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Hospital Integration DriversPhysician Integration DriversPrerequisites to a Successful Physician IntegrationA Physician Integration ProcessPrimary Physician ConcernsThreats to Hospital Physician AlignmentCompensation Plan ObjectivesGovernance and Management Objectives. Presentation Overview.
2. Hospital Integration Drivers
Physician Integration Drivers
Prerequisites to a Successful Physician Integration
A Physician Integration Process
Primary Physician Concerns
Threats to Hospital Physician Alignment
Compensation Plan Objectives
Governance and Management Objectives
3. Protect and/or grow market share
Protect and/or share in downstream revenue
Preserve existing physician practices in system
Secure a more stable provider platform
Create greater leverage with payers
Physician recruitment and retention
Improve coordination of care and patient experience
Focus on efficient delivery of quality care
Increase physician engagement - a team approach to healthcare delivery
4. Declining reimbursement
Increasing operating costs
Desire to stabilize or improve physician compensation
Physician recruitment – hospitals outbidding practices
No one is willing to buy-in to practice
Capital needs
Access to EMR and other IT technology infrastructure
Focus on quality of care
Position themselves for future payment models
Minimize practice management involvement
Work/life balance
5. A real hospital/physician partnership is created
Partnership attitude is win/win or win/neutral
Focus is patient first, integrated organization second and individual third
Integrated organization will outlive all original members
Key drivers are access, service, quality and patient satisfaction
Mission, vision and values are well defined, well known and aligned for all parties
The process must be transparent - A "no surprises" philosophy of communication among all parties
6. Requires hospital leadership that trusts physician leadership and physician leadership that trusts hospital leadership
The process is a dialogue not a debate - "your views are as important as mine"
Meaningful dialogue requires everyone to have a stake in the process
The process must make efficient use of available hospital resources
Integrated enterprise management - a qualified physician leader paired with a qualified administrative leader
Physician and administrative leadership must be tightly coupled and moving in a unified direction
8. Identify the hospital decision making body (DMB) for physician integration transactions
All parties need to understand the hospital's decision making process and related time frames
Establish a physician integration team (PIT) with representatives from:
Executive management
Business development
Human Resources
Physician integration opportunities enter the process through the PIT and/or the DMB
9. With DMB approval, the PIT analyzes the integration opportunity and develops a business case addressing key issues such as:
The major drivers of the opportunity
Strategic importance of the opportunity
Impact on downstream revenue
Impact on competitive position
Capital requirements
Known legal, contractual and conflict of interest issues
Many others
If the DMB determines the opportunity is a strategic fit, the following information is distributed to the physicians:
Confidentiality and Exclusivity Agreement
Physician Representation Authorization Form
Physician data request form
10. Upon receipt of the requested physician data the PIT team will perform some preliminary due diligence work such as:
Determine physician need and supply
Determine physician's current alignment with hospital strategies and operations
Identify any prerequisites to this integration opportunity
Identify market indicators influencing this integration opportunity
Review practice revenues, expenses relative to benchmark data
Review physician compensation relative to benchmark data
Review practice staffing relative to benchmark data
Review payer mix, fee schedules, and coding practices
Review current leases and contracts
Review pending malpractice claims
Review physician investments in other medical related businesses
PIT presents findings and recommendations to DMB
11. With DMB approval, the following activities commence:
Physician PIT members are selected by physicians
Weekly or bi-weekly PIT meeting schedule is established
Due diligence process begins
Prepare financial projections to determine net economic benefit and potential physician compensation pool
PIT will:
Develop service line strategic plan
Develop governance structure
Identify leaders and leadership roles
Develop compensation plan
Review employment agreements
Address operational challenges
Determine transition timeline
Develop transition plan
12. PIT presents complete integration plan to DMB for review and approval
Upon DMB approval, legal documents are prepared for review and signature by all parties
Upon execution of legal documents, the transition plan begins for:
13. Primary Physician Concerns TATA
16. Physician led - physician engagement is a key to success
Physicians must support and engage in a collaborative organizational structure and culture
Physician-administrator teams - a qualified physician leader paired with a qualified administrative leader
Physician and administrative leadership must be tightly coupled and moving in a unified direction
Physician behavior must be consistent with the vision and values of the organization
Contact Information
J. Brian Eadie, CPA, CAPPM
Direct: 317-844-6600
Email: beadie@ksmcpa.com