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Unit 4 What would you do

Unit 4 What would you do. 找不同. If it rain s tomorrow, we will stay at home. If it rain ed today, we would stay at home. If “ 如果”引导的条件壮语从句. 1 真实条件句:对 将来 的假设,虽然是假设,但很有可能发生,符合客观事实,是真实的,我们叫它“真实条件句”,结构: 主将从现 。 If it rain s tomorrow, we will stay at home.

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Unit 4 What would you do

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  1. Unit 4 What would you do

  2. 找不同 • If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home. • If it rained today, we would stay at home.

  3. If “如果”引导的条件壮语从句 1真实条件句:对将来的假设,虽然是假设,但很有可能发生,符合客观事实,是真实的,我们叫它“真实条件句”,结构:主将从现。 If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home. 2 非真实条件句:对现在或将来的一种假设,并且与现实明显不相符,是虚假的,非真实的,我们叫它非真实条件句。要用虚拟语气,虚拟语气一般用相应的过去时态。结构:主过将从过(即将“主将从现”的结构倒退一个时态) If it rained today, we would stay at home.

  4. 注意: 1 在非真实条件句中,尽管条件从句使用一般过去时态,但是不表示过去。 2 在非真实条件句中,谓语动词如果是be,不论其主语是单数还是复数,也不管主语是第几人称,be动词常用were,不用was If I were you, I would go to the party.

  5. what things are you afraid of?

  6. If I were in the cage,I would----------------------

  7. If I were the baby,I would

  8. If I were the man,I would

  9. If I were in the desert,I would

  10. If I were on the ship,I would

  11. If I were the man,I would

  12. medical equipment 医疗器材 medical research 医疗研究 tie 领带

  13. Red Cross 红十字会 charity 慈善机构 lottery 抽奖 $1,000,000 a million dollars 一百万美元 millionaire百万富翁, 大富豪

  14. 希望工程 Project Hope

  15. How did Kun do with the1000,000 dollars? He gave it to Project Hope. What would you do if you had a million dollars? I would … give it to West Development give it to medical research. give it to the charities. buy a big house. ……

  16. Complete the sentences from your own experience: If I were you, I would ask him at once.

  17. 1.A: I argued with my best friend. B: If I were you, I… 2.A: A friend said something bad about me. B: If I were you, I… 3.A: I’m afraid of speaking in public. B: If I were you, I… 4.A: I failed in the English test. B: If I were you, I… 5.A: I argued with my best friend. B:If I were you, I…

  18. 2 1 4 3

  19. 2 3 5

  20. 1 2 4 5

  21. Pairwork Larry’s worries 1 I don’t know what to wear. 2 I don’t have a present. What ifeveryone else brings a present? 3 What if I don’t know anyone?

  22. Grammar Focus What would you do if you had a million dollars? I’d give it to charity. If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie. If I were you, I’d take a small present.

  23. C a b

  24. 3b A: I can’t sleep the night before an exam. Then I’m too tired to do well. What should I do? B: If I were you, I’d…

  25. 4 A: I really want a dog, but my parents won’t let me have one. B: Well, dogs can be a lot of trouble. Maybe you should get small pet, like a goldfish. A : That’s a good idea.

  26. Thank you very much & goodbye!!

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