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Chikungunya Infection Khachornsakdi Silpapojakul MD

Chikungunya Infection Khachornsakdi Silpapojakul MD Prince of Songkla University Hat yai, Thailand. What ???. Chikungunya ( Swahili = “that which bends up” )

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Chikungunya Infection Khachornsakdi Silpapojakul MD

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  1. Chikungunya Infection Khachornsakdi Silpapojakul MD Prince of Songkla University Hat yai, Thailand

  2. What ???

  3. Chikungunya ( Swahili = “that which bends up”) One of “viral arthritides” which include O’ nyong nyongfeverin Africa ( Acholi = joint breaker), Ross River fever in Australia, Sindbis fever in the Western Pacific and Mayaro fever in South America. Tesh RB. Arthritides caused by mosquito-borne viruses. Ann Rev Med 1982;32:31-40

  4. Chikungunya Virus

  5. Arbovirus = Arthropod-borne viruses (~ 500) Family Genus Viruses Togaviridae Alphavirus Chikungunya O’nyong nyong Ross River Flaviviridae Flavivirus Dengue, JE West Nile Bunyaviridae Rift Valley fever

  6. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1958;7;561-573

  7. Chikungunya & Thailand

  8. Chikungunya & Thailand

  9. Chikungunya Outbreak: Bangkok 1962 In 1962, an estimated 40,000 patients sought medical attention in the urban complex of 2 million inhabitants. This intensive transmission in mosquitoes was accomplished by large population of Ae. aegypti breeding in water storage jars ubiquitous in Thai homes as a consequenceof the lack of piped water distribution system. Halstead SB, Nimmannitya S, Margiotta MR. Dengue andchikungunya virus infection in man in Thailand, 1962-1964,II: Observations on disease in outpatients. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1969;18:972-83.

  10. Chikungunya: Disappeared?? - Burke DS et al : Disappearance of Chikungunya virus from Bangkok . (Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1985;79:419)

  11. Aug 19,1984 - A 50 yr old, Dean of a medical school - Fever with rash, 1 wk - 2 days later, some petechiae appeared - Cough, myalgia esp. at the back - PE febrile, generalized rash with some petechiae - Hct 43 % ; WBC 14,067 P 65 % L 23 % , M10 % - Platelet count = 210,000

  12. Aug 19,1984 Aug 27,1984 Dengue 2 1:160 1:160 Dengue 4 1:320 1:320 Chikungunya 1:5120 1:5120

  13. ACUTE PUO, SONGKLA Hospital : Hat-Yai & Rattapum Hospitals Year : Oct. 1991 - Jan. 1993 No. of patients = 335 Adults = 182 Children = 153

  14. ACUTE PUO, SONGKLA Adults Children Total 1. Scrub typhus 21 20 41(12.2%) 2. Leptospirosis 19 6 25(7.5%) 3. Dengue infection 8 17 25(7.5%) 4. Murine typhus 12 7 19(5.7%) 5. Chikungunya 2 7 9(2.7%) 6. J.E.V. 1 4 5(1.5%) Total known 124(37.0%)

  15. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Publ Health 1997;28:359-364 July 1991 KhonKaen (96 cases) July1995 NakomSiThammaraj(576 cases) August 1995 Nong Khai (331 cases)

  16. Why is it important now ??

  17. Lancet Infect Dis 2007;7:319–27

  18. Where ???

  19. 1,400,000 266000

  20. Chikungunya outbreaks, India

  21. Chikungunya suspects, India

  22. Chikungunya: High attack rate, Highly symptomatic, Low mortality Kenya (Lamu) outbreak (July 2004)= 75% of the population. Comoros Island (2005)= 63% Mayotte (2005) = 26% Reunion Island (2005) = 266,000/77500 (46,000 new cases in week 6) with 254 deaths(~1 in 1000 clinical cases). Lancet Infect Dis 2007;7:319–27

  23. Rezza et al. Infection withchikungunya virus in Italy: an outbreak in a temperate region. Lancet 2007; 370: 1840–46.

  24. www.thelancet.com Vol 370 December 1, 2007

  25. NEngl JMed 2007;356;768-771

  26. EID 2007;13:147-149

  27. A ProMED-mail post <http://www.promedmail.org> Date: 5 Sep 2008 Source: Singapore Ministry of Health [edited] <http://www.moh.gov.sg/mohcorp/pressreleases.aspx?id=19846> ---Since January 2008, Singapore has been experiencing outbreaks of both imported and local cases of Chikungunya fever. There have been an additional 28 cases (including 16 imported) since the last update. As of 4 Sep 2008, a total of 178 cases have been notified this year. Of these, 86 were imported cases with history of travel to Johor (69 cases) and other states of Malaysia (8 cases), Indonesia (4 cases), Sri Lanka (2 cases), India (2 cases) and the Maldives (one case). The rest were locally acquired infections

  28. 82 คน,,Median age =54 ปี (range=8-81), < 15 yr old= 2

  29. 2008-2009 Chikungunya Outbreak, Southern Thailand

  30. สงขลา 7921 ราย นราธิวาส 7837 ราย ปัตตานี 3350 ราย ยะลา 1684 ราย ตรัง 96 ราย พัทลุง 12 ราย สตูล 0 ราย รวมทั้งหมด 20900 ราย

  31. 44 55 6 189 10 30 21 2 18 207 15 52 216

  32. 18 216

  33. Why?

  34. 0 0 1 0 0 30 30 230 1649 24 536 90 325 3610 1373

  35. Why ???

  36. Emerging Diseases: Factors Man Microbes Environment

  37. Transmission: How ???

  38. Transmission African Chikungunya = rural, sylvatic cycle Wild primates Forest mosquitoes Man ( Ae. africanus Ae. fureifer ) Asian Chikungunya = urban, domestic cycle Man Mosquitoes Man ( Ae. aegypti Ae. albopictus )

  39. การสอบสวนโรคไข้ออกผื่นปวดข้อ อำเภอเซกา จังหวัดหนองคาย พ.ศ. 2538 สุนทร เหรียญภูมิการกิจ และคณะ

  40. ตารางที่ 1 ผลการศึกษาลูกน้ำยุงลายแยกตามพื้นที่ในเขตสุขาภิบาล (หมู่ที่ 7, 16) และนอกเขตสุขาภิบาล (หมู่ที่ 2) ตำบลเซกา อำเภอเซกา จังหวัดหนองคาย • หมายเหตุ • Breteau Index คือจำนวนภาชนะที่พบลูกน้ำยุงลายใน 100 บ้านที่สำรวจ • Containner Index คือร้อยละของภาชนะที่พบลูกน้ำยุงลายในภาชนะที่สำรวจ • House Index คือร้อยละของบ้านที่พบลูกน้ำยุงลายจากบ้านที่สำรวจ

  41. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Publ Health 1997;28:359-364 July 1991 KhonKaen (96 cases) July1995 NakomSiThammaraj(576 cases) August 1995 Nong Khai (331 cases)

  42. Thailand had 3 chikungunya outbreaks during the 1990s: Why not so widespread like the present outbreak ?

  43. Chikungunya, India Since May 2007, a renewed outbreak of fever has occurred in Kerala. About 3.6 million fever cases were recorded during 2007 (11.3% of the total population of the state), compared with about 1.8 million in 2006 and 1.2 million in 2005. The hilly and forested districts Kottayam and Pathanamthitta were the worst affected.They have abundant rubber plantations, which supported prolific breeding of Ae. albopictusmosquitoes.Kumar NP et al. A226V mutation in virus during the 2007 chikungunya outbreak in Kerala, India.J Gen Virol. 2008 ;89:1945-8

  44. Dengue Bulletin 2003;27:197-198

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