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Nutrition. Slide #1. GRAINS. Slide #2. VEGETABLES. Slide #3. FRUIT. Slide #4. MILK. Slide #5. MEAT & BEANS. Slide #6. FATS, SUGARS, & SALT. Slide #7. What Should YOUR “Pyramid Plan” Look Like?. Slide #8. Sources of Protein. fish. peanuts. hamburger. chicken wings.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Nutrition Slide #1

  2. GRAINS Slide #2

  3. VEGETABLES Slide #3

  4. FRUIT Slide #4

  5. MILK Slide #5

  6. MEAT & BEANS Slide #6

  7. FATS, SUGARS, & SALT Slide #7

  8. What Should YOUR “Pyramid Plan” Look Like? Slide #8

  9. Sources of Protein fish peanuts hamburger chicken wings Slide #9

  10. Sources of Carbohydrates bread pasta Slide #10 cereal rice

  11. Simple Carbohydrates: Provide quick energy to the body. Slide #11

  12. Complex Carbohydrates: Provide long-lasting energy to the body. pasta rice Slide #12

  13. Sources of Fat Slide #13

  14. Different Kinds of Fats bad good Slide #14

  15. Sources of Vitamin A Slide #15

  16. Sources of Vitamin B Slide #16

  17. Sources of Vitamin C Slide #17

  18. Minerals Sodium – Maintains balance of body fluids. Calcium – Makes bones and teeth strong. Iron – Carrier of oxygen in the body. Slide #18

  19. Water *70% of your body is made up of water. *You should drink 6 – 8 glasses of water a day. Slide #19

  20. How Does the Digestive Tract Work? Slide #20

  21. Calorie – Amount of energy obtained from food. about 2,000 calories for most children about 2,800 calories for most adults Slide #21

  22. Calculate YOUR Daily Caloric Intake Slide #22

  23. Vegetarian Diet – Excludes meat, fish, and other animal products. Slide #23

  24. Diabetes People with Diabetes: Elvis Presley, Halle Berry, and Adam Morrison. Slide #24

  25. Cholesterol: Can accumulate on the walls of the arteries, and cause the arteries to harden, and increase the chance of a heart attack. Egg Yokes Red Meat Slide #25

  26. Is There Such Thing As Good Cholesterol? Slide #26

  27. Desirable Weight Slide #27

  28. Physical Activity and Your Diet Slide #28

  29. How healthy are the linemen in the NFL? Slide #29

  30. Is Shaq Obese? Slide #30

  31. Make Your Own Breakfast or Lunch (Virtual Cafeteria) Slide #31

  32. Today in Food History… Slide #32

  33. Play The “Food Pyramid Game” Slide #33

  34. Stay Healthy! You have now completed the power point. Well done. Go to the next slide to play some Nutrition Games. Slide #34


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