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Integration of Heat and Power for Efficient Energy Systems

Learn about the principles of heat engines, heat pumps, first and second laws of thermodynamics, and how to optimize energy systems for maximum efficiency.

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Integration of Heat and Power for Efficient Energy Systems

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  1. Integration of Heat and Power

  2. HEAT ENGINES RESERVIOR T1 Q1 Heat Engine W Q2 T2 RESERVIOR First Law of Thermodynamics W = Q1 - Q2 Second Law of Thermodynamics W  7c Q1 where 7c = T1 - T2 T1

  3. HEAT PUMPS RESERVIOR T1 Q1 Heat Pump W Q2 T2 RESERVIOR First Law of Thermodynamics Q1 = W + Q2 Second Law of Thermodynamics W  7c Q1 where 7c = T1 - T2 T1

  4.  F1(=QHmin) T heat source F2 Q F3 F4 W F5 Q - W (F6) heat sink PINCH 0 F7 F8 F9 F10    = F1 + Q H Fn+1(=QCmin) = Fn+1 + Q - W C

  5. HEAT ENGINE O W cold utility T (Q-W)=F1 F2 hot utility F3 F4 F5 (F6) PINCH 0 F7 F8 F9 F10   Fn+1 = Q H = Fn+1 C

  6.  T F1 + O F2 F3 F4 F5 HEAT ENGINE (F6) PINCH 0 W F7 F8+(Q-W) F9+(Q-W) F10+(Q-W)   Fn+1+(Q-W) = F + Q H = Fn+1 + Q - W C

  7. F1 T F2 F3 F4 F5 (F6) PINCH 0 F7 F8 F9 F10 = F1 H   = Q - W C O = Fn+1 HEAT ENGINE (d) W (Q-W)

  8. Q Q W W (Q-W) = F1 T F2 F3 F4 F5 (F6) PINCH 0 F7 F8 F9 F10 : Q + Q H   : Fn+1 + (Q - W) C (Q-W) Fn+1 (a)

  9. Q ZERO FLOW W T X1 F2 = 0 X2 F3 = 0 X3 F4 = 0 X4 F5 = 0 X5 (F6) PINCH 0 (= F1 in (a)) F7 F8 F9 F10 : Q H   : Fn+1 C Fn+1 (b)

  10. F1 - W T F2 W Q + W F3 Q F4 Q W Q HEAT PUMP F5 (F6) PINCH 0 F7 F8 F9 F10 IN : F1 - W + W   OUT : Fn+1 Fn+1 (b)

  11. F1 T F2 F3 F4 F5 (F6) PINCH 0 F7 Q + W F8+Q+W F9+Q+W W Q HEAT PUMP F10 + W IN : F1 + W   OUT : Fn+1 + W Fn+1 + W (b)

  12. F1 -(Q+W) T F2 -(Q+W) F3 -(Q+W) F4 -(Q+W) F5 -(Q+W) Q + W (F6) PINCH 0 W Q HEAT PUMP F7  Q F8  Q IN : F1 - (Q+W) = F - Q F9  Q OUT : Fn+1 - Q F10 Q   Fn+1 + W (c)

  13. Complex Distillation Configurations

  14. (a) A A B C A B C B B C B C C Figure 5.1 The direct and indirect sequences of simple distillation columns for a three-component separation. (From Smith and Linnhoff, Trans. IChemE, ChERD, 66: 195, 1988; reproduced by permission of the Institution of Chemical Engineers.)

  15. (b) A B A A B C A B C A B B C Figure 5.1(續) The direct and indirect sequences of simple distillation columns for a three-component separation. (From Smith and Linnhoff, Trans. IChemE, ChERD, 66: 195, 1988; reproduced by permission of the Institution of Chemical Engineers.)

  16. A A B C B (Vapor Sidestream) C (a) More than 50% middle component and less than 5% heaviest component. Figure 5.10 Distillation columns with three products. (From Smith and Linnhoff, Trans. IChemE, ChERD, 66: 195, 1988; reproduced by permission of the Institution of Chemical Engineers.)

  17. A A B C B (Liquid Sidestream) C (b) More than 50% middle component and less than 5% lightest component. Figure 5.10(續) Distillation columns with three products. (From Smith and Linnhoff, Trans. IChemE, ChERD, 66: 195, 1988; reproduced by permission of the Institution of Chemical Engineers.)

  18. Partial Condenser A A B A B C B B B C Partial Reboiler C (a) Sequence for three product separation using nonadjacent keys (b) Figure 5.11 Choosing nonadjacent keys leads to the prefractionator arrangement.

  19. Partial Condenser A A B A B C B B C Partial Reboiler C (a) (b) Prefractionator arrangement Figure 5.11(續) Choosing nonadjacent keys leads to the prefractionator arrangement.

  20. A COLUMN 1 A B C A B C B COLUMN 2 B C B C C Figure 5.12 Composition profiles for the middle product in the columns of the direct sequence show remixing effects. (From Triantafyllou and Smith, Trans. IChemE, part A, 70: 118, 1992; reproduced by permission of the Institution of Chemical Engineers.)

  21. COLUMN TOP COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 RE-MIXING IN COLUMN 1 COLUMN BOTTOM Mole Fraction of B 0 1.0 Figure 5.12(續) Composition profiles for the middle product in the columns of the direct sequence show remixing effects. (From Triantafyllou and Smith, Trans. IChemE, part A, 70: 118, 1992; reproduced by permission of the Institution of Chemical Engineers.)

  22. Partial Condenser A A B C B Partial Reboiler C Figure 5.13 Composition profiles for the middle product in the prefractionator arrangement show that there are no remixing effects. (From Triantafyllou and Smith, Trans. IChemE, part A, 70: 118, 1992; reproduced by permission of the Institution of Chemical Engineers.)

  23. COLUMN TOP MAIN COLUMN Prefractionator Top Prefractionator Feed Sidestream Stage Prefractionator Bottom PREFRACTIONATOR COLUMN BOTTOM 0 1.0 Mole Fraction of B Figure 5.13(續) Composition profiles for the middle product in the prefractionator arrangement show that there are no remixing effects. (From Triantafyllou and Smith, Trans. IChemE, part A, 70: 118, 1992; reproduced by permission of the Institution of Chemical Engineers.)

  24. A B 1 2 3 4 A B C C (a) Thermally-coupled direct sequence (b) Figure 5.14 Thermal coupling of the direct sequence.

  25. A B 1 2 4 3 A B C C (a) (b) Side-rectifier arrangement Figure 5.14(續) Thermal coupling of the direct sequence.

  26. A 1 2 3 4 A B C B C (a) Thermally-coupled indirect sequence (b) Figure 5.15 Thermal coupling of the indirect sequence.

  27. A 3 2 1 A B C 4 B C (a) (b) Side-Stripper arrangement Figure 5.14(續) Thermal coupling of the indirect sequence.

  28. Partial Condenser A A B C B Partial Reboiler C (a) Prefractionator arrangement (b) Figure 5.17 The thermally coupled prefractionator can be arranged in a single shell.

  29. A Main Column A B C B C (a) (b) Thermally coupled prefractionator(Petlyuk Column) Figure 5.17(續) The thermally coupled prefractionator can be arranged in a single shell.

  30. A Main Column A B C B (b) (C) Dividing wall column C Figure 5.17(續) The thermally coupled prefractionator can be arranged in a single shell.

  31. T A A B C  B C2 C1  C H Figure 5.18 Relationship between heat load and level in simple and prefractionator sequences. (From Smith and Linnhoff, Trans. IChemE, ChERD, 66: 195, 1988; reproduced by permission of the Institution of Chemical Engineers.)

  32. T A A B C   B C2 C H Figure 5.18(續) Relationship between heat load and level in simple and prefractionator sequences. (From Smith and Linnhoff, Trans. IChemE, ChERD, 66: 195, 1988; reproduced by permission of the Institution of Chemical Engineers.)

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