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Ethical Perspectives: Counselling in Prisons.

This resource by Peter Jones explores ethical perspectives and challenges in counseling within prison settings. The text covers ethical frameworks, confidentiality, risks concerning health and security, the therapeutic relationship, and strategies for building an evidence base and network.

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Ethical Perspectives: Counselling in Prisons.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ethical Perspectives: Counselling in Prisons. Peter Jones. Chair Counselling In Prisons Network RMN. MA.

  2. Ethical Framework. Confidentiality 06/01/2020 Risk Health / Therapist Regime Peter Jones

  3. Risk • Risk to Self • Others • Security • The Nature of Risk . Evolves /Fluid Peter Jones

  4. Confidentiality • When To Break it ? • To whom do you pass it on? • The Role of Contracting. • The Essence of security . • Note taking Peter Jones

  5. Health / Therapist • The Therapeutic relationship • What's Different in the custodial setting • The nature of therapy in Prison • Culture and Ethics Peter Jones

  6. What Next • Build an evidence base • 5 year strategy Document • Develop network – national , international links Peter Jones

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