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Portrait Painting

Portrait Painting. Acrylic Paint!. Purpose. To depict the likeness of a person (generally)

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Portrait Painting

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  1. Portrait Painting Acrylic Paint!

  2. Purpose • To depict the likeness of a person (generally) • Historically, portrait paintings have primarily memorialized the rich and powerful. Over time, however, it became more common for middle-class patrons to commission portraits of their families and colleagues. Today, the portrait painting is still commissioned by governments, corporations, groups, clubs, and individuals.

  3. expected to show the inner essence of the subject • artists may strive for photographic realism or an impressionistic similarity in depicting their subject

  4. Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, portrait of Napoleon on his Imperial Throne, 1806, Musée de l'Armée, Paris

  5. Portrait of Ho Bun(何斌), a late Ming DynastyScholar-bureaucrat, late 16th century to early 17th century, Chinese

  6. Vincent van Gogh, Portrait of Doctor Gachet, (first version), 1890

  7. Henri Matisse, The Green Stripe, Portrait of Madame Matisse, 1905

  8. Types of Portraits: Caricature

  9. Types of Portraits: Realistic

  10. Types of Portrait: Abstracted

  11. Frieda Kahlo & Ideas She is known for her self-portraits and symbolism

  12. Assignment • Pick out a picture to use, preferably a picture from the belly button up or shoulders up • LIGHTLY draw it onto the canvas with pencil • Paint using best blending techniques possible! • Incorporate interesting background that adds to the overall artwork

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