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Anchorage School District Profile of Performance 2010-2011. Assessment and Evaluation Department October 24, 2011. Format of the Report. Part I – District Information Overview Board Goal Performance Part II – School Information Demographics Student Academic Achievement.
Anchorage School DistrictProfile of Performance2010-2011 Assessment and Evaluation Department October 24, 2011
Format of the Report Part I – District Information Overview Board Goal Performance Part II – School Information Demographics Student Academic Achievement ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Data Reporting Points for Profile FallOn-Line Alaska School Information System-data submission to DEED with reports of our foundation average daily membership (ADM) for the 20 school calendar days ending with the 4th Friday in October, enrollment count is October 1 Participation File—data submission to DEED with detailed student enrollment information as of the first day of testing (April) Summer OASIS—data submission to DEED with detailed student data collection to support the annual submittal to the U.S. Dept. of Ed; data based upon enrollment for the school year (July 15 submittal) Report Card DataSubmission—data submission to EED on the performance of each school in the district; supports annual report on the performance of school in the state to the Governor, the state legislature and the U.S. Dept. of Ed (July 15 submittal) Student Information System—data source from ASD’s system of record for reports based upon enrollment on the last day of school ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Demographic ComparisonsTotal EnrollmentOctober 1, 2011 ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Demographic ComparisonsSpecial PopulationsOctober 1, 2010 ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Socioeconomic Status of Students—EDS • EDS is the proxy used for accountability for students who are eligible to participate in the free or reduced lunch program • Percent of all students enrolled in ASD on October 1 were identified as EDS at anytime from the beginning of the school year through October 1 • Students included were: • All students meeting federal income guidelines • All students in the Alaska Temporary Assistance program file • All Students in Provision schools • Migrant Students • Sibling matches for all of the above except for Whaley’s ACE/ACT and EISC programs • Students at McLaughlin, AVAIL, Child in Transition Program but not their sibling matches ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Special Programs—5-Year History ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Languages in District 2010-11 ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Special Needs Population—Total Number Served ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Historical Attendance Rate—10-Year History ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
ASD Board Goals 1- All students will graduate from high school prepared for post secondary academic/vocation/career opportunities. 2- The achievement gap between racial, ethnic and economic groups in the highly diverse ASD will be eliminated through education that is accessible, culturally responsive, supportive of students, and safe. 3- ASD will partner with parents and the community for greater educational success for our students. 4- ASD will manage effectively and efficiently all financial and human resources. 5- All ASD departments will support the mission of the district with good customer service, both internally and externally. ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Illustration Of Using The Summary To View The Performance Indicators By A Specific Group ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Illustration Of Using The Summary To View Performance On A Specific Indicator ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
SBA Reading Historical Performance/Projection ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
SBA Writing Historical Performance/Projection ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
SBA Mathematics Historical Performance/Projection ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
SBA Science Historical Performance/Projection ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
SBA Performance/Projections ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
District to State Comparison 2010-2011 ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Historical SBA Reading Proficiency by Grade Level ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Historical SBA Writing Proficiency by Grade Level ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Historical SBA Mathematics Proficiency by Grade Level ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Historical SBA Science Proficiency by Grade Level ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Goal 1 – All students will graduate from high school prepared for postsecondary academic/vocation/career opportunities. • Indicator 1a: In a year-to-year comparison, the percentage of students in reading, writing, and mathematics on the Standards Based Assessment maintaining or improving their proficiency from the previous year will increase. • Reading • Results: (pages 34-81): • The percentage of proficient students maintaining or improving their proficiency in reading decreased from 69.43 percent to 65.86 percent. • This group includes advanced to advanced, proficient to advanced, and proficient to proficient—it does not include advanced to proficient. • The designated race/ethnicity group with the lowest percentage of proficient students maintaining or improving their proficiency in reading was Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander. • The designated race/ethnicity group with the highest percentage of proficient students maintaining or improving their proficiency in reading was Caucasian. ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Matched Comparison —Reading—Maintaining or Improving Proficiency
Goal 1 – All students will graduate from high school prepared for postsecondary academic/vocation/career opportunities. • Indicator 1a: In a year-to-year comparison, the percentage of students in reading, writing, and mathematics on the Standards Based Assessment maintaining or improving their proficiency from the previous year will increase. • Writing • Results: (pages 34-81): • The percentage of proficient students maintaining or improving their proficiency in writing decreased from 63.29 percent to 62.17 percent. • The designated race/ethnicity group with the lowest percentage of proficient students maintaining or improving their proficiency in writing was Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander. • The designated race/ethnicity group with the highest percentage of proficient students maintaining or improving their proficiency in writing was Caucasian. ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Goal 1 – All students will graduate from high school prepared for postsecondary academic/vocation/career opportunities. • Indicator 1a: In a year-to-year comparison, the percentage of students in reading, writing, and mathematics on the Standards Based Assessment maintaining or improving their proficiency from the previous year will increase. • Mathematics • Results: (pages 34-81): • The percentage of proficient students maintaining or improving their proficiency in mathematics decreased from 58.66 percent to 57.00 percent. • The designated race/ethnicity group with the lowest percentage of proficient students maintaining or improving their proficiency in writing was Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander. • The designated race/ethnicity group with the highest percentage of proficient students maintaining or improving their proficiency in writing was Caucasian. ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Goal 1 – All students will graduate from high school prepared for postsecondary academic/vocation/career opportunities. • Indicator 1a: In a year-to-year comparison, the percentage of not proficient students in reading, writing, and mathematics on the Standards Based Assessment moving to proficient will increase. • Reading • Results: (pages 34-81): • The percentage of not proficient students moving to proficient in reading decreased from 6.72 percent to 3.54 percent. • The designated race/ethnicity group with the highest percentage of their group moving from not proficient to proficient was Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander. • The designated race/ethnicity group with the lowest percentage of their group moving from not proficient to proficient was Caucasian. ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Goal 1 – All students will graduate from high school prepared for postsecondary academic/vocation/career opportunities. • Indicator 1a: In a year-to-year comparison, the percentage of not proficient students in reading, writing, and mathematics on the Standards Based Assessment moving to proficient will increase. • Writing • Results: (pages 34-81): • The percentage of not proficient students moving to proficient in writing increased from 5.35 percent to 6.33 percent. • The designated race/ethnicity group with the largest percentage point increase was African American. • The designated race/ethnicity group with the highest percentage of their group moving from not proficient to proficient was Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander. • The designated race/ethnicity group with the lowest percentage of their group moving from not proficient to proficient was Caucasian. ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Goal 1 – All students will graduate from high school prepared for postsecondary academic/vocation/career opportunities. • Indicator 1a: In a year-to-year comparison, the percentage of not proficient students in reading, writing, and mathematics on the Standards Based Assessment moving to proficient will increase. • Mathematics • Results: (pages 34-81): • The percentage of not proficient students moving to proficient in mathematics decreased from 7.07 percent to 4.07 percent. • The designated race/ethnicity group with the highest percentage of their group moving from not proficient to proficient was Alaska Native/American Indian. • The designated race/ethnicity group with the lowest percentage of their group moving from not proficient to proficient was Caucasian. ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Goal 1 – All students will graduate from high school prepared for postsecondary academic/vocation/career opportunities. • Indicator 1b: In a year-to-year comparison, the percentage of students scoring proficient in science on the Alaska Standards Based Assessment will increase in each designated student group at the district as well as grades 4, 8, and 10. • Science • Results: (pages 82-85): • The percentage of students proficient in science in combined grades 4,8 and 10 increased 0.04 percent. • There were slight decreases in proficiency in science in grades 4 and 8 and a slight increase in grade 10. • The designated race/ethnicity group with the lowest percentage of proficient students was the Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander at grades 4, 8 and 10. ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Science Percentage Change from Previous Year ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Goal 1 – All students will graduate from high school prepared for postsecondary academic/vocation/career opportunities. • Indicator 1c: In a year-to-year comparison, the annual dropout rate of students in grades 7-12 will decrease in each designated student group at the district and in each school. • Annual Dropout Rate • Results: (pages 86-123): • At the district level there was a .68 percentage point increase in the annual dropout rate at the all students’ level. • The annual dropout rate was 4.27 percent. • There was an increase in the annual dropout rate in all designated student groups except Migrant. • The designated race/ethnicity group with the highest annual dropout rate is Alaska Native/American Indian at 8.47 percent and the lowest is Asian at 2.84 percent. ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Annual Dropout Rate ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Annual Dropout Rate Calculation ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Annual Dropout Rate by Reasons ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Goal 1 – All students will graduate from high school prepared for postsecondary academic/vocation/career opportunities. • Indicator 1d: In a year-to-year comparison, the graduation rate will increase in each designated student group at the district and at each school. • Graduation Rate • Results: (pages 124-168): • The 4-year cohort graduation rate increased from 71.04 percent to 72.14 percent in 2010-11. • There were increases in the 4-year cohort rate for all comprehensive high schools. There were increases in the alternative/charter schools at AVAIL, Continuation, Crossroads, Highland Tech, McLaughlin and Polaris. • The designated race/ethnicity group with the lowest 4-year cohort graduation rate is Alaska Native/American Indian at 50.88 percent and the highest is Caucasian at 78.76 percent. • The 5-year cohort graduation rate was 75.50% in 2010-11. ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Graduation Rate—Old Method ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Graduation Rate—New Method ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Graduation Rate Calculations ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Graduation Rate- Old vs. 4-year cohort ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department
Goal 1 – All students will graduate from high school prepared for postsecondary academic/vocation/career opportunities. • Indicator 1e: In a year-to-year comparison, the percentage of grade 9 students who are on-track to graduate at the end of their grade 9 year, including summer school, will increase. • Gr. 9 On-Track • Results: (pages 169-189): • The percentage of grade 9 students on-track to graduate decreased from 74.08 percent to 73.46 percent. ASD Assessment & Evaluation Department