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GLASS Perspective on ISLSCP

GLASS Perspective on ISLSCP. Relationship Between ISLSCP and GLASS. Relationship Between ISLSCP and GLASS. GLASS Panel Meeting. Of relevance to ISLSCP: Assessment of ISLSCP Initiative II status as presented at GSWP-2 Kickoff Workshop

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GLASS Perspective on ISLSCP

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  1. GLASS Perspective on ISLSCP

  2. Relationship Between ISLSCP and GLASS

  3. Relationship Between ISLSCP and GLASS

  4. GLASS Panel Meeting Of relevance to ISLSCP: • Assessment of ISLSCP Initiative II status as presented at GSWP-2 Kickoff Workshop • Assessment of ISLSCP Initiative II data usefulness for GLASS projects (esp. GSWP2) • Review of ISLSCP Initiative III White Paper • Modelers are demanding users!

  5. II2 Status • Concern about delays in II2 project • Empathy for difficulty in getting data from providers • Hope for successful delivery of data in January (ERA 40 a few months later) • Concern about physical ability to deliver data (Internet or optical media) - infrastructure

  6. Assessment of II2 data • Impressive breadth of data • Disappointing lack of “consolidation” • Multiple land-sea masks – no co-registration • No hybrid data – most consolidation left to the users • No consistency checks across data sets • Not as complete an effort as was II1 • Increase in data volume not met by a matching increase in analysis. • Little added value beyond regridding • Problems in funding had an impact, no doubt.

  7. II3 • White paper reads very poorly • In this day of GLDAS, EcoCLIMAP, etc., have the ISLSCP Data Initiatives become arcane and outlived their usefulness? • A truly useful data consolidation effort in the 21st century may require a Center, not just a grant, to support the necessary work. • Will CEOP better support the current needs of GEWEX than ISLSCP? • GLASS is a modeling panel – will II3 meet modeling needs?

  8. What to do? • The clear need for continuous, consistent, consolidated data that existed 10 years ago still exist - is unclear if a loose collaboration like ISLSCP can address it. • We aren’t trying to shut down ISLSCP • Criticism is meant to be constructive, and as a wake-up call • Problems should be addressed “entre la familia” • How will IGBP restructuring impact ISLSCP? • Now ISLSCP is a major interface between IGBP and WCRP – would this role continue?

  9. Epilogue • ISLSCP Initiative II ground to a halt for lack of funding • ISLSCP Initiative III proposal to NASA not funded as written (F. Hall PI) • Program manager wants to see ISLSCP Initiative II completed first

  10. ISLSCP-III Data Encyclopedia? • Consolidation • Expert Review • Regrid tools (GIS)? • Needs strong “editorial” oversight

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