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IAHS Decade on Predictions in Ungaged Basins, PUB (2003-2012)

IAHS Decade on Predictions in Ungaged Basins, PUB (2003-2012). 水文予測の不確かさを評価しながら観測が不十分な地域の水文予測を実現する。そのために現状のモデルを改良する。また、新たな水文予測モデルにより予測の不確かさを減少させる。 河川流量(降水量、蒸発量)、確率水文量. Thematic WGs & National WGs. Chair Jeff.J. McDONNELL (2005-2007)

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IAHS Decade on Predictions in Ungaged Basins, PUB (2003-2012)

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  1. IAHS Decade on Predictions in Ungaged Basins, PUB (2003-2012) 水文予測の不確かさを評価しながら観測が不十分な地域の水文予測を実現する。そのために現状のモデルを改良する。また、新たな水文予測モデルにより予測の不確かさを減少させる。 河川流量(降水量、蒸発量)、確率水文量

  2. Thematic WGs & National WGs Chair Jeff.J. McDONNELL (2005-2007) Theme 1.Basin inter-comparison and classificationRoss Woods, NZ; Marc Stieglitz, USA; Günter Blöschl, Austria Theme 2.Conceptualization of process heterogeneityStefan Uhlenbrook, The Netherlands; Chris Soulsby, UK; Simon Lorentz, South Africa Theme 3.Uncertainty analyses and model diagnosticsThorsten Wagener, USA; Jim Freer, UK; Erwin Zehe, Germany Theme 4.Develop and use of new data collection approachesHuub Savenije, The Netherlands; Witold Krajewski, USA; John Gibson, Canada; Theme 5.New hydrological theoryPeter Troch, The Netherlands; Jim Kirchner, USA; Louise Heathwaite, UK Theme 6.New  model approachesDavid Post, Australia; Barry Croke, Australia; John Pomeroy, Canada; Theme 7.National Working Groups and PUB Tech TransferIan Littlewood, UK; Yasuto TACHIKAWA, Japan; Chris Spence, Canada Secretariat IWMI at Sri Lanka http://pub.iwmi.org • Chinese PUB • Japan PUB • Korean PUB • Nepalese PUB • Thai PUB

  3. Climate, Topography, Land use, Water Use, Scale, Available Data are quite different. Knowledge, Information, Methods, Models in Gauged Basins Trans-Regional Hydrological Models • Hydrologic Predictions in Ungauged Basins

  4. Expanding Network of PUB • UNESCO IHPFRIEND/HELP/PUB collaboration agreement, May 2004 • WMO IHWRP CHy,Oct 2004: IAHS/PUB presented • IAHS Decade on Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB), 2003-2012: Shaping an Exciting Future for the Hydrological Sciences,HSJ Vol. 48 (6), 857-880, 2003 • EOS 85(44) 451, 457, 2 Nov. 2004 T. Wagner et al., Predictions in ungaged basins as a catalyst for multidisciplinary hydrology • 4th World Water Forumin Mexico City, March 2006 • From Space to Earth: Building an alliance to provide essential dataco-convened by IAHS, IWA, WMO, UNESCO, ESA, NASA ... • PUB WGs activities (JPN, AU, UK, Italy, USA, Canada, Korea(28 Oct, 2005),China(Nanjing, 30 Oct-1 Nov, 2005, Beijing, 28-30 Sep, 2006),Thai, Sri Lanka, Nepal(Pokhara, 17-19 Apr, 2006) etc.) • AGU, EGU, AOGS (Singapore, 10-16 July, 2006), CUAHSI, APHW (Bangkok, 16-18 Oct, 2006), GEWEX/WRAP, CEOP, MAHASRI andGEOSS

  5. Theme 1. Basin inter-comparison and classificationRelating hydrologic diversity to landscape elements to establish a realistic PUB model Theme 2. Conceptualization of process heterogeneityRelating hydrologic diversity to landscape elements to establish a realistic PUB model Theme 3. Uncertainty analyses and model diagnosticsEstablishment of an assessing method for hydrologic model performance through a development of uncertainty evaluation indices Theme 4. Develop and use of new data collection approachesDam reservoir operation monitoring with remote sensing for large scale hydrologic modeling Theme 5. New hydrological theory Estimating frequencies of hydrologic extreme events in ungauged basins by using scaling, regionalization, and historical record analysis Theme 6. New  model approachesGlobal-scale hydrological modeling considering interaction between natural variation and anthropogenic activities, and Downscaling of global hydrologic information for local scale watershed managements in ungauged basins Theme 7. National Working Groups and PUB Tech TransferJapan PUB

  6. Gauged Basin Establishment of an assessing method for hydrologic model performance through a development of uncertainty evaluation indices Estimating frequencies of hydrologic extreme events in ungauged basins by using scaling, regionalization, and historical record analysis Human Activity Local Scale Global Scale Relating hydrologic diversity to landscape elements to establish a realistic PUB model Global-scale hydrological modeling considering interaction between natural variation and anthropogenic activities, andDownscaling of global hydrologic information for local scale watershed managements in ungauged basins Dam reservoir operation monitoring with remote sensing for large scale hydrologic modeling Ungauged Basin

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