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Presented by; Tshering Registration No : 1141488. Who Was Aldo Leopold ... " A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise. " Aldo Leopold A Sand County Almanac, 1948 ( p.262).
Presented by; Tshering Registration No : 1141488
Who Was Aldo Leopold... "A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise." Aldo Leopold A Sand County Almanac, 1948 (p.262) • January 11, 1887 – April 21, 1948 • an American author, scientist, ecologist, forester and an environmentalist • a professor at the University of Wisconsin • influential in the development of modern environmental ethics and in the movement for wilderness conservation • emphasized on biodiversity and ecology • was a founder of the science of wildlife management.
Ideas • Early on, Leopold was assigned to hunt and kill bears, wolves, and mountain lions in New Mexico, instead he respected the animals • Developed an ecological ethic that replaced the earlier wilderness ethic • Was the first to employ the term wilderness to describe such preservation • He no longer saw it as a hunting or recreational ground, but as an arena for a healthy biotic community • He rejected the utilitarianism of conservationists like Gifford Pinchot • and Theodore Roosevelt • Sayings • ***"Of what avail are forty freedoms without a blank spot on the map?” ***
Nature writing • Best known for his book A Sand County • Almanac (1949) • The book was published in 1949, shortly • after Leopold's death • Mentioned that killing a predator wolf carries serious implications for the rest • of the ecosystem • He wrote: "Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land.“
Other publications; • Most of the books are collection of his works and published after his death. • Game management (1933) • The river of the mother of God and other essays by Aldo Leopold(1991) • For the health of the land : previously unpublished essays and other writings (1999)
Round River; from the journals of Aldo Leopold (1953) • He published more than 500 articles, essays and reports • His papers contain at least 500 more unpublished essays, reports, and memoranda of significance
Foundations in the sprit of Aldo Leopold • Aldo Leopold Foundation • Aldo Leopold Nature Center • Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute • Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance • Sand county foundation • The Wilderness Society. 2004. • Awards in the sprit of Aldo Leopold • Aldo Leopold Memorial Award (wildlife society, 1951) • Leopold Conservation Award – California ($10,000) • Leopold Restoration Awards Program (Friends of the Arboretum, • in partnership with the Aldo Leopold Foundation, administers • this prestigious awards program)
References Niall E. Doren, Natural resource policy and management,2004 Peter Anderson: Aldo Leopold. American ecologist . Watts, New York 1995 Julie Dunlap: Aldo Leopold. Living with the land . Twenty-First Century Books, New York 1993, Curt Meine: Aldo Leopold. His life and work . University of Wisconsin Press, Madison 1988 Anthony Wolff (ed.): The Sand country of Aldo Leopold. A photographic interpretation by Charles Stone hackers . Sierra Club, San Francisco 1973 http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/AldoLeopold http://www.aldoleopold.org http://www.wilderness.net