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REDD+ A sub-national pilot project in CHIAPAS, MEXICO

REDD+ A sub-national pilot project in CHIAPAS, MEXICO. Una REDD+ para Chiapas. Mexico introduced the R-PIN to the World Bank and its was adopted in July 2008. At national level, a multi-agency group begun to work on REDD+ national strategy (R-PP approved).

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REDD+ A sub-national pilot project in CHIAPAS, MEXICO

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  1. REDD+ A sub-national pilot project in CHIAPAS, MEXICO

  2. Una REDD+ para Chiapas Mexico introduced the R-PIN to the World Bank and its was adopted in July 2008. At national level, a multi-agency group begun to work on REDD+ national strategy (R-PP approved). This group promoted the initiative to implement pilot projects for resolving the challenges of the process.

  3. Chiapas as Sub-national Pilotproject • The Chiapas state was selected based on: • Diversity of forest ecosystems (mangrove forest, temperate forest); • Has social and cultural diversity (coexistence of different indigenous groups) with a complexity of social relations and high vulnerability to climate change. • Existence of priority ecosystems (Rainforest), high biodiversity and emblematic Mesoamerican species( the quetzal, the peacock, the jaguar, etc.). • For this reason the implementation of REDD + in such a complex environment is challenging the scientific, technical, social and political issues.

  4. Una REDD+ para Chiapas • Chiapas StateGovernment: • Secretaría de Medio Ambiente, Vivienda e Historia Natural del Estado de Chiapas (SEMAVIHN) • Mexico Federal Government: • Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (CONANP) • Comisión Nacional Forestal (CONAFOR) • Corredor Biológico Mesoamericano en México (CBMM) • Researchinstitutes • El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR) • El Colegio de Posgraduados (COLPOS) • Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP) • NGO • AMBIO • Pronatura Sur • MASCAFE • Conservación Internacional (CI)

  5. The great value of the initiative of the group “UNA REDD+ para Chiapas” is the effort and the ability to make decisions by consensus among different levels and sectors of government, local and international organizations for developing a more comprehensive and participatory process, as its evolve.

  6. REDD+ strategies • Safeguards: The success depends on increasing the quality of life in communities as well as conserve biodiversity and the ecosystems services. And of full recognition of property rights • Include the "+“: conservation of carbon stocks of forests, sustainable management of forests and increase carbon stocks of forests. • Is a tool: REDD+ is a tool to promote sustainable development and conservation of biodiversity and not only to reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere.

  7. Strategy components • To strengthen and promote recognition of the knowledge and experiences on resources management developed by Ejidos and communities in Chiapas. • To promote communities full participation in the REDD+. • To build capacity and empower local organizations and institutions. • To inform specific recommendations to public policy design and to adapt current frameworks. • To design a monitor, report and verification (MRV) system robust, reliable and cost-effective

  8. Bottom up Strategy

  9. Bottom up MRV • At local level, the minimum scale of application for REDD + is going to be the community. • Each community would has its own baseline. This is possible because: • Mexico have many satellite images. • and have database of measurements of C in different ecosystems.

  10. TypeForestCover Clase de Cobertura

  11. Densidad de Cobertura DensityForestCover

  12. Tipo de Estrato TypeForestLayer

  13. Estado de Cobertura Status ForestCover

  14. Concept Model “Una REDD para CHIAPAS”

  15. Transition Matrix (ton C/ha) (biomass and soil)

  16. Conclusions • Chiapas Sub-national Pilot Project is going to provide lessons learned and methodologies to the National Level. • In Chiapas it has been developed a community monitoring methodology that considers all of the IPCC carbon stocks (tree biomass, herbaceous biomass, litter, dead matter and soil) , associated with the methodologies used in national inventories of forests and soils. • The monitoring process will be conducted by community technicians. They will quantify their carbon in the sampling sites.

  17. Conclusion • The community monitoring will help to: • 1) reduce the uncertainty of the estimation via the spectral interpretation of images, and calibrate algorithms • 2) will build capacity in communities to enable them to quantify and monitor data in real time the carbon stored and captured in their fields, on a reliable way. • This initiative will enable community participation in the REDD + from the starting point and allow them to take control of monitoring their own resources. • They will also be owners of the information generated and therefore will have elements for local decision-making to manage their production systems within a policy to REDD +.


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