1. Welcome to Miss Richardsons Music Class!
2. What are the Rules? Here at Surprise Elementary we are a Character Counts school and we follow the 6 pillars of character both at this school and in this classroom, including the use of your Character Cards.
3. Trustworthiness This means that you will do what you say you are going to do; please dont say you will do something if you wont be able to.
If you make a mistake, it is OKAY! We ALL make them; just apologize, learn from it, and move on.
4. Respect Do to others what you would want them to do to you.
Use good manners and not bad language.
Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements.
Please do not threaten, hit, or hurt others.
5. Responsibility Be in control of your words and actions.
Use good manners.
THINK before you do or say something.
Keep on trying.
Always do your BEST and try new things.
6. Fairness Play by the rules; take turns, and share.
Have an open-mind about ALL things.
Think before you blame someone.
Please dont do something to hurt someone or take advantage of them on purpose.
7. Caring Be kind to one another and yourself.
Show others you care about them through your words and actions.
Remember to say Please and Thank You.
Help others when they need it.
Be FORGIVING when others make mistakes or do something that hurts you.
8. Citizenship Clean-up after yourself and others when you see they need help or forgot something.
Respect authority- we ALL have someone who knows more and is in a higher position than we are.
Follow rules and laws both in, and outside of, school.
9. Some Classroom Rules Please be responsible and raise your hand to talk or get out of your seat.
Please show respect and listen when others are talking, both the teacher and students who have permission to speak.
10. Some Classroom Rules It can get very NOISY in the music room; please show caring by using your voice and instruments correctly for the type of activity we are working on.
Voice and Instrument Volumes
Partner- just loud enough for the person next to you to hear (soft).
Indoor- a little louder than a partner voice, but soft enough to hear the teacher (medium).
Outdoor- the loudest voice we will use in the music room that isnt yelling, and ONLY when Miss Richardson asks us to (loud).
11. Some Classroom Rules Treat each other kindly and with respect; we are all in this together for the whole year.
Fighting, rough-play, bullying, intimidation, stealing, and bad language will NOT be accepted acceptable.
12. Some Classroom Rules BE POSITIVE!! ?
You may be asked to do something you dont want to do, but please be respectful and do it anyways. I will never ask you to do something that is against the rules or your beliefs.
Remember, just because you dont like it doesnt mean others dont.
You can learn from any and everything if you try hard enough.
13. Some Classroom Rules Be trustworthy and please put BOTH your first and last NAME on your paper, as well as your teachers name.
If your first and last name, and teachers name, are not on your paper it will not be graded and will count as a ZERO in the grade book.
14. Some Classroom Rules Be responsible and please use the bathroom only in the case of an EMERGENCY.
You are only here for 40 minutes at a time and should practice making sure to go to the bathroom BEFORE or AFTER CLASS.
15. Some Classroom Rules. Please be respectful of the schools rules about cell phones and MP3 players; they are not to be out or on while you are at school. If I see or hear them I will have to take them from you. I know that they play music, and this is a MUSIC classroom, but that does not change school rules.
16. What will you learn this year? Where music comes from:
History of music
Music of different cultures
Instruments from around the world
How music relates to you:
How music relates to what you study in school
Careers in music
Music in the real world
Styles of music and what makes them different
What makes up music:
Reading the vocabulary and symbols of music
How to SING and use your voice properly
Types of Instruments
17. How will I be graded?
18. Who is Miss Richardson as a person? My priorities in life are:
1.My Faith
2.My Family and Friends
3.My jobthat means YOU. ?
My Hobbies:
1.Music (Obviously, right?)
3.Cooking new things
4.Being creative with scrapbooking materials.
5.Cultural Events (Theater, concerts, art museum)
6.Traveling (I love the ocean)
19. Will Miss Richardson treat me fairly? YES!!! I CARE about you as a person and as a student.
I will always to my best to treat you with respect, and would like the same from you in return.
It is important though that you know that being treated fairly does not mean being treated the same, everyone is different and has different strengths and weaknessesit is what makes us human.