Step by step process of face/portrait painting - Ramyasadasivam
Steps for doing oil painting Structure of the face Placement of features The first layer of value for our reference Adding value & perfecting my hair The power of highlight RamyaSadasivam has been practicing art since 2006. She so loves to portray Indian culture, customs, day to day chores of the hard working laborers, happy village life and life of women. She is a full time artist from Chennai, and she also undertakes freelance projects. Her works involve practicing art, doing customized works and applying for awards. As a self-learning artist, She had had a flair for art since her childhood. She found the drawings in the record notebooks very interesting that none of her record notebook drawings went without a little decoration or shading. She tried to pursue B.A. Fine Arts, but was not quite determined. Art is an addiction. Whether she studied it or not, it was vested within me as a dormant form. It is not dormant anymore, and none of my days are elapsing without a practice sketch.
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