who has to come to Kathua from Bani tehsil to simple lodge his grievance. And if he is not able to meet Deputy commissioner on that day (as he may be on tour/meeting etc) then the poor complainant has to stay for 1 more day at District HQ which will again cost Rs 400-500 more. So, the complainant has to spent Rs 800-1000 and also his/her 3-4 days may be wasted to simply lodge his/ her grievance. • A common man of remote area is not familiar with government culture, procedure and the schemes being implemented for his benefits. • He has to visit from pillar to post for varied services of district administration. • He comes to know about non-completion/completeness of his application after a long delay. • A common man hesitates in visiting the Government offices due to which he becomes dependent over other people
SALIENT FEATURES OF PRAYAS Kathua CENTRE • To provide a easily accessible, friendly, affordable, speedier and efficient interface between the government and the public. • To ensure greater transparency, efficiency, objectivity, accountability and speed that can help tackle most of the maladies of the government by providing efficient services to the public. • The Most Potent, Readily & Widely Available, User friendly, Cost-Time-Labor Effective mode of communication available today is mobile. Kathua PRAYAS centre ensures best possible synergetic use of available telecom features • Regular Monitoring by Deputy Commissioner for delays beyond the specified dates
PRAYAS Sample Report
Government process re-engineering Information PRAYAS – Centre Kathua shall prove its worth in providing additional important services:- • Help line for Disaster Management and mitigation • It can be used for cross checking the progress and quality of different development works and flagship projects of Government
PRAYAS’s Attitude to Grievances “Grievances are jewels to be treasured” 17 17
Ultimate Objective of “PRAYAS” To strengthen the concept of Good Governance by Restoring Public Faith & Reliability in the Administrative Setup through Effective use of Commonly Available ICT tools. 18 18
Screenshots of the Website http://kathua.nic.in/static/misc/Grievances.htm
We welcome suggestions and queries if any for further betterment of the system. You can contact us at… • website: www.kathua.nic.in • E-mail: kathua@nic.in jitsin100@gmail.com 21 21
District Development Commissioner, Kathua along with all District Officers/ Sectoral Officers listening to Public grievances (11-06-2014)
PRAYAS team extends personal thanks to All concerned for Recognizing, Supporting & Encouraging Our initiative. Thank you