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advocate. Ad (to) + voc (voice) + ate (cause) =. v. o r n. Speak for. It is time to advocate a new policy. ponderous. Pond (weight) + ous (full of) =. Adj. weighty. Marley told Scrooge that his c hain was a ponderous burden. retribution. Re (back) + trib (pay) +

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Presentation Transcript

  1. advocate Ad (to) + voc (voice) + ate (cause) =

  2. v. or n. Speak for It is time to advocate a new policy.

  3. ponderous Pond (weight) + ous (full of) =

  4. Adj. weighty Marley told Scrooge that his chain was a ponderous burden.

  5. retribution Re (back) + trib (pay) + tion (act or state of)=

  6. n. revenge Many saw Hiroshima as retribution for Pearl Harbor.

  7. android Andro (man) + oid (appearance) =

  8. n. robot R2D2 was an android in Star Wars.

  9. infidel In (not) + fid (faith) =

  10. n. unbeliever The crusade against the infidels was unsuccessful.

  11. resurgence Re (again) + surg (rise) =

  12. n. Rising again A resurgence of patriotism occurred after 9-11.

  13. punctilious Punct (point) + ous (full of) =

  14. Adj. Precise in conduct She liked his punctilious, formal manners.

  15. condescend Con (together) + de (down) + cede (go) =

  16. v. Lower oneself She would not condescend by responding to the ridiculous argument.

  17. collateral Co (together) + lat (side) =

  18. Adj. Side by side In war, collateral damage is a euphemism for civilian deaths.

  19. irrevocable ir (not ) + re (back) + voc (voice) =

  20. Adj. Beyond recall Her cruel comment did irrevocable harm to their friendship.

  21. elucidate e (out) + luc (light) + ate (cause) =

  22. v. explain Since the student was confused, the teacher had to elucidate the algebra problem again.

  23. epigram epi (on) + gram (writing) =

  24. n. Witty comment Benjamin Franklin’s epigrams amuse us still.

  25. eccentricity ec (out) + centri (center) =

  26. n. oddness Sometimes geniuses are known for their eccentricities.

  27. cognizant cogn (know) + =

  28. Adj. aware It is wise to be cognizant of laws before visiting another country.

  29. stringent String (bind) =

  30. Adj. binding The stringent regulations seemed excessively strict.

  31. anthropoid anthropo (man) + oid (appearance) =

  32. Adj. manlike The Greek and Roman gods had anthropoid characteristics.

  33. diffident Fid (faith)

  34. Adj. shy Her diffident response was difficult to hear.

  35. pandemonium Pan (all) + demo (people) =

  36. n. Demonic clamor Pandemonium broke out when the teacher left the classroom unattended.

  37. urbane urb (city)

  38. Adj. sophisticated After spending a year overseas, his manners became more urbane.

  39. tractable Tract (pull) =

  40. Adj. docile When I ride a horse, I need one that is tractable.

  41. supersede Super (over)+ sed (sit) =

  42. v. replace Federal law supersedes state law.

  43. temporize tempor (time) + ize (make) =

  44. v. delay Begin reading your book without temporizing, please.

  45. somnambulist somn (sleep) + ambul (walk) + ist (one who) =

  46. n. sleepwalker It is not a good idea to awaken a somnambulist.

  47. sanguinary sangui (blood) =

  48. Adj. bloody Antietam was an especially sanguinary battle of the Civil War.

  49. inanimate in (not) + anim (mind) + ate (cause) =

  50. Adj. lifeless The inanimate stones tell no tales.

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