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British Airways and the use of Economists 英 国航空公司案 和 如 何使用 经 济 学 家的证词

Justice Sandra Simpson Shanghai, November 2012. British Airways and the use of Economists 英 国航空公司案 和 如 何使用 经 济 学 家的证词. British Airways – Judicial 英航案 Observations 1 分析一. The case was presented in writing : 这 个案件是书面审理 Court of 1 st instance: 1 day hearing 一 审法 院:一天的庭审

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British Airways and the use of Economists 英 国航空公司案 和 如 何使用 经 济 学 家的证词

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  1. Justice Sandra Simpson Shanghai, November 2012 British Airways and the use of Economists英国航空公司案和如何使用经济学家的证词

  2. British Airways – Judicial 英航案Observations 1 分析一 • The case was presented in writing: 这个案件是书面审理 • Court of 1st instance: 1 day hearing 一审法院:一天的庭审 • Court of justice: 2 day hearing 二审法院:两天的庭审 • No oral evidence没有口头证词 this is not ideal这不是理想状况 • Hard for a court to have a proper appreciation of differences between economists without oral evidence在缺乏经济学家口头证词的情况下法官分析不同经济学观点是非常困难的。 • Differences are very important – bring clarity to opposing opinions 经济学观点之间的不同非常重要——不同观点的辩论会让法官更容易理解双方的观点。

  3. Suggestions for receiving expert对于采纳专家证词的建议evidence in court 1法庭中的质证一 • File initial reports early – well before the hearing (at least a month)尽早提交初期报告——一定要比庭审早很多(至少一个月) • Schedule preparation time for judges给法官预留准备时间 • Ask parties if the expertise of the opposing expert is admitted or contested询问对方的专家是否接受或者反对自己的见解。 • Allow limited examination in chief to present expert report. 对于专家证词进行质证时的开题陈述要简短 • Allow court to ask questions允许法官提出问题 • Slides can be useful幻灯片是非常有用的

  4. Suggestions for receiving expert对于采纳专家证词的建议evidence in court 1法庭中的质证二 • Allow extensive cross-examination. 允许全面的交叉质证 • The means by which weaknesses are revealed 这可以发现证词中没有充分论证的地方 • Insist on explanation in lay terms.要求双方以非专业语言进行解释 • Consider adjourning between evidence and final argument 在质证和做出最终判决中间可以考虑暂时休庭 • Gives counsel time to do a thorough job of aligning evidence and the law 给出时间让律师将法律问题和经济学观点联系起来。 • Makes it easier to write decision 这会使得制作判决书的过程简单起来

  5. Possible questions for a Judge to ask 法官可能提出的问题 • What are the principle differences of opinion between yourself and the opposing expert?你和对方观点最大的不同是什么? • What are the weaknesses in the opposing experts opinion?对方观点中的弱点是什么? • Is your economic theory supported by the literature, or is it a new theory?你的经济学理论有没有文献支持,还是一种新理论? • What facts do you rely on?你依赖的事实是什么? • What assumptions do you make?你的观点都基于那些假设?

  6. Final thoughts 1 结论一 • Aggressive case management is very important 加强案件梳理非常重要 • Order production of data so that experts can develop reliable reports (though consider confidentiality) 要求出示数据,这样专家证词会更加可靠(尽管需要注意保密问题) • Early filing of experts’ reports important尽早提交专家证词非常重要 gives judges and opposing counsel time to prepare 给法官和对方律师时间去准备

  7. Final thoughts 2结论二 • The economists’ role:经济学家的作用 • They play a central role in modern antimonopoly cases在现代反垄断案件中经济学家的作用非常重要 • They do not prove facts – they study them and draw conclusions 他们不能证明事实——他们能研究事实并且做出结论 • They will develop the best possible economic rationale or theory to justify their clients activities. They will be honest, but they are not independent! 他们提供最合理的理论来支持客户的受诉行为。一般情况下他们是可信的,但是一定要记好他们并不中立。

  8. Final thoughts 3 结论三 • The Judge’s role:法官的作用 • We must ensure that we develop the expertise to hear these cases responsibly. 我们必须保证我们运用我们的专长尽心的审理案件 • It is hard work to become a respected judge in this field. But well worth the effort. 在反垄断领域成为一个受人尊重的法官非常困难。但是这些工作还是非常值得的。 • Antimonopoly cases will have a serious impact on the parties…反垄断案件将会对诉讼双方造成严重的影响。。。 • …and on the wider Chinese economy.也会对中国的经济产生深远的影响。

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