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School Bus Safety New Laws Aimed at Preventing Accidents / Tragedies

School Bus Safety New Laws Aimed at Preventing Accidents / Tragedies. NJASBO Conference June 5 – 7, 2019. School Bus Accidents Statistics according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

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School Bus Safety New Laws Aimed at Preventing Accidents / Tragedies

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  1. School Bus Safety New Laws Aimed at Preventing Accidents / Tragedies NJASBO Conference June 5 – 7, 2019

  2. School Bus Accidents Statistics according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) According to NHTSA, school buses are “one of the safest forms of transportation” in the United States. The NHTSA reports that an average of six children annually is killed in accidents while passengers on school buses. Noting that statistic, hundreds of children are injured each year in accidents and incidents while passengers on school buses. Also, pedestrians, including school age children at or near schools, are killed or injured in accidents involving school buses. There are about 450,000 school buses in operation at this time in the U.S. Concerns exist regarding how thorough inspections of school buses are in the United States. There are consistent calls from safety experts seeking an enhancement of safety protocols associated with school buses. https://www.nhtsa.gov/sites/nhtsa.dot.gov/files/documents/2015_school-transportation-related_crashes_traffic_safety_fact_sheet.pdf

  3. Major Factors Contributing to School Bus Accidents Include: • Inadequate training for bus drivers • Improper employment screening • Driving while fatigued • Driving while intoxicated • Reckless driving on the part of another driver • Overloaded or improperly loaded buses • Inadequate bus maintenance

  4. New Jersey School Bus Laws Aim to Prevent Accidents – What do the new laws include? Mandatory safety training for school bus drivers twice a year NJ DOE must notify state authorities if and when a school bus driver’s license is suspended or revoked Bus driver must adhere to all federal regulations Bus drivers over age 70 must submit a doctor’s report to prove physical fitness once per year Bus drivers 75 and older must submit a doctor’s report twice a year

  5. Mandatory Safety Training – P.L. 2018, c.160 • A-4345 requires all permanent and substitute school bus drivers and aides to undergo mandatory safety education programs twice every year.

  6. Mandatory Notification – P.L. 2018, c.152 • S-2850 requires that when the New Jersey Department of Education notifies a board of education or a school bus contractor that a school bus driver has had their bus driver license suspended or revoked, the board of education or school bus contractor must verify to DOE that the driver in question no longer operates a bus for them.

  7. Compliance with All Federal RegulationsP.L. 2018, c.159 • A-4339 requires school bus operations / school bus drivers in New Jersey to comply with all federal regulations for safety, noise emissions, insurance, and drug testing, among other areas.

  8. Over the Age of 70 – P.L. 2018, c.151 • S-2848 requires holders of a bus driver license to submit a medical report by a certified medical examiner. It also requires school bus drivers over the age of 70 to submit proof of physical fitness every year.

  9. Age 75 and Older – P.L. 2018, c. 151 • S-2848 requires holders of a bus driver license to submit a medical report by a certified medical examiner. It also requires school bus drivers age 75 and older to submit proof of physical fitness every six (6) months.

  10. To Bolster School Bus Safety In February 2019, Governor Murphy signed three (3) bills to bolster school bus safety. • A-4224 appropriates dollars for a required study of safety of school bus passengers P.L. 2019, c.24 • A-2436 requires school district transportation supervisors to take a certification program on regulations that govern school transportation operations • P.L. 2019, c.17 • S-2914 requires the suspension of a school bus endorsement for three or more motor vehicle violations in a 3-year period • P.L. 2019, c.9

  11. School Bus Passenger Safety StudyP.L. 2019, c.24 A-4224 appropriates $250,00 for a required study of safety of school bus passengers in certain emergency situations, including bus accidents. The study will also examine safety technologies, and oversight of school operations.

  12. School District Transportation SupervisorsP.L. 2019, c.17 • A-2436 requires school district transportation supervisors with less than eleven (11) years of experience as a school transportation supervisor to take a certification program that includes courses that cover statutes and regulations that govern school transportation operations.

  13. Suspension of a School Bus EndorsementP.L. 2019, c.9 • S-2914 requires the suspension of a school bus endorsement on the driver’s license of a driver for 90 days after the date of the last conviction if the driver is convicted of three or more motor vehicle moving violations in a three-year period or accumulates six or more vehicle penalties. The School bus driver’s employer is to be notified immediately that the driver’s school bus endorsement has been suspended.

  14. What About Seatbelts? • All New Jersey school buses must have seatbelts, and students are required to wear them. • New Jersey is one of about a half-dozen states requiring seatbelts on school buses, and it also mandates that students wear them. • Installation of three-point safety belts. P.L. 2018, c.118)

  15. To find copies of the laws mentioned in this presentation go to:www.njleg.state.nj.us

  16. Questions?

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