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Super-B-Factory. John T. Seeman Assistant Director of the Technical Division Head of the Accelerator Department Caltech Meeting December 3, 2004. Beam Lines. SBF. SBF injector needs no changes. The PEP-II e + e - asymmetric collider. Location of new RF cavities. PEP-II HER RF cavities.
Super-B-Factory John T. Seeman Assistant Director of the Technical Division Head of the Accelerator Department Caltech Meeting December 3, 2004
Beam Lines SBF SBF injector needs no changes
The PEP-II e+e- asymmetric collider Location of new RF cavities
Luminosity Equation • xy is the beam-beam parameter (~0.065) • Ib is the bunch current (1 to 3 mA) • n is the number of bunches (~1600) • by* is the IP lattice optics function (vertical beta) (10 mm) • E is the beam energy (3.1 and 9 GeV) • Luminosity (1033 cm-2 s-1)
Higher Currents: • More rf power, cooling, injector • More HOM heating (more bunches) • Beam instabilities • Electron clouds, fast ions Smaller by*: • Smaller physical/dynamic aperture • Shorter lifetime, more background Shorter sz: • More HOM heating • Coherent synchrotron radiation • Shorter lifetime, more background Higher tune shifts: • Head-on collisions replaced by angled crossing • Degrades maximum tune shift unless crabbing cavities used Achieving Super B Luminosities
The Roadmap Committee has studied the future of PEP-II and BaBar with a possible large upgrade at the end of the decade. A Super-PEP-II could produce 10 ab-1 per year with a peak luminosity of 7 x 1035/cm2/s. Accelerator parameter goals have been set and work towards a solid design has started. The long range time goal is to have a new upgraded accelerator running in 2011 or 2012. PEP-II/BaBar Roadmap: Super B-Factory Study
Recommended PEP-II upgrades schemes Detector requirements depend on projecting backgrounds for luminosities that are >20 times larger than at present
LER ring (no IR yet) Biagini 6 sextants, small negative momentum compaction,using present LER dipoles & quads (16 families), 3 sextupole families
One sextant Biagini
Super B-Factory Components Under Study IR SC magnets New Arc magnets New RF cavities New IR layout
New IR magnet design Quadrupole, anti-solenoid, skew quadrupole, dipole and trims located in one magnet. All coils numerically wound on a bobbin.
xy ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ Activities towards luminosity upgrade • Crab crossing may boost the beam-beam parameter up to 0.2! (Strong-weak simulation) K. Ohmi Head-on(crab) (Strong-strong simulation) crossing angle 22 mrad • Superconducting crab cavities are under development, will be installed in KEKB in 2005. K. Hosoyama, et al
Antechambers Reduce Electron- Cloud-Instability High power photon stops LER aluminum vacuum system: limit at 4.5A Photon Stop limits 4.5 A at 3.1 GeV Total LER SR power = 2 MW
Vacuum system for Super B Factory • Antechamber and solenoid coils in both rings. • Absorb intense synchrotron radiation. • Reduce effects of electron clouds. Circular-chamber Build-up of electron clouds Ante-chamber Ante-chamber with solenoid field
HOM calculations: 476 MHz cavity S.Novokhotski Rbeam = 95.25 mm Total loss = 0.538 V/pC Loss integral above cutoff = 0.397 V/pC HOM Power = 203 kW @ 15.5A 476 MHz cavity with a larger beam opening
HOM calculations: 952 MHz cavity S.Novokhotski Rbeam = 47.6 mm Total loss = 0.748 V/pC Loss integral above cutoff = 0.472 V/pC HOM Power = 121 kW @ 15.5A 952 MHz cavity with a larger beam opening
Luminosity-dependent backgrounds PEP-II Head-On IR Layout • SR in bend & quadrupole magnets • Current dependent terms due to residual vacuum • Bhabha scattering at IP
Higher Currents: • More rf power, cooling, injector • More HOM heating (more bunches) • Beam instabilities • Electron clouds, fast ions Smaller by*: • Smaller physical/dynamic aperture • Shorter lifetime, more background Shorter sz: • More HOM heating • Coherent synchrotron radiation • Shorter lifetime, more background Higher tune shifts: • Head-on collisions replaced by angled crossing • Degrades maximum tune shift unless crabbing cavities used Achieving Super B Luminosities
Power Scaling Equations • Synch rad ~ I E4/r • Resistive wall ~ I2total/r1/frf/sz3/2 • Cavity HOM ~ I2total/frf/sz1/2 • Cavity wall power = 50 kW • Klystron gives 0.5 MW to each cavity • Magnet power ~ gap~r1
Power scaling equations • Synch rad ~ I E4/r • Resistive wall ~ I2total/r1/frf/sz3/2 • Cavity HOM ~ I2total/frf/sz1/2 • Cavity wall power = 50 kW • Klystron gives 0.5 MW to each cavity • Magnet power ~ gap ~ r1
1.5x1034 2.5x1034 7x1034 Site power limits 476 MHz 952 MHz (Linac, PEP-II magnets and campus power = 40 MW)
Recommended scenario: 5 to 7 x 1035 • Replace present RF with 952 MHz frequency over period of time. • Use 8 x 3.5 GeV with up to 15.5 A x 6.8 A. • New LER and HER vacuum chambers with antechambers for higher power (x 4). • Keep present LER arc magnets but add magnets to soften losses; replace HER magnets as well. • New bunch-by-bunch feedback for 6900 bunches (every bucket) at 1 nsec spacing. (Presently designing feedback system being 0.6-0.8 nsec spacing.) • Push by* to 1.5 mm: need new IR (SC quadrupoles) with 15 mrad crossing angle and crab cavities
Important Factors in Upgrade Direction • Project is “tunable” • Can react to physics developments • Can react to changing geopolitical situation • Project anti-commutes with linear collider • Will emerge from BABAR and Belle, but could be attractive to wider community in context of other opportunities • As we learn more about machine and detector requirements and design, can fine tune goals and plans within this framework • Project has headroom • Major upgrades to detector and machine, but none contingent upon completing fundamental R&D • Headroom for detector up to 5 x 1035; with thin pixels beyond • Headroom for machine up to 8.5 x 1035; requires additional rf, which can be staged into machine over time
Luminosity Equation • When vertical beam-beam parameter is limited. • xy ~ 0.06 in PEP-II and KEKB. • To raise luminosity: lower by*, raise I & xy.
Early SBF with 3 x 1035 • E+ = 8 GeV • E- = 3.5 GeV • RF frequency = partial 476 and partial 952. • I+ = 5.3 A • I- = 12.0 A • by* = 3 mm • bx* = 25 cm • Emittance = 42 nm • Bunch length = 3.3 mm • Crossing angle = ~15. mrad • Beam-beam parameters = 0.11 • N = 3450 bunches • L = 3 x 1035 cm-2s-1 • Site power with linac and campus = ~90 MW.
Final SBF with 8.4 x 1035 • E+ = 8 GeV • E- = 3.5 GeV • RF frequency = 952 MHz • I+ = 10.1 A • I- = 22.8 A • by* = 2 mm • bx* = 15 cm • Emittance = 39 nm • Bunch length = 2.2 mm • Crossing angle = ~15. mrad • Beam-beam parameters = 0.11 • N = 6900 bunches • L = 8.4 x 1035 cm-2s-1 • Site power with linac and campus = ~120 MW.
Possible Timeline for Super B Program Construction of upgrades to L = 5-7x1035 Super B Operation Super-B Program R&D, Design, Proposals and Approvals 2001 2003 2005 2006 2008 2010 2011 2012 Construction Installation LOI CDR Commission P5 Planned PEP-II Program (June 30, 2003) (End 2006) (PEP-II ultimate)
Simulation: head-on vs finite-crossing • Beam-beam limit is ~0.05 for finite-crossing collision from the both simulations. (Not much difference between 11 & 15 mrad) • Head-on collision much improves beam-beam parameter. • Discrepancy between Weak-Strong and Strong-Strong simulation is a factor of 2 for head-on collisions. Weak-Strong Strong-Strong 11 mrad = half crossing angle [bunch current] [bunch current]
Coherent synchrotron radiation Energy change as a function of z/sz KEKB LER/ 2.6A (5120) chamber height dependence bunch length dependence • Numerical simulations with mesh (T.Agoh and K.Yokoya) • Analytic formula is not reliable due to strong shielding. • Loss factor estimation : • No synchrotron oscillation and no interference between bends. • 1 V/pC for 6 mm bunch length (LER) • 10 V/pC for 3 mm bunch length (LER) ⇔ 30~40 V/pC in the ring
S-KEKB Choice of b*x, ex • b*x=30, 20, 15 cm • ex=24, 18, 12 nm Strong-Strong Beam-Beam Simulations by K. Ohmi Our choice Achievable beam-beam parameters depends on b*x and ex.
Super KEKB machine parameters Beam-beam parameter is obtained from simulations: strong-strong (weak-strong)