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ARRA Reporting Overview. www.Recovery.GovThe government's central website established to provide information for the public to monitor the progress of the stimulus packagewww.FederalReporting.Gov The central government-wide data collection system for agencies and recipients of award
1. RU ARRA Reporting Information Session September 2009
2. ARRA Reporting Overview www.Recovery.Gov
The government’s central website established to provide information for the public to monitor the progress of the stimulus package
The central government-wide data collection system for agencies and recipients of awards under Section 1512 of the Recovery Act to submit the ARRA quarterly reports
DGCA has registered on behalf of Rutgers University
DGCA will be responsible for centrally collecting and submitting the ARRA quarterly reports, required by Section 1512 on behalf of all Principal Investigators (for all campuses)
Therefore, Principal Investigators who have received ARRA funds, and
their administrators, should NOT register with FederalReporting.gov.
3. ARRA Reporting Deadlines ARRA Quarterly Reports are due 10 Calendar Days after each Calendar Quarter
First statutory report due: October 10, 2009 (Saturday)
First report: Information will be reported on a cumulative basis since Inception through September 30, 2009
Days 11-21: Prime Recipients Review Data Submitted by Sub(s)
and make any corrections
Federal agencies have “View” access to submitted data only
Days 22-29: Agencies Review and Comment on Data Submitted
Day 30: All data published on Recovery.gov
Incomplete or Late Reports are deemed Non-Compliant
4. ARRA Reporting 99 Data Fields Must Be Reported Quarterly for Each Award
Includes: Administrative, Financial and Programmatic Data
PIs will be required to complete 5 of those data fields quarterly via new RU ARRA Web Portal
The Five Fields are:
1. Percentage of Completion of Project
2. Description of Quarterly Activities and Milestones
3. Jobs Created*
4. Jobs Retained*
5. Job Narrative
An additional field will also be provided for each of these data elements for internal purposes only to provide support on how FTEs were derived
All fields are required to be completed
The data fields will be the maximum character length permitted by the quarterly report
5. Data Element 1 - Percentage of Completion of Project Definition: Evaluation of completion status of project/activities funded by ARRA award. The status of work that has been completed. This evaluation should be based on performance progress reports and other relevant non-financial performance information
Select from:
Not Started
Less than 50%
Completed 50% or more
Fully Completed
Note: The status should be reflective of the entire project period and not just on the funds awarded to date.
Note: You must include in this evaluation the progress on any subawards issued from your award by requesting updates directly from the subrecipient where applicable
6. Data Element 2 – Description of Quarterly Activities Definition:
For Grants: A description of the overall purpose and expected outputs and outcomes or results of the award and any first-tier subawards, including significant deliverables
For Contracts: A description of all significant services performed and/or supplies delivered
If there are no significant changes from your project’s abstract, it is acceptable to indicate: “As defined in award description field”
Otherwise, include only any significant changes as the project progresses
NOTE: If there is any anticipation that the research could result in a protectable IP, please ensure this does not contain any information that could constitute “public disclosure” and reduce or eliminate the ability to patent or otherwise protect.
NOTE: This is NOT to be considered a quarterly scientific/progress report.
7. Data Elements 3 and 4 – Jobs Created/Retained Jobs Created:
Definition: A new position created and filled or an existing unfilled position that is filled as a result of the ARRA award.
Jobs Retained:
Definition: An existing position that would not have been continued to be filled were it not for the ARRA award.
A job cannot be counted as both created and retained.
Only compensated employment in the United States or outlying areas* should be counted
Both data elements must be expressed as “full-time equivalents” (FTEs). The FTEs must be reported cumulatively each calendar quarter.
Further guidance will be distributed to all PIs to assist you on how to report FTEs to ensure consistent and accurate reporting of all jobs.
8. Data Elements – Jobs Created/Retained Continued Jobs created/retained reported must include the FTEs of any first-tier subrecipient.
Important: DGCA will be adding the first-tier subrecipient FTEs to what you report based upon the latest invoice/report received from the sub(s) on your award. Consequently, do not include these FTEs when entering data into the RU ARRA Web Portal.
Note: RU Jobs created/retained reported must be verifiable per the University’s payroll distribution based upon their percentage of effort/activity as of the end of the calendar quarter (09/30/09).
9. Data Elements – Jobs Created/Retained (RU Internal Fields) These fields are for internal RU purposes only.
They will not be included in the final report submitted to the government.
Indicate the details on how you derived the FTEs – Cite specific names and job titles.
10. Data Element 5 - Job Narrative Definition: A narrative description of the employment impact of the ARRA funded work. This narrative is cumulative for each calendar quarter and at a
minimum, should address the impact on the recipient’s workforce.
At a minimum, provide a brief description of the types of jobs created and retained in the United States and outlying areas*. This description should use job titles or broader labor categories, not specific individual names as long as the terms are widely understood and describe the general nature of the work.
Access will be limited to PI and any type 1 employee support staff he/she delegates only.
The Process:
- Login using Netid
- Listing of all your active ARRA awards will be shown
- Confirm that all your awards are reflected
- If no, contact dgca1@rci.rutgers.edu immediately
- Enter for each award, the required data elements
- Allows you to save drafts of data entered on each award
- Once you have completed and finalized the required data on an award, then select
Reminder: All the data you provide (except for those in the internal RU fields) will appear
on the public website Recovery.gov on the 30th after RU submits report.
Note: You or your designee may select “FINAL” but once selected, no further editing will be allowed
Once final has been selected, an email confirmation to PI will be sent with the final version
12. RU Reporting Process – Qtr Ending 09/30/09 By the Last Week of September: RU ARRA Web Portal will be available An email notification will be sent to each PI with details on how to access October 2: Reminder email notification will be sent on upcoming deadline to all PIs October 3: PIs must complete and submit the final data in the RU ARRA Web Portal for all their awards by this date Important: The web portal will be brought down on October 4 and will no longer be available for data entry. October 4: DGCA will export finalized data, begin their review data and complete the ARRA quarterly report for each of your awards October 4: For any awards, where final data was not submitted by the 3rd, a follow-up email will be sent. If data is still not received by October 5, a second email will be sent to Chair/Dean October 5: DGCA will distribute the completed quarterly reports to each PI and designee for review. PIs/Designees are responsible for getting back to dgca1@rci.rutgers.edu no later than October 7 with any adjustments or corrections required. Important: No confirmation or response by October 7 will be considered acceptance. On or before October 10: DGCA will submit the University’s quarterly report to the Government