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What is GT MASTER. Thermoflow, Inc. WHAT IS GT MASTER?. While GT PRO is the design program for combined cycles, GT MASTER is the corresponding simulation program for off-design calculations. Use GT MASTER to evaluate designs at various ambient conditions and loads .
What is GT MASTER Thermoflow, Inc. WHAT IS GT MASTER? While GT PRO is the design program for combined cycles, GT MASTERis the corresponding simulation program for off-design calculations. • Use GT MASTER to evaluate designs at various ambient conditions and loads. • All GT MASTER hardware inputs has automatically been initialized based on thedesign, which makes it possible to perform calculations by just changing a few parameters. • Since GT MASTER hardware inputs are editable, the model may be fine tuned to matchan existing plant or vendor data. • In combination with PEACE (Plant Engineering and Construction Estimator), GT MASTERprovides engineering details and cost estimation.
Open Files Load existing GT MASTER fileor import GT PRO file. Activating the GT MASTER program will display this input screen for selecting the desired file. All GT MASTER models are based ona GT PRO design. GT MASTER will allow the user to dooff-design calculations, such as partload and varying ambient conditions.
Input Topics At any time during the session the user canpress compute to activate the calculation. All the main topicsare arrangedhorizontally tounderline the factthat, contrary todesign in GT PRO,off-design in GTMaster has nonatural order ofediting the topics. “Green” topicsare available forPEACE licensesonly, and theirinputs primarilyimpacts the costcalculations. The user may goback to GT PRO toredesign the plantif necessary. The input screens applygraphical displays to ease theuse of the program.
Editing Inputs Every entry box has been filled with a values from thedesign model. The user never has to fill an emptybox. Instead the user edits just those that are ofconcern to him. Confirm actualambient conditions. Adjust gas turbine loadfor part load calculations. Specific help is always availablefor the highlighted input throughthe Guidance window.
Detailed Inputs Each main topic holds a set of input tabs for sub topics related to themain topic. E.g. highlighted main topic is ST Inputs. Sub-topics of theST Inputs are Steam Turbine Main Inputs, Stage Groups & Controls, etc. Each sub-topic tab letsthe user set inputs forthat specific sub topic. Select the appropriatesteam turbine controlmethod. Select theappropriatedesuperheatingmethod for theHRSG control. Again notice theguidance for thehighlighted input.
Hardware Models The user may summon the Help on bothinput and output screens. It will displaythe GT MASTER manual, and, if applyingCurrent Topic (F1) or pressing F1directly, go to the section related to thehighlighted input or output. GT MASTER is based onhardware models witheditable size anddimensions. This allowsthe user to adjust valuesto match an existingplant or a vendor’s data. Since GT MASTER applieshardware models theheat balance calculationswill reflect any change inthe hardware. Cost of the plant will alsobe recalculated takingthe changes into account.
Hardware Details Even details of tube bundledesign such as fin-tube type,materials, tube length,bundle width, number ofrows, tube diameter and findimensions may be edited. This flexibility allows theuser to match known plantdata.
Program Options Common unit systemsfrom around the world aresupported by GT MASTER. Pressing Compute willactivate the calculationengine and (afterconvergence) displaythe outputs from thecalculation. Also the steam property formulation may beselected. Available formulations: Thermoflow Proprietary (STQUIK) IFC-67 (previous ASME standard from 1967) IAPWS-IF97 (current ASME standard from 1997)
Output Topics Output is displayed in three groups: Text (text and tables of thermodynamic results and hardware), Graphics (graphicaldisplay of same), and PEACE (spec sheets, cost breakdown, economic projections). At any time theuser can go backto edit the inputs. Each topic holds a large number of tabs eachdescribing part of the plant results. Text display of the outputs is organized in a way to give theuser both a good overview anddetailed information about theplant performance. Plant Summary will give themain plant data, whereas thesubsequent tabs will displaymore detailed information.
Text Output Multiple runs may be performed applying theThermoflow Macro for studies of parameter variations. This table willgive the user anoverview of allHX in the HRSGby showing theHX hardwareinformation sideby side.
Graphics Output - Main Main displaysthe main plantoutput. Detailscan be found onthe subsequenttabs.
Graphics Output – Cooling System Details of theplant coolingsystem. From each graphicthe user can viewtext output detailsby clicking on thethe appropriatepicture.
PEACE Output - Schematics Schematics showing the main components in the plant are selected through a Schematics List. Examples are: Site Plan, Gas turbine, HRSG (as shown), Steam turbine, Condensers, Cooling towers and pumps. Displayed is the elevation view of the HRSG. Boiler drums and deaerator Stack Transition from gas turbine Tube bundles HRSG main dimensions
PEACE Output – Equipment Data Each tab represents a major partof the power plant. Selected fordisplay is the steam turbine. The tables will display detailedinformation about sizes and weightof the selected element or groupof elements of the plant.
PEACE Output – Cost Report Cash Flow will tell the user how the economy throughout the lifetime of the plant will be. Each tab represents a part of the total cost ofthe power plant. Selected for display isthe SpecializedEquipment. The tables will displaydetailed informationabout equipment andlabor cost. Project Cost Summarytab is displaying thetotal cost of the powerplant. Reference cost is the cost at a reference US Site, whereas Estimated cost is the cost at the actual site.
Multiple Runs – Edit Input Thermoflow Macro enables the user to performseries of calculations in an easy and fast way. Part load calculationswith constant ambientconditions. Inputs to vary inthe macro may beselected from anextensive list ofinputs availablefrom GT MASTER. Full load calculations with varyingsite cooling water temperature.
Multiple Runs - Output Plant Summary and the subsequent 7tables display fixed lists of output data. Any of the general tabs allows the user to define which data (outputsas well as inputs) to display in thatspecific table. All tables can be exported to Exceldirectly or saved as a .CSV file forlater load into Excel. Plots can be created.As an example Plantnet eff vs. GT load. For each case GT MASTER output can be displayed.
More Information Please contact Thermoflow for further information and a Demonstration CD. THERMOFLOW, INC. 29 Hudson Road, Sudbury Massachusetts 01776 USA Tel: +1-978-579-7999 Fax: +1-978-579-5995 E-mail: info@thermoflow.com