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A software bundle simplifying GFS data download and processing from NCEP NOMADS server to Windows PC. Includes macros/scripts for analysis and forecasting. Developed by International Desks for Latin America's forecasters.
New tool to ease GFS data download and processing Juan José A. Figueroa(MARN, El Salvador) Angelo Pascualetti(DMC, Chile) Michel Davison(WPC / NOAA, USA) and José Gálvez(SRG / WPC / NOAA, USA) July 29, 2014
What was developed? • Software Bundle: Set of Windows programs & installer • They simplify the download of 0.5°-GFS grib data • tiles from the NCEP NOMADS server to a • Windows PC/Laptop • Installer includes the WingriddsV3.2* grid-analysis • software plus macros/scripts developed at the • International Desks for the analysis of model data *Wingridds: Software for gridded-data analysis in Windows Systems developed by Jeff Krob. http://winweather.org/
Goal • Effort targeted at the needs of Latin America’s • Forecasting community, but tool is useful anywhere • Part of the WPC International Desks Support to • WMO regions III and IV
GFS data & Latin America Thanks to NOAA, Latin America is highly benefited by the availability of GFS model data. These are used primarily for -Weather Forecasting -Initialization of regional models in countries with the capabilities -Research
Download and Analysis Methods • GFS Grib Data are often downloaded from -the TGFTP Server (most known/used choice) ftp://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov • Once downloaded, gridded GFS data are often • processed/analyzed using -WINGRIDDS (Forecasting-Oriented Software for Windows) -GRADS (Research-Oriented Software for LINUX) -other software
Common Limitations Other • Computing Skills to play with the data -Important to make things easier so more people manage to obtain, read and analyze the data instead of just visualizing plots online • Storage Space -Files can be too large if stored for research #1 Speed of internet connection
GFS Data often used 1. WAFS(Weather Area Forecast System) 2. Global data •1-degree •0.5-degree • All available at the tgftp server: ftp://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov
1.WAFS (Weather Area-Forecast System) • WMO / NOAA / UKMET effort that started during the • mid-90s to support aviation and weather forecasting • Consists of Global model data interpolated into • 1.25-degree grids • Mandatory Pressure Levels Divided for different sectors around the globe (smaller files instead of large global data files)
WAFS Sectors L and P 90N L 120W 30W EQ 120W P 30W 90S
1.WAFS INITIALLY… • Winds and temperatures • 1.25°-grid, Mandatory Levels • Through 36 hrs, every 3 NOW • Winds, temperatures, Omegas, RH, Precipitation • 1.25°-grid, Mandatory Levels • Every 3 hrs through F36h • Every 6 hrs from F42h to F120h File size: ~369 KB/forecast hour
2.GFS Global Data Much more completemore information but larger files. VARIABLES: Winds, Temperature, Omegas, RH, Precip, Precip Type, Max/Min Temp, Vorticity, Cloud Height, 0 Degree Isotherm, etc,etc. LEVELS: Every 50hPa plus some sigma-level data. HOURS: Every 3hrs through 192 hrs. FILE SIZE PER FCST HOUR: 1-degree: ~16.7 MB 0.5-degree: ~51.7 MB
2.GFS Global Data Horizontal Resolution 1-degree 0.5-degree
2.GFS Global Data Vertical Resolution 50 hPa Every 50hPa Every 25hPa 900 hPa 1000 hPa + Some sigma (terrain-following) levels
WAFS Global 1° Global 0.5° File size per hour 0.37 MB 16.7 MB 51.7 MB -Easy download -Lengthy download -Broadband capability required 1.25 ° 1.0 ° 0.5 ° Resolution -Resolves only synoptic features -Resolves meso- synoptic features -Limited vertical resolution Recommended if you have the capability Dataset Inter-comparison
Other Options • What about those who don’t have the high speed capability and would like to download the higher resolution data?
NOMADS Data Serverhttp://nomad5.ncep.noaa.gov/ncep_data/index.html
NOMADS Data Server • Allows you to select the resolution • Time increment • Parameters • Create your own sectors
Example: Mexico-Caribbean Sector (Tile)Instead of 51.7MB, 9.4MB
However, you need to pick your settings by hand and submit them to the NOMADS server Can this be made automatic? Advantages • Higher resolution data in smaller files, packaged for your convenience. • Can modify the area to suit your needs and available communication capabilities • Can make it smaller/larger
The International Desks Team has developed a software bundle that simplifiesthe download of these high-resolution sector data, with chance for full automation YES! • Software Bundle… • Installs Wingridds V3.2 including updated & documented • macros/scripts developed and used at the International • Desks for analysis, forecasting and training. • (2) Contains a set of scripts that allow • •automatic download of 0.5-degree GFS sector data • from the NOMADS server • •automatic conversion of these into Wingridds format
Two sectors supported in bundle Mexico-Caribbean Tile 9.4MB vs… 9.4MB • 51.7MB Global File in TGFTP (18%) • 233MB Global File in NOMADS (4%) South America Tile 13MB vs… • 51.7MB Global File in TGFTP(25%) 13MB • 233MB Global File in NOMADS (5%)
Where to get it? Bundle and instructions available online: http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/ international/gfs_sector_data/ Lets start a tour over the website...
http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/international/gfs_sector_data/ Advantages -Save disk space and enhance resolution simultaneously -Faster download -Faster processing times -Be able to go back 12 days (data in TGFTP available only for 1 day) -Easy installation of Wingridds with updated MACROS/scripts and documentation Requirements -Windows. Works best in Windows 7 or newer.
Downloading & Installing -Installer (executables .exe) for 32 and 64 bits. You can install by just executing the “.exe” file. -Alternate options: zipped folders. Unzip and extract the WINGRIDDS folder into your C:/ folder Note: Rename your C:/WINGRIDDS Folder if you have it already installed What will happen: You will have a fresh version of Wingridds 3.2 installed. This includes all the current MACROS(scripts) used at the International Desks and their documentation.
Operating the Download Programs Instructions available… On the website On readme files placed at “C:\WINGRIDDS\datosector_gfs\documentation” once the installer has been executed
Operating the Software To download sector data just go to the folder “C:\WINGRIDDS\datosector_gfs\en” or “C:\WINGRIDDS\datosector_gfs\es” Scripts in English Scripts in Spanish
Scripts in English C:\WINGRIDDS\datosector_gfs\en -Four for Mexico-Caribbean -Four for South America -Available for each hour of initialization. Just double-click to run NOTE: Remember that data become available about 4-hours after initialization. This means that data for 00z will become available around 04z; for 06z around 10z and so on.
Scripts in Spanish C:\WINGRIDDS\datosector_gfs\es -Four for Mexico-Caribbean -Four for South America Just double-click to run Similar! Only differences: • Comments are in Spanish • The date is grabbed from your Windows System in a different manner (since in Spanish DD/MM/YYYY is used instead of MM/DD/YYYY). If needed, instructions to adjust the scripts to your Windows System and/or to fix the date explicitly are provided.
What will these programs do? (1)Store the downloaded grib files in C:\WINGRIDDS\GRIB\NWS These can be used for whatever purpose you’d like, as long as you have a means to read them.
What will these programs do? (2)Store the ready-to-use Wingridds file in the folder “C:\WINGRIDDS\GRIDDATA\” • The extension will be “GFS255” • Can be opened with Wingridds
Bugs… what can prevent GFS data downloading? • Date grabbed incorrectly from your PC/Laptop Solution: Modify the variable “date_string” in each program (details in website). (2)Grib-to-Wingridds converter runs before all grib files have finished downloading (in some slower connections) Solution: Run the converter manually and stop the programs from running it by commenting the last two lines in each program. (3)Firewall issues that block the ports used to connect with the NOMADS server Solution: Coordinate with your network administrator.
Bugs… what can prevent GFS data downloading? (4)Although sector limits can be modified, the Grib-to-Wingridds converter has some issues with some sectors. Solution: Go back to a previous sector that worked. If it works again stick to this one or try other coordinates. This issue should be solved once the next Wingridds update becomes available.