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Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer BMayer@SBCGlobal.net

Engineering. New-Grad Employment at Stanford, CAL, MIT, CalPoly : What’s Important to Employers. Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer BMayer@SBCGlobal.net. Recent Chabot Engineering Interns. Joshua Przepioski → NASA-Ames ACCEDP

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Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer BMayer@SBCGlobal.net

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  1. Engineering New-Grad Employment at Stanford, CAL, MIT, CalPoly:What’s Importantto Employers Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical EngineerBMayer@SBCGlobal.net

  2. Recent Chabot Engineering Interns • Joshua Przepioski → NASA-Ames ACCEDP • Qijun Hu →UCBerkeley Transfer To Exellence (TTE) Summer ResearchProgram • OmotayoOlukoya→UCB TTE Program • Also earned an offer from UCB NIH Bridges Program

  3. Recent Chabot Engineering Internships • Robert Curry → • SFBay Water Quality Control Board • CA Dept of Water Resources • Jose Servanda → W. L. Gore • Garrick Bornkamp → Lockheed-Martin • Krishnil Mani → Cisco Systems • Also two offers from NUMMI • Lucas Huezo → City of Palo Alto Public Works

  4. Recent Chabot Engineering Internships • Thein Win → Kiewit Pacific • Ishmael Ayesh → Kiewit Pacific • Nic Vickers → OptiSolar • Melissa Quemada → UCSB INSET • Alvin Lee → UCSB INSET • Bruce Mayer (Cabrillo College) → Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) • Well, Maybe Not So RECENT

  5. Community College Internships (CCI) • Check CCI WebSite Early in Fall Term

  6. Sci Undergrad Lab Internships

  7. UCB Transfer Alliance Project

  8. UCBerkeley TTE Program ChabotStudent

  9. NASA Ames (Sunnyvale) • Ames Community College Education Development Program(ACCEDP) • Many More • SearchGoogle • Try Indeed.com • Even CRAIG’S LIST

  10. Research Experiences for Undergraduates  (REU)http://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/list_result.jsp?unitid=10006https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/

  11. Indeed.com Internships

  12. http://education.cnsi.ucsb.edu/pages/inset/projects/projects2005.htmlhttp://education.cnsi.ucsb.edu/pages/inset/projects/projects2005/quemada.htmlhttp://education.cnsi.ucsb.edu/pages/inset/projects/projects2005.htmlhttp://education.cnsi.ucsb.edu/pages/inset/projects/projects2005/quemada.html

  13. 2005 Chabot Engineering Interns Melissa Quemada Alvin Lee

  14. Chabot (way cool) Projects

  15. http://csep.cnsi.ucsb.edu/cc/inset

  16. Job Offers Circa Jan 1979 Thank You UC Berkeley Placement Center ~$70k in 2014-$

  17. Accepted Offer Jan 1979

  18. B. Mayer – College Recruiter • My Industrial Employer, Watkins-Johnson Co. (WJ), Produced Heavily-Engineered Systems for µWave-Communications and Semiconductor-Fabrication • Dean Watkins Was an Ex-Stanford Professor of Electrical Engineering • He also served 2 terms (24yrs) on the UC Board of Regents

  19. B. Mayer – College Recruiter cont. • WJ Endeavored to Hire New-Grad Scientists & Engineers from Highly Regarded Universities • To Ensure Proper Probing of a Candidate’s Background, HR recruiters were NOT sent to Perform this Task • Instead, Current Employees with Technical Degrees (Usually from the Target Institution) Visited the University • I did this for over Ten Years

  20. B. Mayer College Recruiting Summary • Industrial Recruiter for Engineering Talent – 4-Year Institutions included: • UC Berkeley – 10+ Recruiting Interview Visits • Stanford University – 6 Recruiting Interview Visits • Representative at Two Recruiting “Faires” • MIT – Recruiting Presentation & Interview Visit • University of Arizona – Recruiting Interview Visit • Arizona State University – Recruiting Interview Visit • State University of New York, Albany – Recruiting Visit • WJ Also Visited CalPoly, SJSU, UCD, CSUEB

  21. UCBerkeleyOnCampus Recruiting • https://career.berkeley.edu/Callisto/OCR.stm

  22. Typical Recruiting Day • 0730 hrs: Arrive at University Placement Center; Receive 14 resumes • 0730-0830hrs: Review Resumes, make notations for Specific Inquiries • 0830hrs: 1st of Seven, half-hour, Morning interviews • 1130hrs: Last Morning Interview • 1200-1330hrs: Lunch with Prof. • Ask for Specific Recommendations

  23. Typical Recruiting Day cont. • 1330hrs: 1st of Seven, half-hour, Afternoon interviews • 1600hrs: Last Afternoon Interview • 1630-1800hrs: Informal Interviews with Students Recommended by the Prof. • Later: Collapse in Exhaustion caused by paying intense attention during 14+ Student Interviews

  24. Anatomy of the 0.5hr Interview • 1st 25 minutes • Welcome Student • Probe Background, Interests, Inclinations, Long Term Plans, Match between Student-Potential and Company-Needs • Ask if Student has ANY Questions for me • Typical = “When will you next contact me regarding my joining WJ” • I got all kinds of Good, Odd, Interesting Qs • Last 5 min = Make notes on interview

  25. Class Question???? • Which Aspect of the Student’s Background was MOST important in evaluating the Recruit’s Suitability for Professional Employment (at WJ)? • ? • ? • ?

  26. Recruiting – WJ Assessment Criteria • GPA: Demonstrates One or All of: • Commitment to the Task at Hand • Ability to LEARN and MASTER • WJ Wanted Engineers Who Were “Quick Studies” and could Adapt to Rapid Change • Aptitude and/or Intellectual-Capacity for Applied Math/Physics Based Engineering • Match Between Course-Work and the Needs of the Organization • e.g., Microwave E&M Courses

  27. Recruiting – Assessment Criteria cont • Capacity to DESIGN • Design Projects (preferably BUILT) • Hands-On Experience • Work Experience • Technical Work Experience Preferred • e.g.; Internship, Research Assistant • Responsible Charge • e.g.; Night Mgrat a Retail Store

  28. Recruiting – Assessment Criteria cont • Preparation, Decorum, Maturity • Positive Attitude • Focus on the WORK or PRODUCTS, NOT on the COMPENSATION or BENEFITS • Career Goals • Research on the Company • Familiarity with Products • Appropriate Dress • Thank-You Letters • WJ wanted “Fully Functional” People

  29. What to Bring to the Interview • Remember; you have only about 25 minutes with the interviewer • Extra Copies of Your Resume • In case interviewer did not receive one • Copy of Academic TRANSCRIPTS • For Quick Reference • Examples of your BEST & MOST-Relevant Work-Product • Lab/Project Report, “BluePrints”, etc.

  30. NewGrad Resource  NACEhttps://www.naceweb.org/salary-resources/index.aspxhttps://www.naceweb.org/uploadedFiles/Content/static-assets/downloads/executive-summary/2013-recruiting-benchmarks-survey-executive-summary.pdf

  31. NACE  What Employers Want • 2010 NACE Survey on Skills and Qualities Desired in NEW-Graduate Hires • 5 = Extremely Important; 1 = not Important Communication Skills: Verbal & Written (4.7) Strong Work Ethic (4.6) Motivation and Initiative (4.5) Interpersonal Skills – Relates Well to Others(4.5) Problem Solving Skills (4.5) TeamWork Skills – Works well with Others (4.5)

  32. NACE  What Employers Want • Technical Skills (4.1) • Organizational Skills (4.0) • This list applies to the GENERAL-Case Employer • Engineering Employers have Different Priorities Analytical Skills (4.4) Flexibility and Adaptability (4.3) Computer Skills (4.2) Attentive to Detail (4.1) LeaderShip Skills (4.1)

  33. What ENGR Employers Want* TeamWork Skills Analytical Skills Flexibility & Adaptabilty Computer Skills Attentive to Detail LeaderShip Skills Organizational Skills Interpersonal Skills • Technical Skills (tie) Communication Skills; especially WRITTEN (tie) Problem-Solving (Design) Skills Motivation & Initiative Strong Work Ethic * B. Mayer Best Estimate * Oct2010

  34. Personal Values Employers Seek • Honesty/Integrity/Morality • Adaptability/Flexibility • Dedication/Hard-Working/Work-Ethic/Tenacity • Dependability/Reliability/Responsibility. • Loyalty • Positive Attitude/Motivation/Energy/Passion • Professionalism • Self-Confidence • Self-Motivated/Ability to Work With Little or No Supervision • Willingness to Learn. http://www.quintcareers.com/job_skills_values.html

  35. All Done for Today • Be COMPETENT • HELP Others • Offer SOLUTIONS; not Whining • Do NOT be a JERK Be Valuable& Liked

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