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HAZMAT. Hazardous Material Training. What is Hazardous Material?! Definitions Company Policy Company Procedure COMAT Notification of HM incidences, discrepancies, and required reports Penalties for Violation of HAZMAT Regulations. What is Hazardous Material (HM)?! Identifying HM
HAZMAT Hazardous Material Training
What is Hazardous Material?! Definitions Company Policy Company Procedure COMAT Notification of HM incidences, discrepancies, and required reports Penalties for Violation of HAZMAT Regulations
What is Hazardous Material (HM)?! Identifying HM Passenger carrying of articles (Exceptions to every rule) Unmarked Articles Non-Acceptance (Trigger list) Definitions
Hazardous Material (HM) According to 49 CFR Part 172, Table 172.101, these are any substances or materials commercially transported that pose unreasonable risk to public health, safety, and property. They include hazardous wastes and hazardous substances as well as petroleum and natural gas substances and materials. Think Dangerous Goods
Identifying HM http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ash/ash_programs/hazmat/media/MaterialsCarriedByPassengersAndCrew.pdf Please read the above…you’ll be quizzed at the end….
Certain items classified as HM can be accepted…… • The full list can be found in Title 49 CFR Part 175.10. The following are exceptions: matches/lighters, implanted medical devices and radiopharmaceuticals, alcoholic beverages, butane powered curling irons, small thermometers, small arms ammunition, dry ice, self inflating life jacket, compressed gas for medical limbs, and electrically powered heat producing articles. Exceptions to Every Rule….
1) Non-radioactive medicinal or toiletry articles (including aerosols) can be checked or carried 2) Any Division 2.2 aerosol with no subsidiary risk and a protective cap (check baggage only) i.e. Non-Flammable, Non-toxic Gas includes compressed gas, liquefied gas, pressurized cryogenic gas, compressed gas in solution, asphyxiant gas and oxidizing gas. 3) One self-defense spray not exceeding 4 fl oz. that has a safety mechanism to prevent accidental discharge (checked baggage only) HM carried by passengers and/or Crew
Acceptance of wheelchair/mobility aids • Battery powered can be accepted as checked baggage • 2 categories: “spillable” and “non-spillable” Exceptions Cont’Wheelchair/Mobility Aid
Non-Spillable: • Visually inspect for no defects • Disconnect battery unless the devise has means to prevent unintentional activation • Battery is securely attached to the chair if fully enclosed in a proper housing unit • If not enclosed… removed and placed in a strong, rigid package properly labeled “NON- SPILLABLE BATT” • If it cannot be stored upright- it is advised to remove the battery Exceptions Cont’ Wheelchair/Mobility Aid
Spillable: • Visually inspect for any obvious defects • Must be disconnected and end cables insulated • Must be securely attached to the wheelchair • Devise must be loaded, stowed, and secured in an upright position. If unable- remove battery • PIC must be advised orally or in writing the location of the spillable battery location aboard the aircraft prior to departure Exceptions Cont’Wheelchair/Mobility Aid
Battery Removal: Must be contained in appropriate packaging Labeled “CORROSIVE” Reference GOM 12-6 Exceptions Cont’Wheelchair/Mobility Aid
Lithium Batteries: Permitted for personal use (checked or carry-on) Approved for: watches, calculators, cameras, cell phones, lap-top computers, camcorders, hearing aids etc. Limitations: each installed or spare must not exceed • Non-lithium, voltage <9V • Lithium metal, lithium content no more than 2grams per battery • lithium-ion, an aggregate equivalent lithium content of no more than 8 grams per battery, except up to 2 batteries with an aggregate equivalent lithium content of >8grams and <25grams Exceptions Con’t
Quantity LimitationsEach person may not carry more than 70oz by mass or 2 L by volume. Each container cannot exceed 18 oz. by mass or 17 floz by volume *This applied to ONLY 1) and 2) listed on the previous slide. HM carried by Passengers and/or Crew
Per the Tradewind Aviation, LLC GOM:“No employee, agent, or contract employee shall load any cargo or baggage containing indicators of HM aboard an aircraft, onto an aircraft pallet, or into a Unit Load Device (ULD) unless it can be verified that the contents are not HM.” 12-5 Unmarked Articles
Non Acceptance Passengers may be unaware of the requirements for offering and transporting HM. When accepting cargo or baggage, it may necessary to question persons offering these items to determine the exact contents and thereby prevent the inadvertent acceptance and transport of HM. The “trigger list” of indicators should be reviewed. Found in the GOM Chapter 12 Appendix A or the following slides…
Non Acceptance Cont’ “Magnetized materials, as defined in 49 CFR, with a gauss reading of more than 0.00525 is forbidden for air transportation and a package with a reading of <0.00525 is not regulated. The ICAO and IATA Regulations regulate magnetized material with a reading between 0.002 gauss and 0.00525 gauss, thus requiring a magnetized material label.” GOM Chapter 12 Appendix A
Tradewind Aviation, LLC Company Policy Company Procedures (Operations Manual) COMAT
Aerosol- non-refillable receptacle containing a gas compressed, liquified or dissolved under pressure, the sole purpose of which is to expel a nonpoisnou liquid, paste, or pwder and fitted with a self-closing release device allowing the contents to be ejected by the gas. Ashpyxiant gas- a gas which dilutes or replaces oxygen normally in the atmosphere. Cargo aircraft only- an a/c that is used to transport cargo and is not engaged in carrying passengers. Hazard zone- one of four levels of hazard (A-D) assigned to gases. Reference 17.116(a) Hazardous Material- substance or material that the Secretary of Transporatation has determined is capbable of posing an unreasobale risk to health, safety, and property when transported in commerce. This includes hazardous substances, hazardous wastes, marine pollutants, elevated temperature materials, materials designated as hazardous in the Hazardous Materials Table (49 CFR 172.101) Hazmat- Hazardous material Lighter- mechanically operated flame-producing device employing an ignition device and containing a Class 3 or a Division 2.1 (flammable) material. Lighter Refill- pressurized container that does not contain an ignition device but does contain a release device and is inteded for the use as a replacement cartridge in a lighter or to refill a lighter with a Division 2.1 flammable gas fuel. Lithium contect- the mass of lithium in the anode of a lithium metal or lithium alloy cell. The lithium content of a battery equals the sum of the grams of lithium content contained in the component cells of the battery. Oxidizing gas- gas may, generally by providing oxygen, cause or contribute to the combustion of other material more than air does. DEFINITIONS (per 49 CFR 171.8)
Undeclared hazardous material- HM that is 1) Subject to any of the hazard communication requirements in subparts C (Shipping Papers), D (Marking), E (Labeling), and F (Placarding) of Part 172 of this subchapter, or an alternative marking requirement in Part 173 of this subchapter; and 2) offered for transportation in commerce without any visible indication to the person accepting the hazardous material for transportation that a Hmis present, on either an accompanying shipping document, or the outside of a transport vehicle, freight container, or package. DEFINITIONS ( per 49 CFR 171.8)
Noteworthy: Tradewind Aviation LLC is a WILL-NOT carry certificate holder. We are ultimately responsible for compliance with all provisions of the Hazardous Material Regulations(HMR), Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR) and the Federal Aviation Regulations, Title 14 CFR Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Material (HM) are interchangeable in the following slides. Also referred to as: regulated materials, restricted articles, and dangerous materials. All HM Company Material (COMAT) will be offered to a different mode of transportation (e.g. ground) and/or a certificate holder that is authorized to transport HM. Company Policy
Any crewmember or persons will not be allowed and can not be used to perform or directly supervise any of the following job functions involving any item for transport on board, attached to, or suspended from an aircraft: Acceptance, Rejection, Handling, Storage incidental to transport, Packaging of company material, or loading. No employee, agent, or contract employee may prepare HM for shipment, including COMAT, unless trained in this function. Company Policy
Adequate Training • Instructions to ensure Hazardous Material packages are not accepted • Exceptions to every rule • HM carried by passengers and/or crew • Wheelchair/Mobility Aid Company Procedures
In order to handle or supervise any HM job function, that person must have satisfactorily completed Tradewind’s FAA- approved initial or recurrent hazardous material program within the past 24 months • After completion of training, each person will be able to recognize items that contain regulated hazardous materials and understand HM regulations and Tradewind policies Adequate Training
No baggage or cargo indicating Hazardous Materials may be loaded onto the aircraft until it is verified that it is in fact NOT HM. Instructions to ensure HAZMAT packages are not accepted
COMAT COMAT: Air Carrier COmpanyMAterials Generally used to describe a wide array of company materials including replacement items installed equipment and consumable material
“All COMAT will be evaluated and identified by its hazardous or non-hazardous classification. All HM COMAT will be offered to a different mod of transportation and/or a certificate holder in full compliance with all provisions of the HAZMAT Regulations” GOM 12-4
Tradewind Aviation does not transport COMAT except: “A tire assembly with a serviceable tire is not subject to the provisions of this chapter provided the tire is not inflated to gauged pressure exceeding the maximum rated pressure for that tire and the tire (including valve assemblies) is protected from damage during transport. A tire or tire assembly which is unserviable or damaged is forbidden from air transport unless deflated to where it no longer meets the definition of hazardous mater.” GOM 12-6,7 ONE Exception!!!!!!!
Notification of HM Incidences, Discrepancies, and Required Reports
This includes incidents that occur during the course of transportation (ie loading, unloading, or temporary storage) in which: • A person is killed, • A person is injured and requires hospitalization, • Evacuation of the general public occurs and lasts 1 hr or more, • One ore more major transport arteries or facilities are closed or shut down for greater than an hour, • Operational flight pattern or routine of an aircraft is altered • Fire, breakage, spillage, or suspected radioactive contamination occurs involving shipment of RAM • If a battery or battery-powered device is exposed to a fire, explosion or dangerous evolution of heat What qualifies as an incident?
Reporting Incidences: Report as soon as practical but no later than 12 hr after the occurrence National Response Center 1800-424-8802or http://hazmat.dot.gov/spills.htm If it is an infectious substance notify Center for Disease Control and Prevention in lieu of NRC CDC 1-800-232-0124
Reporting Discrepancies: • In an event HM is mislabeled and accepted for transportation, • Packages or baggage which are found to contain HM subsequent to their being delivered as other than HM (undeclared) • Discrepancies involving HM which are improperly described, certified, labeled, marked, or packaged, in a manner described per 175.30(a) • Nearest FAA security Office should be notified
Filing a Report: • Reports shall be submitted DOT Form F 5800.1 (01-2004) (form located in GOM Chapter 12) • With/in 30 Days of discovery • 2 Copies • Information System Manger, PPH-63Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety AdministrationDepartment of TransportationWashington, DC 20590-0001, and • Nearest FAA office in region of discovery
“Undeclared hazardous materials discovered in baggage during the airport screening process are not subject to filing a DOT F5800.1. Such items in baggage must be reported as a discrepancy per 49 CFR 175.31 Filing a ReportExceptions…..
49 U.S.C. § 51"3 (a), as the Federal Aviation Act has not yet been harmonized with the Federal hazardous materials transportation law. Civil penalties for violations of the hazardous materials regulations can be assessed from $250 to $27,500 for each violation of the hazardous materials regulations [49 C.F.R. Part 171 et seq.]. Penalties for Violating HAZMAT Regulations