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Evaluating IST Proposals

Evaluating IST Proposals. Marios D. Dikaiakos , Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Computer Science University of Cyprus Representative to the Program Committee of IST. Summary. The Evaluation Process: An Overview Criteria for Evaluation An insider's view of Evaluation The ISTC.

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Evaluating IST Proposals

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  1. Evaluating IST Proposals Marios D. Dikaiakos, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Computer Science University of Cyprus Representative to the Program Committee of IST 1

  2. Summary • The Evaluation Process: An Overview • Criteria for Evaluation • An insider's view of Evaluation • The ISTC 2

  3. The Evaluation Process: Key Actors • European Commission • Independent Evaluators • Rapporteurs • EC/EP Auditors 3

  4. The Evaluation Process: Basic Steps • Briefings: General and Area-Specific • Evaluation of Proposals • Consensus Meetings • Panel Meetings 4

  5. The Evaluation Process: After Steps • Preparation of Results, Statistics • Submission of Results to the ISTC • ISTC Meeting: • Presentation of "Big Picture" • Discussion of Results • Bilateral Talks-Negotiation • "Reserve" Lists 5

  6. Evaluation Procedures R&D Proposals • Evaluation of Part B - anonymity - by all evaluators • If needed, consensus meetings • Evaluation of parts A and B SM Proposals • All parts are evaluated together 6

  7. Summary • The Evaluation Process: An Overview • Criteria for Evaluation • An insider's view of Evaluation • The ISTC 7

  8. Eligibility Criteria • Legal, Administrative: Checked by the Commission. • Specific Set assessed by Evaluators • Within the scope of the "call" • Respect for ethical principles (privacy, pornography, racial profiling, etc.) • In line with EU policies • Appropriate Industrial Participation 8

  9. Weights & Thresholds Example: RTD, AL II.1.1 weight threshold S&T quality/innovation 4 3 EU Added value 1 2 Contrib. social objectives 1 _ Econ. Devt Prospects 2 3 Resources, partners, etc. 2 2 9

  10. Weights & Thresholds Example: Accompanying Measures weight threshold S&T quality/innovation 2 3 EU Added value 3 4 Contrib. social objectives 2 _ Econ. Devt Prospects 2 _ Resources, partners, etc. 1 2 10

  11. Scientific/Technological Quality & Innovation • Quality: relevance to objectives of KA and LA AND • Degree of innovation AND • Adequacy of Approach 11

  12. Community "Added value" and contribution to EU policies • European Dimension: truly European approach, not just coordinated effort of parallel national or regional activities. AND • EU Added Value: complementarity of expertise from different countries 12

  13. Contribution to EU policies • Policies for Internal Market, Regional Development, social protection, SMEs OR • Policies for standardization, interoperability, competition, taxation, IPR protection, liability and consumer protection OR • Policies for security, trust management, privacy protection, electronic signatures 13

  14. Contribution to Community Social Objectives • Quality of life in working conditions and access to wide range of services OR • Health and Safety in design of future systems OR • Contributions to employment prospects and skills development OR • Contribution to enhancing the environment and conserving natural resources 14

  15. Economic Development and S+T prospects • Usefulness, range of application, quality of exploitation plan: clear value and economic potential? AND • Stategic Impact: adequate scale and innovativeness to have broader impact OR • Contribution to European Technological progress 15

  16. Resources, Partnership + Management • Quality of Management: Credible Milestones? Monitorable Objectives? AND • Partnership: technology providers + users AND • Appropriate resources 16

  17. Summary • The Evaluation Process: An Overview • Criteria for Evaluation • An insider's view of Evaluation • The role of the ISTC 17

  18. Rules of "Thumb" • Take Community directives at face value. • If not clear what they mean, ask! • Write "honest" proposals: • Have clear goals and go for them • Do not over-charge • When writing, be punctual and to the point • Do not propose just for the sake of it. • Consortium formation. • Respect deadlines. 18

  19. Summary • The Evaluation Process: An Overview • Criteria for Evaluation • An insider's view of Evaluation • The ISTC 19

  20. The IST Committee • What it is? • When does it convene? • How it can be helpful to you? • Who are the representatives: • M. Dikaiakos, UCY • S. Hadjisophocleous, CYTA • How to get in contact with us: • istcrep@ucy.ac.cy 20

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