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New Faculty Orientation

New Faculty Orientation. Jay Goff Enrollment Management Overview - Aug 19, 2008. Enrollment Management Mission approved: June 2001.

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New Faculty Orientation

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  1. New Faculty Orientation Jay GoffEnrollment Management Overview - Aug 19, 2008

  2. Enrollment Management Missionapproved: June 2001 The Division of Enrollment Management coordinates student enrollment services for the University, working collaboratively with the academic units, student affairs and administrative units to identify and implement processes to meet, and strive to exceed student/customer expectations and University goals. • Research • Recruitment • Retention

  3. Pricing Institutional Research Strategic Planning Admission & Recruitment Academic Policies Housing Alumni and Development Teachin & Learning Mental Health Services Campus Life Social Support Programs Assessment of Student Learning Student Success Academic Support Programs Career Planning Institutional Policies External Engagement Marketing Institutional Effectiveness Recors and Registration Financial Aid Budgeting Academic Programs SOURCE: Bob Wilkinson

  4. Enrollment Management Division2008-09 • Registrar • Student Financial Assistance • Admissions and Visitor Center • New Student Programs (Orientation & IDs) • Student Diversity Programs • Women’s Leadership Institute • Center for Pre-College Programs • Project Lead the Way

  5. New Organizational Chart and Titleseffective September 1, 2008

  6. Admissions Registrar Financial Aid Campus Housing Student Activities Counseling Center Orientation Teacher Training Director (RPDC) Info Tech Institutional Research Women’s Programs (WLI) Minority Programs (SDP) International Affairs Cashier/Billing Pre-College Programs Reporting Services Enrollment Development TeamEDT: Key Points of Student Contact

  7. Core Enrollment Management Performance Expectations • Managerial Philosophy: Follow the “Platinum Rule” Do unto others as you would prefer them to do unto you 2. Student Service Philosophy: Find ways to say “YES” 3. Operational Philosophy: Make data based decisions & do the basics better than everyone else

  8. The Core Understandings of Missouri S&T Enrollment Management: • We exist to help and serve students the best we can • Be honest and positive at all times. Never feel pressure to make things up or answer questions you do not know the answers to. Feel free to say, “I don’t know,but I will find out and get back to you.” • You are the University – everything you say, how you look and act will be the guests vision and image of Missouri S&T. Take your role and the responsibility that goes with it very seriously.

  9. Strategic Enrollment Management Plan 2007-2011 • Increase Success of Students • Retention Rates • Graduation Rates • Increase College Going Rate & Access • Access & Affordability • Pipeline of College Ready Students • Strategic Partnerships • Outreach/Education • Scholarships • Expanding Current Markets & Capturing New Markets • Out-of-state students • Transfer Students • Female Students • Underrepresented Minority Students • International Students • Graduate Students • Nontraditional Students

  10. Strategic Plan Update

  11. The ideal Missouri S&T freshmen class would have 990 to 1030 students with the following profile: Academic Preparedness: 27 average ACT score (upper 10% in nation) 90% having completed the full Missouri college-prep curriculum 50% from the upper 20% of high school class Geography:             70% in-state             25% out-of-state                 5% international Gender:             30% female             70% male Ethnicity:             13% under-represented minority students Majors: 70% Engineering (all programs)  5% Liberal Arts (psychology, history, English, technical communication, philosophy) 8% Business, Information Technology and Economics 9% Natural Sciences and Mathematics (biology, chemistry, physics) 8% Computer Science Success Rate: 90% first to second year retention rate 80% return for third year 65-70% graduate in six years

  12. Enrollment Concerns 2000-2001 • 52% Graduation Rate • 82% Retention Rate • 23% Female Enrollment • 8% Minority Student Enrollment • 8 Year Decline New Students (-700 students) • Industry Asking for MORE Graduates

  13. Enrollment Status 2006-2007 • 64% Graduation Rate • 87% Retention Rate • 23% Female Enrollment (+341) • 10% Minority Student Enrollment (+264) • Record New Student Classes & Student Success • 6 Year Increase (+1,541 students) • Industry STILL Asking for MORE Graduates

  14. 2011 Enrollment & Student Success Goals • 950-1000 FTC Freshmen • 300-350 Transfers • Upper 10% Academic Ability • 90% Retention Rate • 65% Graduation Rate

  15. Missouri S&T ENROLLMENT33% Growth since 2000Since 2004, 60% of Growth due to Retention Increase

  16. STUDENT RETENTION Graduation Rates 20002005 General Student Body: 52% 64%

  17. National Student Success Trends ACT, 2007

  18. Record Setting Years for Student Diversity

  19. New Center of Pre-College ProgramsHelping Missouri Build a Stronger Pipeline of “STEM” Focused Students

  20. Academic Quality Ave. Freshmen ACT ScoreMissouri S&T Goal: Upper 10% in Nation

  21. RI DE DC MD Legend 50 or more students 10 – 49 students 1 - 9 students No students SO. CAROLINA University of Missouri - Rolla Geographic Origin of All Students - Fall 2007 WASHINGTON 62 MAINE NORTH DAKOTA MINNESOTA MONTANA ALASKA 4 1 OREGON VT 18 3 2 WISCONSIN NH 5 13 IDAHO 12 SOUTH DAKOTA 3 MA 15 5 NEW YORK CT MICHIGAN WYOMING 2 16 5 2 PENNSYLVANIA IOWA 12 NEVADA 26 NEBRASKA NJ OHIO 43 5 IN UTAH ILLINOIS 18 15 10 395 WV 4 COLORADO VIRGINIA 16 4 DC 2 KANSAS 20 12 MISSOURI 137 KENTUCKY CALIFORNIA 4,321 17 59 NO. CAROLINA TENNESSEE 5 59 ARIZONA OKLAHOMA ARKANSAS NEW MEXICO 12 61 5 3 MS GEORGIA ALABAMA 8 11 12 LA TEXAS 13 110 3 12 FL All Students, Totals United States 5,605 Other Countries 564 Total 6,167 HAWAII 1 Armed Forces Pacific & Africa 3 PUERTO RICO 1 Note: Geographic Origin is defined as student's legal residence at time of original admission to Missouri S&T. Source: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) frozen files, end of 4th week of classes. Revised 9-24-2007.

  22. SCHUY- LER LIVING- STON MONT- GOMERY ST CHARLES ST LOUIS ST GAS- LOUIS CITY CON- ADE JEFFER- SON Legend 50 or more students 10 – 49 students 1 - 9 students No students WASHING- STE TON GENEVIEVE ST ST FRANCOIS FRANCOIS CAPE GIRARDEAU BOLLIN- GER MISSIS- SIPPI NEW MADRID PEMI- SCOT University of Missouri - Rolla Geographic Origin of Total Enrolled Students by County - Fall 2007 SCOTLAND PUTNAM WORTH MERCER 2 1 4 CLARK 0 ATCHISON 0 5 HARRISON NODAWAY 0 GENTRY 2 10 SULLIVAN Total Enrollment from Missouri Missouri 4,321 Other Locations 1,846 Total 6,167 2 11 GRUNDY 5 KNOX LEWIS HOLT 0 6 4 1 DAVIESS ANDREW MACON DE KALB LINN ADAIR 6 4 MARION SHELBY 1 3 13 27 CALDWELL 5 6 27 CALDWELL CLINTON 2 RALLS BUCHANAN 2 11 CHARITON 8 MONROE CARROLL RANDOLPH 0 PIKE 4 13 RAY 1 PLATTE CLAY 8 57 11 AUDRAIN 90 15 HOWARD SALINE LINCOLN 8 BOONE LAFAYETTE 4 11 55 JACKSON 73 283 COOPER CALLAWAY 17 WARREN 4 1019 22 33 86 JOHNSON PETTIS 398 27 MONITEAU 16 CASS 49 7 COLE OSAGE 90 FRANKLIN 8 MORGAN 20 HENRY 130 5 BENTON 12 181 BATES MARIES MILLER 7 20 3 25 CAMDEN CRAWFORD ST. CLAIR 25 48 HICKORY PHELPS 37 4 12 1 PULASKI 18 VERNON PERRY 353 150 9 IRON CEDAR 8 DALLAS LACLEDE 7 DENT POLK 10 32 8 MADISON 40 13 8 6 BARTON REYNOLDS 58 10 DADE TEXAS 5 WRIGHT WEBSTER 3 GREENE 20 13 5 138 WAYNE JASPER SHANNON SCOTT 41 13 LAWRENCE 4 11 CARTER 12 DOUGLAS CHRISTIAN STODDARD 8 8 52 NEWTON 9 3 16 BUTLER HOWELL RIPLEY STONE OREGON OZARK 22 BARRY 10 18 4 MCDONALD TANEY 1 9 12 8 16 4 Note: Geographic Origin is defined as student's legal residence at time of original admission to Missouri S&T. Source: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) frozen files, 4th week after enrollment. 11 5 DUNKLIN

  23. Classroom Utilization

  24. Starting Salaries UndergraduateGraduate 2003 $ 47,305 $ 52,744 2004 $ 46,567 $ 52,945 2005 $ 49,181 $ 53,042 2006 $ 51,059 $ 58,120 2007 $ 53,669 $ 62,751 2008 $ 55,975 $ 63,640

  25. New Ranking by Starting Salary! Missouri S&T : #25 among all universities in the nation #1 among Midwestern universities SOURCE: Payscale Inc, Wall Street Journal, July 30, 2008.

  26. Student Demographics On-Campus Distance ALL STUDENTSUNDERGRADGRADUATE GRADUATE • Average Age: 21.0 20 27 34 • Gender: Female 23% 22% 26% 21% Male 77% 78% 74% 79% • First Generation College Students 2004-07: N/A 36% N/A N/A • Residency Missouri: 73.5% 81.2% 33.5% 39.4% Out-of-State: 15.8% 16.3% 13.2% 58.1% International: 10.7% 2.6% 53.3% 2.5% • Ethnicity: African-American: 4.1% 4.5% 1.9% 8.0% Asian-American: 2.9% 2.4% 5.1% 7.0% Caucasian: 76.1% 83.9% 35.2% 71.0% Hispanic: 1.9% 2.2% 0.8% 6.0% Native-American: 0.6% 0.6% 0.2% 0% International: 10.7% 2.6% 53.3% 2.5% Not Disclosed: 3.8% 3.8% 3.5% 5.8%

  27. Undergraduate Profile Average Age: 21.6 years old Gender: 23% Female 77% Male First Generation College Students: 2005-06: 37% Residency: Missouri Residents: 76% Out-State Students: 22% International: 2% Ethnicity: African-American: 4% Asian-American: 3% Caucasian: 83% Hispanic: 2% Native-American: 1% Non-resident, International: 2% Not Disclosed: 5% From a Community <40,000: 55% approx. Average Family Income: $72,000 Average Indebtedness at Graduation: $21,000 USD approx. High Financial Need (Pell qualifier): 24% Freshmen with Credit Cards: 24% 6 arrive with over $1000 USD standing balance Students with PCs: 94% +70% laptops 7% Macs Students with Cell Phones 97%

  28. Environmental and Market Trend Scans

  29. Factors Most Noted in Choosing a College • Majors & Career Programs Offered • Location/Campus Characteristics • Cost/Affordability • Campus Size/Safety • Characteristics of Enrolled Students • Selectivity

  30. Over 4200 Colleges & Universities:Heavy Competition for StudentsNumber of Colleges and Universities SOURCE: U.S. Education Department http://chronicle.com Section: The 2007-8 Almanac, Volume 54, Issue 1, Page 8

  31. The Golden Circle for Recruitment +70% enroll within 140 miles of home +80% enroll in home state

  32. FS07 First Time College Enrollees (1040) FS07 First Time College Admits (2154) FS07 First Time College Applicants (2305) FS07 First Time College Inquiries (9629) FS2007 First Time College Domestic Enrollment Yield

  33. FS07 First Time College Enrollees (822) FS07 First Time College Admits (1511) FS07 First Time College Applicants (1641) FS07 First Time College Inquiries (6247) FS2007 First Time College Enrollment Yield For Missouri

  34. Core Market Challenges: Changes in the college-bound student markets The Midwest will experience a 4% to 10% decline in high school graduates between 2007 – 2012(Source: WICHE, 2003: Knocking at the College Door) The profile of college-bound students is rapidly becoming more ethnically diverse and female dominant(Source: NCES, 2005; WICHE, 2003) The number of students interested in engineering, computer science, and natural science degrees has declined to record lows(Source: ACT, 2003: Maintaining a Strong Engineering Workforce Policy Report; National Academies, Rising Above the Gathering Storm, 2006) More full-time college freshmen are choosing to start at two-year colleges(Source: US Department of Education IPEDS. 2005; Source: Missouri Department of Higher Education, 2005) More students are enrolling in more than one college at a time(Source: National Student Clearinghouse, 2005; Noel Levitz, 2004; College Board, 2006) Future student market growth will include more students requiring financial aid and loans to complete a degree (Source: WICHE, 2003)

  35. WHY A NEW NAME for University of Missouri-Rolla? effective Jan. 1, 2008 WWW.MST.EDU

  36. Student Interest Trends in Engineering (<5%) SOURCE: ACT, 2006

  37. Name Recognition Among College-Bound Students Outside of Missouri All ACT Out-of-State Senders State Senders 4942 391 Central Missouri State University 2629 551 Missouri S&T 4241 651 Southeast Missouri State University 3352 654 UMSL 4164 728 Truman State 4278 981 UMKC 9221 1000 Missouri State University 3926 1187 Northwest Missouri State University 12800 2301 UMC 5382 2591 St. Louis University 7343 5331 Washington University in St. Louis

  38. A National Environmental Scan

  39. Shifting Student Populations “The demographic shifts we are beginning to experience are largely the result of welcome advances in technology and public health that have extended life expectancy, improved living standards, and reduced population growth.” SOURCE: Jane Sneddon Little and Robert K. Triest. (2001) SEISMIC SHIFTS: THE ECONOMIC IMPACT OF DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE.

  40. NATIONAL Shift Impacts on Higher Education • Nationally, in 2009-10 the number of high school graduates will begin a gradual decline. • The proportion of minority students is increasing and will account for about half of school enrollments within the next decade. • High school graduates in the future will include higher percentages from families with low incomes. Knocking at the College Door: Projections of High School Graduates by State, Income, and Race/Ethnicity, WICHE 2008.

  41. Future Students: Demographic and Population Changes Fewer first-time, traditional students in the overall pipeline until between 2015-2017—while older population is growing More students of color More students of lower socioeconomic status More students unprepared college level work WICHE, 2003 & 2008

  42. Labor Demand vs. Student Interests Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, www.bls.gov/emp/home.htm

  43. Ongoing interest declines in key fields Changes in Intended Major 1976-77 to 2006-07 DATA SOURCE: CIRP CHART SOURCE: College Board, 2007

  44. SOURCE: College Board, 2007

  45. WICHE, 2008

  46. WICHE, 2008

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