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US Immigration Policy & Impacts

US Immigration Policy & Impacts. Larry D. Sanders Oklahoma State University July 2013 Tulsa Regional Chamber of Commerce Policy Forum. Diversity of US Population. Ethics. Aging US Population. Populist. Defining the problem. Less Developed Economies. Public Budgets. Climate Change.

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US Immigration Policy & Impacts

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  1. US Immigration Policy & Impacts Larry D. Sanders Oklahoma State University July 2013 Tulsa Regional Chamber of Commerce Policy Forum

  2. Diversity of US Population Ethics Aging US Population Populist Defining the problem Less Developed Economies Public Budgets Climate Change

  3. [OK: 55,000-95,000]

  4. Employment Growth (%) 2001-2011 Oklahoma grew at 1.0% over this period. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Local Area Unemployment Statistics Hispanic Population Growth 2000-2010 Note: not specified as undocumented Courtesy of D. Shideler, OSU

  5. http://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/in-the-news/immigration-and-the-rural-workforce.aspx#Hiredhttp://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/in-the-news/immigration-and-the-rural-workforce.aspx#Hired

  6. Immigration Reform proposal: 2013 • S. 744 passed w/some amendment 27 June 2013 • Current summary of S. 744: • Path to citizenship—wait in line (13 yrs?) & pay fines • Registered Provisional Immigrant temporary visa • Legal Permanent Resident (LPR) “green card” • Expedited for DREAMers* • Increased border security—”militarized zone” • Guest worker program for temporary work (i.e., ag workers “blue card”; “W card”) • E-Verify for employers • House not likely to vote on 744; considering options (*Note: Development, Relief & Education for Alien Minors)

  7. Immigration Policy Options & Consequences Strong Controls -Most costly to Fed short run -Costly to some business Market Solution -Reduced cost to Fed -More immigration in short run; flux over time -Security risk up -Costly to some business Public Policy (support/restrict) Current policy House proposals Immigration Reform (S. 744) -Enforcement, security costly to Fed -Ag & Business generally pleased, costly to some -Tax revenue increases; some social program cost -Some risk to labor markets; wages increase over time -Humanitarian impacts positive -Economic growth increases

  8. Challenging times… http://photos.denverpost.com/2013/03/06/nogales-mexico-tirabichi-landfill-dump-photos/#1 Thanks! larry.sanders@okstate.edu

  9. Note: not specified as undocumented

  10. ? <40,000?

  11. Oklahoma Immigration Law • HB 1804 (2007) touted as one of toughest in US • Violation to shelter/transport illegals • Proof for public benefits/i.d. required • Restricts resident tuition • Requires use of federal database for work eligibility • Status: • relatively minimal impact • Increasing number of legal and illegal aliens in state

  12. Labor intensive Crop production

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