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Progress with implementation of EUROWATERNET - Rivers

This report provides updates on river monitoring in 22 EU countries, highlighting station data, trends in water quality parameters, and future plans for expanding coverage. It discusses gaps in data and the ongoing development of a comprehensive river monitoring network.

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Progress with implementation of EUROWATERNET - Rivers

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  1. Progress with implementation of EUROWATERNET - Rivers Steve Nixon ETC/Water

  2. Austria Bosnia & Herzegovina Bulgaria Denmark Estonia Finland France FYROM Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Latvia Lithuania Netherlands Norway Poland Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom 2001 Update - 22 countries updated

  3. 2001 Update  2 countries not updated • Czech Republic • Italy  • 24 countries participating in EUROWATERNET Basic river network

  4. Albania Belgium Iceland Luxembourg Portugal Romania “New” Mediterranean EEA countries Turkey Cyprus - no rivers Malta - no rivers Countries that have not yet implemented EUROWATERNET-rivers

  5. Number of updated representative plus reference river stations (1)

  6. Number of updated representative plus reference river stations (2)

  7. % of target for representative plus reference river stations (1) % of target

  8. % of target for representative plus reference river stations (2) % of target

  9. Number of representative/reference EUROWATERNET stations in countries that have not YET updated their data

  10. Number of non-EUROWATERNET river stations in WATERBASE

  11. Numbers of different types of river monitoring stations in WATERBASE

  12. Size distribution of rivers in WATERBASE (2764 stations with upstream catchment area)

  13. Number of stations with geographic co-ordinates, discharge and altitude data in WATERBASE (3329 stations in total)

  14. Countries providing catchment population density and % land use data

  15. Austria Belgium Bosnia Bulgaria Finland FYROM Greece Ireland Italy Lithuania Netherlands (pop. density) Norway (land use) Portugal Romania Spain Sweden (pop. density) Countries not YET providing catchment population density and % land use data

  16. EUROWATERNET - RIVERSDeterminands supplied

  17. EUROWATERNET - RIVERSDeterminands supplied

  18. Most recent year of data

  19. Earliest year of data

  20. Disaggregated data submitted • Austria • France • FYROM • Slovenia • Spain • Sweden • UK

  21. EUROWATERNET - RiverImpact network • Nomination of “Impact” stations as well as representative and reference • Priority Substances (selected pesticides for groundwater) • List I/II substances (Dangerous Substances Directive) • Any other hazardous substances monitored • Disaggregated data • Station physical characteristic and proxy pressure information

  22. EUROWATERNET - RiverImpact network

  23. Trends in orthophosphate and nitrate concentrations in rivers mg N/l µg P/l

  24. Trends in total phosphorus concentrations in EU countries µg P/l

  25. Trends in orthophosphate concentrations in different sized rivers in EU countries µg P/l

  26. Concentration of nitrate in different sized rivers in relation to agricultural land use in upstream catchment % agricultural land use mg N/l

  27. Concluding comments - rivers EWN • Progress being made with “Basic” network in terms of countries and numbers and types of station, and determinands • Biggest gap still gaps in proxy pressure data - collaboration with JRC-IES • First steps in “Impact” network • Geographical coverage will increase to include new EEA Mediterranean countries and NIS • Disaggregated data for re-assessment of statistical power • More experience being gained for step-by-step development of fully “Representative” EWN

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