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Student Involvement AUN Students were very interested in participating in the studies.

Student Involvement AUN Students were very interested in participating in the studies. They allowed Mr. Benson to check their whereabouts during the observation survey. They signed up for the Library Design Workshops where they were able to design an area of the Library

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Student Involvement AUN Students were very interested in participating in the studies.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Student Involvement • AUN Students were very interested in participating in the studies. • They allowed Mr. Benson to check their whereabouts during the observation survey. • They signed up for the Library Design Workshops where they were able to design an area of the Library • They expressed interest in choosing furniture samples.

  2. Students were generally very interested in participating in the design workshops

  3. AUN Library Lounge area—Student’s re-design attempt

  4. Observation of Students’ Space Use and Activities AUN Library Yola, Nigeria

  5. Observations conducted between 10-11am and 8-9pm for 10 days The objectives were to find out: • How students use library rooms and space • Resources and devices used and where • Activities that take place in the space • Relationship between activity and time of the day

  6. AUN Library Carrels & Seats Survey & Furniture Pictures Survey

  7. Carrels & Seats Survey Survey questionnaire: Rate the parameters of carrel 1/CARREL 2/SEAT 1/SEAT 2on a scale of 1 to 5: Comfort 1 2 3 4 5 Style 1 2 3 4 5 Color 1 2 3 4 5 Size 1 2 3 4 5 Privacy 1 2 3 4 5 or Fabric 1 2 3 4 5

  8. Carrels & Seats Survey CARREL & SEAT 1 CARREL & SEAT 2

  9. Carrels & Seats SurveyGeneral Carrel Preferences

  10. Carrels & Seats SurveyGeneral Seat Preferences

  11. Carrels & Seats SurveySeat Preferences According to Gender Female Male

  12. Carrels & Seats SurveySeat Preferences According to Gender Female Male

  13. Furniture Pictures Survey Survey Questionnaire: Q.1: Which seat would you prefer to sit on and study? Q.2: Which desk is best for group work? Q.3: Which carrel would you choose for quiet individual study?

  14. Furniture Pictures SurveyQuestion 1 (Seats)

  15. Furniture Pictures SurveyQuestion 1 (Seats)

  16. Furniture Pictures SurveyQuestion 2 (Desks)

  17. Furniture Pictures SurveyQuestion 2 (Desks)

  18. Furniture Pictures SurveyQuestion 3 (Carrels)

  19. Furniture Pictures SurveyQuestion 3 (Carrels)

  20. Thank You for your Attention and Interest!

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