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Agriculture in Himachal Pradesh: Overview and Development Strategies

Explore the agricultural landscape, land utilization, production data, and growth in Himachal Pradesh. Discover strategies for crop productivity, soil health, natural resource management, and more for sustainable agriculture.

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Agriculture in Himachal Pradesh: Overview and Development Strategies

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  1. Presentation by Secretary (Agri.),Govt. of H.P.

  2. 1. Land Use Pattern: Total Geographical Area  55.67 lac ha. Total Cropped Area  9.56 lac ha. Net Area Sown  5.49 lac ha. (10%) Culturable Waste Lands  1.22 lac ha. Operational Holdings  9.14 lacs Number of Farmers  8.63 lacs Average Holding Size  1.1 ha. Net Irrigated Area  18.76% (1,04,027 ha.) Small & Marginal Farmers  85% Annual Avg. Rainfall  1150 mm GENERAL AGRICULTURE PROFILE

  3. 2. Land Utilization Net Area Sown-41.9 t.ha. Tt. Cr. Area- 66.2 t.ha. Av. Holding- 0.83 ha. Net Area Sown-3.3 t.ha. Tt. Crop. Area- 3.5 t.ha. Av. Holding- 1.56 ha. Net Area Sown-34.9 t.ha. Tt. Crop. Area- 68.7 t.ha. Av. Holding- 1.02 ha. Lahaul & Spiti Net Area Sown-36.2 t.ha. Tt. Cr. Area- 64.9 t.ha. Av. Holding- 0.68 ha. Net Area Sown-115.8 t.ha. Tt. Cr. Area- 217.3 t.ha. Av. Holding- 0.90 ha. Net Area Sown-86.7 t.ha. Tt. Cr. Area- 156.4 t.ha. Av. Holding- 0.88 ha. Hamirpur Una Net Area Sown-37.0 t.ha. Tt. Cr. Area- 71.5 t.ha. Av. Holding- 1.29 ha. Bilaspur Net Area Sown-29.8 t.ha. Tt. Cr. Area- 54.7 t.ha. Av. Holding- 0.93 ha. Net Area Sown-7.6 t.ha. Tt. Cr. Area- 9.0 t.ha. Av. Holding- 1.38 ha. Net Area Sown-38.3 t.ha. Tt. Cr. Area- 63.0 t.ha. Av. Holding- 1.78 ha. Net Area Sown-67.9 t.ha. Tt. Cr. Area- 94.3 t.ha. Av. Holding- 1.20 ha. Net Area Sown-40.5 t.ha. Tt. Cr. Area- 74.6 t.ha. Av. Holding- 2.14 ha.

  4. 3. State Economy and Importance of Agriculture:

  5. 4. GSDP Growth Rate in X & XIth Plan at Constant Prices (1999-2000): (P) Provisional, (Q) Quick Estimates, (Ad) Advance Estimates Source:Department of Economics and Statistics, Himachal Pradesh

  6. 5. Shift in Area in last Ten Years: Source:Annual Season and Crop Report issued by Directorate of Land Record, H.P. State

  7. 6. Change in Land Ownership (Operational Holdings): 7. Agricultural Production and Cropped Area:

  8. 8. Distribution of Land Holdings:

  9. 9. Agro-Climatic Zones:

  10. 10. Agro-Climatic Zones (Potentials):

  11. 11. Soils of Himachal Pradesh: Soil Texture:

  12. Land Capability:

  13. Slope:

  14. Soil Erosion:

  15. Status of Soil Degradation of Himachal Pradesh:

  16. II. OUTPUTS AND OUTCOMES (Last 3 Years) (I) Crop Production: (Area in 000’ ha., Prod. In 000’MT & Productivity in Qtls./ ha.)

  17. Target/ Goals for Crop Production (Area in 000’ ha., Prod. In 000’MT & Productivity in Qtls./ ha.) (A- Area, P- Production, Prod.-Productivity)

  18. III. STRATEGIES FOR AGRI. SECTOR DEVELOPMENT Agriculture: I. Improvement in Crop Productivity (Major Crops) II. Soil Health Management III. Conservation and Management of Natural Resources IV.Seed Development/ Seed Chain V. Precision Farming VI. Crop Protection VII. Crop Diversification/ Niche Farming VIII.Extension and Transfer of Technology IX.Insurance and Credit X.Mechanisation

  19. Strategy-I Improvement in Crop Productivity (Major Crops): MAI ZE Gaps: Area under HYV hybrids less Non adoption of weed control Less use of Fertilizer Strategies: Increase in area under hybrid; Maize from 89,500 ha. (30%) to 1,47,500 ha. (50%) Balance nutrient use on soil test basis Effective weed control

  20. Gaps: Low Plant Population Less use of Fertilizer Cold Irrigation Water Losses due to Blast45% area upland RICE Strategies: Seed Treatment, IPM Adoption of SRI for proper Plant Population Balanced Fertilizer use Adoption of Rice Hybrids Increase in SRR from 14% to 35%

  21. Gaps: 82% area rainfed Problem of Rust and Loose Smut Less use of Fertilizer WHEAT Strategies: Life saving irrigation through micro irrigation system Seed treatment Increase in SRR 13% to 35% Balanced Fertilizer use Adoption of moisture conservation and drought resistant varieties (Supported under Macro Management, ISOPOM, State Plan)

  22. Strategy-II Soil Health Management: Govt. resolve to provide Soil Health Card to each farmer and to make it online

  23. Balance use of Nutrients (NPK Ratio):

  24. Promotion of Organic Farming: State Policy on Organic Farming to be prepared. (Supported under NPOF, Macro Management, State Plan)

  25. Strengthening of Soil/ Fertilizer Testing Services: (Phy. in No’s & Fin. in lacs) (Supported under NPSHM, State Plan)

  26. Strategy-III Conservation and Management of Natural Resources: 82% are is rainfed. Annual rainfall 1150 mm. 70% rainfall received in July-September. Problem of Soil erosion/Degradation (6400 ha. area to be treated).

  27. Watershed Development Programme (NWDPRA): (18,147 ha. area to be treated)

  28. Impact of Watershed Programme(Xth Plan):

  29. Creation of Water potential through Water Harvesting: (425 ha. mts. Water Potential to be Created) (Supported under Macro Management, RKVY, State Plan, RIDF, NREGS)

  30. Strategy-IV Seed Development/ Seed Chain: Production and Distribution of Certified Seed: (in Qtls.)

  31. Seed Replacement Rate (SRR %):

  32. Seed Village Programme:

  33. Area and Production of Foundation Seed in Government Farms: Development of seed infrastructure: Additional seed storage capacity of 50,000 qtls. to be created (Supported under Seed Village Scheme, State Plan)

  34. Strategy-V Precision Farming: State Government sanctioned Pt. Deen Dayal Kisan Bagwan Samridhi Yojna for Rs.353 Crores. Project components- Poly-houses & Micro-irrigation. Duration 4 Years 2008-2009 to 2011-2012. 14.70 lac sq. mt. area in protected cultivation and 20,000 ha.area in Micro Irrigation shall be covered.

  35. Polyhouses: (Phy. in ha. & Fin. in lacs)

  36. Micro-Irrigation: (Phy. in ha. & Fin. in lacs) (Supported under State Plan, NABARD)

  37. Strategy-VI Crop Protection and IPM: Reduction in Consumption of Chemical Pesticides 131.39 129.44 127.00 120.00 115.00 110.00 Consumption of Pesticides (in MT)

  38. Promotion of Integrated Pest Management (Production and Distribution of Bio-agents):

  39. I.P.M. Demonstrations and Farmers Field School:

  40. Seed Treatment: (Supported under Macro Management, ISOPOM, Extension Reforms, State Plan)

  41. Strategy-VII Crop Diversification/ Niche Farming: JICA study for diversified agriculture completed. Action plan (10 yrs.), Master Plan (15 yrs.) prepared. Potential of 25,000 ha. Identified for diversification. State divided into 4 categories based upon potential.

  42. Strategy-VIII Extension and Transfer of Technology: (in No’s)

  43. Mass Media Support: (Supported under Extension Reforms, State Plan, Mass Media)

  44. Implementation of AGRISNET Portal: Training of around 500 employees of 4 departments involved in AGRISNET project has been completed. Hardware and system software has been supplied and installed in all 4 departments in Phase-I. For covering block level offices in the second phase, GOI, Ministry of Agriculture has approved additional funds of Rs. 5.70 Crores recently. Hardware and System Software is being provided in Phase-II. The Supply order of Rs. 2.95 crores has been placed with HPSEDC. Internet connectivity for covering Block Level Offices is being provided through HIMSWAN and Internet.

  45. M/s. Samtech has been selected as Service Provider for AGRISNET project. Agreement has been signed on 31.10.08. M/s. Samtech has submitted Software Design Document (SDD) which has been approved in the meeting by the Agriculture Department. The development of AGRISNET portal is completed and is being implemented at DIT Data Centre. The portal will be up by the end of June 2009. Data entry work will be done once the portal is ready.

  46. Queries submitted by site visitors/registered users will get forwarded to subject specialist in related department. After the review and appropriate escalation he will prepare the reply/solution which will be mailed back to the visitor or published to the information archival for future visitor’s reference.

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