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An Introduction to the Hazardous Waste Division. 2013. Andrea Hopkins, Small Business Assistance Manager of Public Outreach Assistance Division Penny Wilson, Inspector Supervisor of the Hazardous Waste Division Tom Ezell, Programs Manager of the Hazardous Waste Division.
Andrea Hopkins, Small Business Assistance Manager of Public Outreach Assistance Division • Penny Wilson, Inspector Supervisor of the Hazardous Waste Division • Tom Ezell, Programs Manager of the Hazardous Waste Division WHO IS HERE TODAY FROM ADEQ?
Make sure you have signed in on the sign-in sheet. We will be sending out “certificates of completion” for this training. • How many LQGs? • How many SQGs? • How many CESQGs? • How many Consultants? WELCOME WHO IS HERE TODAY IN THE AUDIENCE?
Who is ADEQ-Hazardous Waste Division and who does what? • What assistance is there for Small Business? • What is a contingency plan? Why do I have to have one? What does it need to contain? • What type of training do I need? Other employees? How do I prove the training I have had to-date? • What is an Annual Report? When is it due? What forms do I use? • What can I expect when an Inspector shows up at my facility? WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT TO LEARN TODAY…
The Hazardous Waste Division strives to enhance and protect health and the environment by the safe management of hazardous wastes and substances through a program of: • Rulemaking, • Permitting, • Compliance monitoring and enforcement, • Site remediation, and • Encouraging waste minimization and pollution prevention for the benefit of all Arkansans. Mission Statement
An interdisciplinary network of people with a variety of skill sets who work together to regulate facilities that generate, transport, treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste or hazardous substances • Hazardous Waste is composed of three branches (the Enforcement and Inspection Branch, the Programs Branch, and the Technical Branch) and Emergency Response. Who We Are
Issue permits, conduct inspections and complaint investigations, oversee remedial actions, and coordinate enforcement actions governing the treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous wastes and substances. • Involved with oversight of Emergency Responses in Arkansas. • About 5000 business in Arkansas generate hazardous waste. • Facilities that generate, treat, transport, treat, or dispose of hazardous wastes are subject to federal and state regulations. What We Do
Conducts compliance monitoring of sites and facilities currently engaged in hazardous waste management. • Implements investigation and assessment of environmental problems related to abandoned hazardous substance sites. • Executes enforcement actions dealing with hazardous waste or hazardous substances. • Performs unannounced inspections of Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities. • Responds to emergencies and complaints concerning the potential mismanagement of hazardous substances. • Manages the clean up of sites if contamination is confirmed. Enforcement and Inspection
A brownfield is a previous commercial, industrial, or agricultural property that potentially has been contaminated with hazardous substances which complicates prospects for expansion, redevelopment, or reuse. • The Brownfield Program is being administered to redevelop these properties for future beneficial use. • Our role is to offer technical assistance for site assessments to qualified participants belonging either to the non-profit or public sectors. Brownfields
Responsible for • Regulatory development and coordination • The professional certification programs • Data management (RCRAInfo; Fees) • Program planning (Reg updates; Financial Rpts) • Provides general administrative support for the hazardous waste programs Programs
Managed by the Hazardous Waste Division (Programs Branch) in partnership with law enforcement agencies • Since May 2008, more than 950 properties have been identified as potentially contaminated by methamphetamine residues • 190 properties have been cleaned and returned to use Controlled Substance Contaminated Property Cleanup
Regulates and monitors all sites and facilities currently engaged in hazardous waste and hazardous substance management. • Permitting of facilities that generate, treat, store, or dispose of hazardous wastes. • Performs Corrective Action at contaminated active facilities. • Performs Remedial Action at contaminated closed/abandoned sites. • Risk Assessment and Management of active facilities and abandoned sites. • Assists in evaluating removal actions as a result of Emergency Response actions. Technical Branch
Responsible for implementing and coordinating first response to chemical releases to the environment. • Coordinates with all media within ADEQ; ensure appropriate media personnel are aware of emergency situations. • Coordinates with the private sector and other government agencies to contain and remove releases of oil and chemical contaminants. • Maintains records for spills which occur in Arkansas from any source. • Works with EPA and Arkansas Department of Emergency Management to coordinate appropriate response training for ADEQ and private sector personnel. Emergency Response
Tammie J. Hynum Hazardous Waste Division Chief E-mail: hynum@adeq.state.ar.us Phone: 1-501-682-0831 Questions/Comments?