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Recovery Oriented Systems of Care from a Two-Spirit Perspective

Recovery Oriented Systems of Care from a Two-Spirit Perspective. Harlan Pruden, Co-Founder & Councilmember NorthEast Two-Spirit Society. Terminology. Beginning of Time – First Contact (1492) 1492 to 1989 - berdache 1989 to Present - Two-Spirit. Some Two-Spirit Names.

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Recovery Oriented Systems of Care from a Two-Spirit Perspective

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  1. Recovery Oriented Systems of Care from a Two-Spirit Perspective Harlan Pruden, Co-Founder & Councilmember NorthEast Two-Spirit Society

  2. Terminology • Beginning of Time – First Contact (1492) • 1492 to 1989 - berdache • 1989 to Present - Two-Spirit

  3. Some Two-Spirit Names * Osage Mixu’ga Instructed by the moon” * Navajo Na’dleeh “He changes” * Cheyenne He’eman “Women/Man” * Chumash agi’,axi * Lakota Wi’kta/Wingkte’ “Would be Women” Female lila witkowin “crazy woman” * Tewa Kwido “Old woman/Old man” * Zuni Ihamana “girl/boy” * Miwok Osha’pu “women” *Chickasaw hoobuk * Crow Bote, Bade * Hidatsa biatti or miati “Woman-compelled”

  4. Gender vs. Sexual Orientation • Sexual orientation refers to an enduring emotional, romantic, sexual, or affectional attraction toward others, usually conceived of as classifiable according to the sex of the persons whom the individual finds sexually attractive. • Gender is socially defined and dictates one place and role with one’s community.

  5. Roles of the Two-Spirit • Mediators • Social Workers • Name Giving • Love Potions / Match Maker • Sun Dance • Were Holy people, told the future and brought good luck • Boy’s & Girl’s Puberty Ceremony • Peace-Makers for the Tribe • Joined war parties • Were doctors/medicine people

  6. NorthEast Two-Spirit Society To Educate ToIncrease Visibility of 2S Community To Build Community

  7. Defining Characteristics of Two-Spirit & Native American People • Historical Trauma; • Intergenerational Trauma; • Band/Tribal Membership; • Half-truths, misconceptions, stereotypes pervade all aspects our Indian life and history; and • We are small population – however it is precisely because our population is small is all the justification that is needed for our community to be declared a top priority – for once we are gone – we are gone!

  8. Recovery EnvisionedMitakuye Oyasin – All my relations • Returning to the Red-Way • Community Is Healing & Healing Is Community • Holistic Approach to Recovery

  9. Recovery Oriented Systems of Care

  10. Two-Spirit People of Today:

  11. Leaders of the New York and Crow Two-Spirit groups

  12. Denver’s Two-Spirit Society

  13. Blackfoot Two-Spirit leader Steven Barrios and his sisters

  14. Montana’s Two-Spirit Society

  15. International Two-Spirit Gatherings

  16. Another Photo from the International

  17. Tulsa Two-Spirit Society

  18. Conclusion: When you are born into this world, you reach for either a bow and a quiver, which is blessed and protected by the Sun, our Grandfather, or you reach for an awl and a sewing bag, which is blessed by the Moon, our Grandmother. From that time on, you will follow that vision and be blessed.

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