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ITALIAN MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. The activities of the Ministry of Economic Development suppo rting Italian SMEs abroad Thessaloniki , 14th May 2010. Structure of the Ministry. Dept . for industry and internationalization
ITALIAN MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The activitiesof the Ministry ofEconomicDevelopmentsupportingItalianSMEsabroad Thessaloniki, 14th May 2010
Structureof the Ministry Dept. forindustry and internationalization ThisDept. includes the DirectorateGeneralfor International Policies and Trade Promotion. Dept. foreconomiccohesion Dept. forenergy Deptforcommunications
Directorate-Generalfor International Policies and Trade Promotion MISSION • To support Italian firms to grow internationally. This is a key factor to build Italian competitive advantage in a globalized world. • To contribute effectively to the development and success of international cooperation. The participation in this Conference is part of this strategy.
Directorate-Generalfor International Policies and Trade Promotion OBJECTIVES Promoting trade and supporting the internationalization of the economic system Support is aimed mostly at SMEs: they make up 99% of all Italian firms
Directorate-Generalfor International Policies and Trade Promotion • Coordination and guidance of promotional and internationalization activities in Italy • Coordination and guidance of promotional and internationalization activities abroad, along with the management of financial tools for internationalization The Directoratecarries out a numberofactivitieswhichmaybedividedinto:
The network in Italy…. Min. Ec. Dev. Regions Chambers of Commerce SACE SIMEST ICE Finance Promotion Insurance
ITALIAN TRADE COMMISSION (ICE -ITC) • The Agencyofthe Ministry of Economic Development entrusted with promoting trade, business opportunities and industrial co-operation between Italian and foreign companies. • ITC operates through 17 offices in Italy and 116 branch offices in over 88 countries
SACE SIMEST Financial support to firms for export credit, foreign investment, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, technical assistance programmes, participation in international tenders, foreign market penetration, participation in the risk capital of start-up or j.v. abroad. Management of special venture capital Funds. Export credit insurance, insurance for investment abroad (covering political and commercial risks)
…andabroad Embassies (Commercial Offices) - Consulates ICE-ITC Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad - IACC Others (ENIT, Italian Regional offices, Banks etc.)
PromotionalActivities of the DirectorateGeneral for International Policies and Trade Promotion
Guidelines for Promotional Activities Guidance and monitoring of the ICE-ITC Coordination of all promotional activities Missions of commercial diplomacy and “System missions” abroad Co-financing of promotional projects (through direct financing or partnerships) Financial support through SIMEST
Guidelinesforpromotionalactivities WHAT: Guidelinesfor“direction and coordination”,issuedby the MinistryofEconomicDevelopment.On this basis ICE-ITC drafts the Public Promotional Programme WHEN: every 3 years 2008-2010 issued in june 2007 and amendedyearly, ifnecessary WHY : developstrategies, methodologies and prioritiesto coordinate all (public and private) stakeholdersinterested in supporting the internationalizationof the Italianeconomic system
Directive Guidelines 2008-2010: Geographical strategy BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China) Europe, US and Canada, Japan Neighbouring area (Danube/balcanic area – Turkey- Mediterranean region) Focus Countries (South Africa, Azerbajan, Kazakhstan Gulf, Mexico, Vietnam, Malesia, Indonesia)
Sectoralstrategy “TraditionalMade in Italy” sectors (food, furniture, fashion, mechanics) Innovative and “focus” sectors(chemicals, farmaceuticals; bio and nanotech; nauticindustry; infrastructure and logistics, contract) Distribution and merchandising (GDO, franchising, agreementswithforeigntraders, etc. )
System Strategy increases the creation of networks with actors working in the internationalization field,commercial missions with follow-up Operating Strategy Private-Public partnership, aggregation of SMEs and districts to help them deal with international markets, strengthening private participation in public initiatives, network with Universities and Scientific Institutions, stengthening relationships with financial investors, information and communication for firms
Special “Made in Italy” Programme WHY: toofferadditionalresourcestostrenghtenintegratedcross-border and cross-sectoractionswithmid- and long-termeffects on exports and investment WHAT: “system missions” and theirfollow up, specialprojects in Focus countries/sectors, specialcampaigns on media (i.e. “educational” campaign on authenticmade in Italy products)
Directco-financingofpromotionalactivities Who can apply : non profit Associations, Bodies and Institutesofnationalrelevance, Consortia, MixedChambers, ItalianChambersofCommerceAbroad Whatweco-finance : the PROJECT (and not the proposingAssociations and bodies)
Agreementswith REGIONS • Since1995 • with all the Regions • “Political” Agreement + Yearlyproposal for projects co-financed 50%-50% • Projects emerging from the “territory” (“bottom up” approach) • Innovative promotionalcontents
Agreements with sectoral trade Associations With more than80 Associationofdifferentproductivesectors (i.e. machineries, fashion, logistics, handicraft, high tech, green energy, etc.) “Political” Agreement + Yearlyproposal for projects co-financed 50%-50% ExpressionofPublic-Private Partnership
Agreementswith Union of Chambers of Commerce/Association of Italian Chambers abroad Trade Fairs & Exhibitions Associations Conference of the Chancellors of Italian Universities
Thankyou! Valeria Bernardini DirectorateGeneralfor International Policies and Trade Promotion MinistryofEconomicDevelopment valeria.bernardini@sviluppoeconomico.gov.it