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This initiative aims to address nutrient input and eutrophication in the Baltic Sea by influencing the new EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) post-2007. The focus is on reducing agricultural nutrient loading through improved farming practices and stricter regulations. Parliamentarians, environmental sectors, and agricultural stakeholders are urged to engage in unbiased discussions to shape the future of agriculture in the region. The proposal includes suggestions for incorporating environmental standards into CAP subsidies and promoting Best Agriculture Practices (BAP) to safeguard the Baltic Sea ecosystem.
Coordinated influence for a new EU CAP (Common Agri Policy) after 2007 – to secure reduction of nutrient input to Baltic SeaEutrophication problems of the Baltic Sea – effects, causes, solutions Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference Mariehamn, Aland Islands 14-15 August 2006 Gunnar Norén CCB Executive secretary
AGRICULTURE and EUTROPHICATION Baltic agriculture – contribute with approx 50 % of the nutrient load (Phosphorus and Nitrogen)
Agricultural production – a Systematic Error ? *Intensive agriculture practices *Specialisation of agricultural production (crop production farms) (animal production farms) -create inbalance in nutrient use -create surplus of nutrients on agricultural land - such farms, incl. its vicinity areas, are not Nutrient-balanced
Future agriculture production in the Baltic Sea Region -Unclear if *Intensive agriculture practices *Specialisation of agricultural production can continue – if we plan to solve the Baltic Eutrophication problem NEEDED: An unbiassed discussion about the FUTURE AGRI-PRODUCTION IN THE BALTIC SEA REGION WITHOUT EUTROPHICATION Parlamentarians, Environment sector etc must be brave enough to start such discussion with the AGRI-sector
Baltic Sea Region should influence the new CAP after 2007 • -Create EU Agri-subsidies system that contribute in solving the Baltic Eutrophication problem • How can such Agri-production be performed: • - Combine Agri-subsidies, with strict requirements for Best Agriculture Practice (BAP) in Agriculture production • - Give Extra Agri-subsidies, to farms that apply high environmental standards to avoid nutrient run-off • manure storage for 9 months • no spreading of fertilisers in autumn (on ”no- green fields”) and winter-time
wider buffer zones, no spreading of fertilisers along watercourses and ditches • requirement on Balanced Fertilisation at farm level or at ”local area” level • full and proper implementation of the EU - IPPC directive on Industrial farms • Baltic Sea Region countries should agree on a Common Proposal for coming EU Agri-subsidies in the Baltic Sea Region, and present such proposals to EC • Baltic EU Member States introduce Environmental requirements for at least 20 % of CAP-subsidies • Measures for Best Agri Practice (BAP) – mandatory for all farms
A unique chance to influence now - • Baltic Ministers of Agriculture and Environment will meet in April 2007 • Initiatives from Baltic Ministers of Environment • Decided at CBSS Baltic Min of Env meeting, Luleå, Sweden, August 2004 to • - invite Baltic Ministers of Agriculture to discuss agriculture and connected environmental problems, with Baltic Ministers of Environment • Sweden has invited for such meeting 19-20 April 2007, in Visby, Sweden • And start a proper preparation with all Baltic ministries of agriculture and environment - now.
Preparation of the Baltic Joint Agri+Env Ministers Meeting starts now • - Within CBSS , starts preparation in all Baltic Ministries of Agriculture, Environment and Foreign Affairs • Baltic region parlamentarians have a good chance to give contributions and influence • A proper preparation (discussion between Agri and Environment sector) must start now, to give good results • Such meeting should give an important input to: • -development of actions for HELCOM new Baltic Sea Action Plan. • - development of joint Baltic proposals for CAP-subsidies in the Baltic Region, to reduce nutrient pollution load