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advocate. s peak in favor of ad (to) + voc (voice). ponderous. weighty pond (weight)+ ous (full of) +. retribution. revenge re (back / again) + trib (pay). android. robot andro (man) + oid (appearance). infidel. unbeliever in (not) + fid (faith). resurgence.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. advocate • speak in favor of ad (to) + voc (voice)

  2. ponderous • weighty pond (weight)+ ous (full of) +

  3. retribution • revenge re (back / again) + trib (pay)

  4. android • robot andro (man) + oid (appearance)

  5. infidel • unbeliever in (not) + fid (faith)

  6. resurgence • rising again re (again) + surg (rise)

  7. punctilious • precise in conduct punct (point) + ous (full of)

  8. condescend • lower oneself con (together) + de (down) + scend (climb)

  9. collateral • side by side col (together) + lat (side)

  10. irrevocable • impossible to change ir (not) + re (back / again) + voc (voice)

  11. elucidate • explain el = ex (out) + luc (light)

  12. epigram • witty comment epi (upon) + gram (writing)

  13. eccentricity • oddness ex (out) + centr (center)

  14. cognizant • aware cogn (know)

  15. stringent • strict, binding string (bind)

  16. anthropoid • manlike anthropo (man) + oid (appearance)

  17. diffident • shy dif = dis (away) + fid (faith)

  18. pandemonium • tumult or chaos pan (all) + demon (evil spirit)

  19. urbane • sophisticated urb (city)

  20. tractable • easily controlled or managed tract (pull) + able

  21. supersede • replace super (over) + sed (sit)

  22. temporize • delay tempor (time) + ize(make)

  23. somnambulist • sleepwalker somn (sleep) + ambul (walk)

  24. sanguinary • bloody sangui (blood)

  25. inanimate • lifeless in (not) + anim (mind)

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