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NOTIFICATION TO PILOT-IN-COMMAND • We’ve had a few months since the new NOPIC forms have been in use so it’s time for a little review to make sure we are all singing from the same hymn book and hopefully answer any questions you might have. • Overall we are pleased with your understanding and use of this new NOPIC form.
GOM, Sec. V. page 20 states: • “49 CFR Part 175.33 (c)(3) requires aircraft operators to have the information required to be retained on the NOPIC (Notification to Pilot-In-Command) readily accessible (and readable) at the airport of departure and the intended airport of arrival for the duration of each flight leg.”
FLIGHT FOLLOWING IS THE CONTACT FOR FIRST RESPONDERS • This is why all Alpine Air PIC’s, when hauling Hazmat MUST, call Flight Following BEFORE you takeoff and verify that they received the photo of your NOPIC form that you sent and it is readable.
HOW TO PROPERLY FILL OUT THE NOPIC FORM • “Peel and Affix” any “Shipping Papers” you receive for the load you are carrying to the NOPIC form. • On the top of the form fill out the Date, Flight Number, Origin Airport and each DESTINATION AIRPORT on your schedule (i.e. BIL, GTF, CTB). • Fill out each leg by where the Hazmat is located (POS.) on the airplane (i.e. 6) and where the DEST is for each package.
FILLING OUT THE NOPIC FORM • Rarely will we be hauling Radioactive materials but list what is on the shipping papers (White I, Yellow II, and Yellow III). T.I. (Transport Index) will be listed for Yellow II and III. • If you are not hauling Radioactive materials just draw a line (-) thru this block. • “TOTAL # PKGS” will usually be one, because UPS only ships one label with one package.
MORE ON FILLING OUT NOPIC • “TOTAL NET QTY/PKG” enter the amount from the shipping papers in the same order listed in the same quantities (i.e. L, kg, lbs) • “CAO” On the shipping papers the package is legal for “Passenger Aircraft” if there are no “X”s in that box. In this case put a dash (-) line in this column, because there are no special “Cargo Only” restrictions.
BOTTOM OF NOPIC FORM • At the bottom of the NOPIC form list ALL “Dry Ice pkgs,” including packages with or without UPS shipping papers. • On the “TOTAL QTY” line list the total quantity of all dry ice packages. • List the place (HOLD) on the aircraft where you put the package(s) (i.e. Cabin). • “DEST/#OFF” (i.e. BZN/1)
“ALL DG ABOARD” • List “ALL DG ABOARD” the aircraft, BOTH DG with shipping papers AND the number of Dry Ice packages with or without shipping papers. • List the “TOTAL T.I.”, if any, from the shipping papers.
“AIRCRAFT CAPTAINS SIGNATURE” • With your signature you are certifying that all hazmat has been loaded properly and the hazmat packages were not damaged or leaking. • After the “NOPIC” form is completed take a photocopy and email it to Flight Following. • Then, before you takeoff, call Flight Following to verify that they received your photo and it is readable.
GOM, SEC. V, PAGE 20 • After you turn in the original NOPIC forms they are sent to Provo and compared with what you called in during your flight. • All NOPIC forms and Flight Following logs are compared, scanned and uploaded to Alpine’s server. Any missing forms will cause further investigation to account for every hazmat package hauled on Alpine Air. • These completed forms along with electric images and Flight Following logs are kept for 90 days.
QUESTIONS? • Contact Jason Webb or call Bob Williams. • Now if there are no more questions please go to “Quizegg.com” and sign-on to your account and take the quiz. • Thank you for participation in completing this training.
CREATED FOR ALPINE PILOTS • This training Power-Point was created for the sole use of Alpine Air, Inc. • Any questions or comments please contact • Bob Williams • Director of Safety and Training • bwilliams@alpine-air.com • (801)373-1508