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Presentation Overview. History of Property Tax Policy to Influence Forest Management and Use in MinnesotaMN Sustainable Forest Incentive Act (SFIA)Program descriptionLandowner perceptions/concerns/interestOpportunities for increasing program participation SFIA and Conservation Easements. Own
1. Minnesota’s Sustainable Forest Incentives Act (SFIA) June 13, 2007
Michael Kilgore
Associate Professor
Department of Forest Resources University of Minnesota
St. Paul, MN
2. Presentation Overview
History of Property Tax Policy to Influence Forest Management and Use in Minnesota
MN Sustainable Forest Incentive Act (SFIA)
Program description
Landowner perceptions/concerns/interest
Opportunities for increasing program participation
SFIA and Conservation Easements
3. Ownership of MN’s Forests
4. Family Forests: Economic Importance
5. MN Forest Property Tax Laws -- Prior to SFIA -- Tree Growth Tax Law
Tax based on 30% of annual tree growth value
Eligibility Requirements
Application to county required
Landowners allow public access
Inconsistent eligibility criteria among counties
Low enrollment (< 500,000 acres)
Rising tax rates (taxes tied to timber prices)
6. MN Forest Property Tax Laws -- Prior to SFIA -- Auxiliary Forest Tax Law (AFTL)
Minimal annual land tax ($0.1/ac)
Yield tax: 10% – 40% of timber value
Landowners allow public access
50 year contracts
Low revenue generated
Low enrollment (~ 200,000 acres)
Moratorium on new AFTL contracts: 1974
7. Sustainable Forest Incentive Act(MS § 290C) Established in 2001.
Replaced Tree Growth & Auxiliary Forest Tax Laws.
Provides financial incentive to landowners making a long-term commitment to forest stewardship.
8. Sustainable Forest Incentive Act Requirements:
20 acre minimum (50%+ forested)
No buildings (undeveloped)
Use forest management plan
Use MFRC harvesting guidelines
Enroll for at least 4 years + 4 year waiting period to opt out (8 yrs min.)
File deed restriction
Public access required: >1,920 acres
9. Sustainable Forest Incentive Act Administration
Administered by Dept. of Revenue
(not county assessors)
Landowners required to annual certify compliance with SFIA provisions
Annual payment based on higher of:
2/3 of state avg. forest land property tax.
Difference in forest property tax:
market & current use value (state avg.)
11. Sustainable Forest Incentive Act 2006 SFIA Statistics
731 taxpayers enrolled:
658 individuals
73 businesses
601,852 acres enrolled:
118,265 acres – individuals
483,587 acres – businesses
12. Problems with SFIA
Low level of enrollment among family forest owners.
Bottleneck (perceived?) in getting forest management plan prepared.
13. Blandin Foundation-Sponsored SFIA Study 2005 SFIA Task Force identified additional information needs:
Landowner interest in SFIA at different payment levels.
Landowner perspectives on current SFIA requirements.
18. Prior awareness of SFIA
Attitudes: current SFIA requirements
(Deed restriction & 4-yr waiting period)
Plan to get a forest management plan
Per acre SFIA payment amount Factors Influencing SFIA Interest
19. Potential Strategies for Increasing SFIA Participation
Increase SFIA payment.
Get landowners interested in having a forest management plan prepared.
Change deed restriction & 4-year cancel notice requirements.
Market to family forest owners to increase SFIA program awareness.
Assist landowners in filling out SFIA paperwork
20. SFIA & Conservation Easements
21. Questions?