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Blogging 101. Keep it Safe Keep it Friendly Keep it Real. What is a Blog?.
Blogging 101 Keep it Safe Keep it Friendly Keep it Real
What is a Blog? • A Blog or Weblog (web+log) is a journal posted on the Internet. It is basically a diary. It may contain pictures and or text and may be viewed by anyone. This “diary” is broadcast to millions of strangers on the Internet. • Blogs are often hosted free of charge by companies who place ads on blog pages.
What is a Blog? • A blog is a popular way to share your feelings and communicate with your friends. • It’s a place to write down your thoughts and feelings, your desires and hopes for the future. • It’s a place that is open for ANYONE to read and comment on. • Blogging has become a “teen” pastime. • Blogging is not necessarily a bad thing, if you do it right. • Blogging done wrong can be dangerous and even illegal.
What’s the Danger? • Online sexual predators can pose as teens and gather enough information from a blog to put together a personal profile of the author. • School name, names of friends, teachers, addresses, towns, phone numbers-all of these fit together to lead a sexual predator to your front doorstep. • While these details may seem very innocent, a predator will use them. You are putting yourself at risk.
What’s the Danger? • Because teens think they are “anonymous,” they often write things in blogs that they would never say out loud. • They do not see and understand the damage their words can do. • Cyber Bullying is the term used for hateful and derogatory comments made in blogs, IMs and text messages. • 13 year old Ryan Halligan committed suicide as a result of cyber bullying. You can’t undo the emotional damage you cause with cyber bullying. You don’t want to live with this type of guilt. • This “gossip” can be defined as Libel, which is a criminal act, punishable under the law.
Definition of Libel • a: a defamatory statement or representation esp. in the form of written or printed words; specifically: a false published statement that injures an individual's reputation (as in business) or otherwise exposes him or her to public contempt • b: the publication of such a libel
Too Much Information • Each piece of information seems harmless. • It’s when the predators put multiple pieces together that you have put yourself in danger.
What’s Wrong with this Blog? • Picture-The predator now knows what you look like. • Full name • School • State • Birthdate-This makes it easier to find information on the Internet. • With a name, school and state, a predator can find an address and Mapquest a map to your front door.
Protecting Your Blog • Do not include personal and detailed information in your blog. (where you hang out, days you have practice, etc.) • Do not complete a profile or include name, address, phone number, school, zip code, email address or screen name in your blog. This is EXACTLY what predators look for! • Do not share personal information about anyone else you know. (friends,relatives, etc.)
Protecting Your Blog • Do not include photos of yourself or others in your blog. • Do not leave your blog open and your computer unattended. • Do not spread gossip or slander about your classmates. You can never take those words back. • Don’t write something that you wouldn’t want your friends, parents, teachers, pastor, neighbors, or relatives to read. If it’s out there-they can read it.
In Conclusion… • If you like to blog: • Keep it safe • Keep it friendly • Keep it real • Report cyber bullying to your parents and/or teachers. • If you ever feel threatened by a cyber bully, report it to local law enforcement. • Learn more about Internet safety at iSafe.org.
Resources • www.isafe.org • http://www.fbi.gov/publications/pguide/pguide.htm • http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/children/kidblog.mspx • http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/children/parentsguide.mspx • http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7668788/ • http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/3774389.stm • http://www.netfamilynews.org/nl050603.html#1 • http://www.loveourchildrenusa.org/parent_cyberbullying.php