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The Shepherd Talk www.goodshepnews.com June 6th, 2010. Summer Fellowship Volunteers. Good Shepherd Worship. This week’s schedule…. Our Worship Schedule Thursday’s: 6:30 p.m. Sunday’s: 8:00 & 10:45 a.m. Education Hour at 9:20 a.m. Holy Communion is served on the first and
The Shepherd Talk www.goodshepnews.comJune 6th, 2010 Summer Fellowship Volunteers Good Shepherd Worship This week’s schedule… Our Worship Schedule Thursday’s: 6:30 p.m. Sunday’s: 8:00 & 10:45 a.m. Education Hour at 9:20 a.m. Holy Communion is served on the first and Third Sunday of each month Today (6/6): 9:00 a.m. Fellowship 9:20 a.m. Summer Family Ed 2:30 p.m. SCLHS Graduation Monday 7:00 p.m. Executive Board Tuesday 6:00 a.m. BC “Life Of David” 10:00 a.m. Visitation Committee 6:00 p.m. SC Delegate Conf 6:30 p.m. Book Club/Pufahl Recital Wednesday 1:00 p.m. BC “Matthew” Thursday 9:30 a.m BC “Luke” 6:30 p.m. DIVINE WORSHIP 7:30 p.m. BC “Sermon Study” Friday 6:00 p.m. Youth Babysitting 8 & 9 p.m. Men’s Softball Sunday (6/13): 8:00 a.m. DIVINE WORSHIP 9:00 a.m. Senior Recog Fellwshp 9:20 a.m. Summer Family Ed 10:45 a.m. DIVINE WORSHIP Celebrations Good Shepherd Mission Statement As a family of believers in the Triune God, The men, women and children of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School Glorify God through Christ-centered worship, Grow spiritually through study of the Word, and Go in love to everyone with the Gospel. If you are celebrating a “special” remembrance soon, please let us know! Please email your special anniversary or birthday to goodshepnews@gmail.com Top in the News! We just completed another year at Good Shepherd Lutheran School. We say goodbye to our retiring principal Mr. George Traucht at the same time welcoming our new principal, Mr. David Retzlaff who comes to us from Redeemer in Madison, WI. Mr. Retzlaff is married to Bobbi and they have one son, Jacob. He and his family should be arriving in early July. Heartfelt Gratitude From The Trauchts: In Jesus’, we bid you ultimate thanks for the Christian prayers, congratulations and encouragement for Nan’s and my future. We would like to repeat ourselves from our message at the amazing farewell May 23. “Thank you, Good Shepherd, for the divine call so we could do what we love best, teach, the past eleven years. Jesus is the reason and worth all we CAN DO with His Word. To all you – WE LOVE YOU! Dare to Run with your eyes fixed on Jesus! New address: N110W16867 Ashbury Circle, Apt. 1, Germantown, WI. 53022 gtraucht@aol.com Summer Worship Series:“Answering My Questions About God!” So what DO you believe about God? Throughout the summer months we will tackle tough questions about God. Using the Apostles’ Creed and Luther’s explanation along with pertinent Scripture, we will look at a new series for you and your family as well as good opportunities to which to invite your friends who want their questions about God answered! Questions for June: June 6 – God the Father…Creator or Evolver? June 13 – God the Father…My stuff or His? June 20 – God the Father…Where is God when I need him most? June 27 – Jesus…Wasn’t he just a great prophet? Weekly Report Attendance: 266 Th – 20, 8:00 – 118, 10:45 - 128Visitors Signing Friendship Pad: 21 Bible Class: 54 Offerings Weekly Need: $11,430.00 Gifts 5/30: Gen Fund $6,331.92 GICT $980.50 Moved By God’s Spirit To Serve Organist: Laura Pufahl/Karen Scislow Ushers (8:00): Gene Moon, Dave Roerig, Jeff Sternberg, Jeff Wehrenberg, Keith Zierden Ushers (10:45): Bill Antony, Dennis Carlson, Gene & Nick Kiecker, Randy Schroeder Altar Guild: Jane Johnson, Jane Tiarks PowerPoint Presenters: Arnie Bousley/ Dennis Carlson (6-13): Evan Prokop/ Matthew Lehne Nursery: Cathy Backer/D&K Sternberg (6-13): D&E Prokop/Angie Koch LES Events LES Graduation/Closing Service will be held Thursday, June 3, at 7:00 p.m. God’s Blessings graduates and Miss Pappathopoulos! There are still openings in our Pre-K! Sign up Now! VBS Keep them in your Prayers This year’s theme will be “Circle J Ranch”. The fun starts June 21 – 24 From 9:00 -11:30 a.m. To register Please fill out the form at the Welcome Center or call the church office at 952-432-5527. We pray for strength and healing for Elliott Bosak in his courageous battle with liver cancer. Elliott is officially listed for a liver transplant. Please continue to give Elliott and his family patience and encouragement to strengthen their faith in this journey. We pray for the Wagner family as Kurt serves in Afghanistan. We pray for his safety and for the safety of his troop while they're away. Protect them as they protect us. We also pray for their families, especially Autumn, Connor and Patrick. Keep them in your loving hands. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and SchoolServed byPastor David Tiarks612-889-1789 Pastor Michael Geiger612-381-4334David Retzlaff, Principaldretzy@sbcglobal.net Please look at your summer schedule and set a date when you can serve. Fellowship sign up and guidelines are posted near the mailbins or give Clarice Sprengeler (651- 332-2575) or Jean Pederson (952-707-6840) a call to have your questions answered. If you haven’t participated before, Clarice and Jean will gladly help you. We wish to thank the Pufahl family for providing treats today!
Stay Connected Follow Good Shepherd! *Facebook*Twitter*Linked In *Google Groups Give us your news: goodshepnews@gmail.com Adult Discipleship Ministry Happenings Summer Family Ed:Summer vacation is here, but nurturing your whole family with the Word does not have to take a break. This year we are continuing our Sunday School for all ages (3-adult) into the Summer(June 6 – August 29). Every Sunday at 9:20 am, young and old can look forward to sitting at the feet of our called pastors and LES teachers studying and applying God’s Word. We are sure that all will enjoy the unique large / breakout group format and that it will offer a great change of pace from our normal Sunday morning Bible Studies. Don’t worry if you can’t make all of the sessions. Each Sunday is a stand alone lesson. Just come when you are in town. Special note: We are urgently looking for teachers for Pre-K – Grade 8 for the summer! If you would be willing to help, please speak to Pastor Tiarks ASAP! Summer VBS: Join us at Good Shepherd (the Circle J Ranch) for our Summer Vacation Bible School! There will be Bible Stories, Cowhand Crafts, Chuck Wagon Grub, Galloping Good Games & Foot Stompin’ Music. Remember to invite neighborhood children and friends to come along with your kids. See ya’ll there!!! VBS Help Needed: ·Please save 12 oz. frozen concentrate juice can lids. A box for collection will be in the office. ·Teachers for every grade level, 3 yrs. old-grade 4 ·Person to coordinate games for each level – we can help with ideas! Contact Cheryl Streckert or Clara Carlson to volunteer. Wednesday Bible Class: Ladies, looking for a playdate and adult fellowship this summer? Join the Wed Afternoon Bible Class at 1:00 p.m. in the Nursery for Bible Study. Kids are welcome. RSVP by June 8th to reserve your spot. Contact Ruth @ruthnorwex.com or 612-237-1064. Senior Recognition: Sunday, June 13th, is the day set aside to recognize our graduating Seniors from respective schools in our area. Join us for light refreshments and fellowship between our services in the gym/fellowship area in honor of our graduates. The graduates are: David Backer, Jessica Buller, Brittany Eng, Paris Hagen-Baca, Kaitlin Kiecker, Loren Kosloske, Nicole Olson, Joe Otremba, Evan Prokop, Ashley Roerig, Lisa Streckert, Ethan Winter, and Mikaela Zierden. The Lord's richest blessings on you and your future endeavors! Bingo: GS will be hosting a Bingo Party at the Lutheran Home in Belle Plaine on Monday, June 21. ???’s Contact Renae Dierauer (952-431-1157). Summer Office Hours: From the beginning of June until the end summer the office will be open on a limited basis. Staff availability will be impacted with vacations. It would probably be a good rule of thumb to call before coming to make sure someone is here to help you. Voice mail messages will be checked daily and someone will be returning your call as soon as possible throughout this time. Church Properties Summer Family Bible Study 9:20 a.m. Adults & Teens: “God’s Word-The Foundation For Our Familly” Youth: “Even The Wind And Waves Obey Him”! Thanks to all the members who came for our Spring Mega Clean Up! Extra jobs are always available….just volunteer! Member Conservation Worship The new picture directories will be available the weekend of June 6th. We hope you enjoy them. We are continuing our Summer Sermon Series based on the Creeds. Next Sunday’s message will be “God The Father…My Stuff Or His?” Stewardship Outreach The Stewardship Team would love your feedback regarding last months Lavished With Love series. There were sermon themes on this topic and workshops offered to provide some training and education. Were you able to attend a session? What was helpful? If you have not turned in your commitment form, it is not too late. Please do so this month with your commitment of time and treasures of how you plan to manage what God blessed and given to you. Forms and feedback can be submitted to the basket outside the worship area. We are looking for drivers to assist in the delivery of Thank You gifts to our visitors. If you are interested in this opportunity to serve, please contact Corey Krieger Corey.Krieger@gmail.com Child Discipleship We are working with the other board chairmen on planning the budget for the coming year. We will plan on meeting with the parents when this process is completed in mid June. We thank you for your continuing support of Good Shepherd. PTO At May 25 meeting PTO approved the purchase of our first Promethean Board! Minutes can be read in their entirety at www.goodshep.com Pioneer News Lutheran Girl Pioneers are in need of a Sunbeam Leader!The next planning meeting will be held on Monday, June 14th. Youth News SCLHS GS youth group will be hosting a babysitting Night on Friday, June 11, from 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. Sign up on Youth Bulletin Board. Graduation June 6 at 2:30 p.m. Festival of Seasons Boutique – Nov.20 Sunday School News Invitations From Others Sunday School Teachers Needed for the 2010-11 term. Please speak to Angie Koch (1-507-319-4551) if you are interested! LH Charity Golf Classic June 18 LWMS National Convention June 24-27 Women’s Leadership Conference July 16-18 LGP National Camp August 1-7 Camp Croix Registrations forms available Christian Life Ministries 24 hour hotline 651-644-3937 For more info on any of these check in the Office or your mailbins! Aluminum Can Recyling Don’t forget to bring your aluminum cans to the “Trash-ma-hall” in the West parking lot. Please note: Cans Only! Funds collected support special projects! Book Club Next meeting: June 8th Where: School Library Time: 6:30 p.m. Book: “Snow Flower and the Secret Fan” by Lisa See Facilitator: Ila Kohlwey