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NEEO 16 European academic research libraries setting-up a subject-oriented portal

NEEO 16 European academic research libraries setting-up a subject-oriented portal. LIBER, Toulouse, 1er juillet 2009 F. CAVALIER Sciences Po FRANCE. What is NEEO ?. European Commission funded project eContentplus, DG Information Society and Media Finance : € 2 M

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NEEO 16 European academic research libraries setting-up a subject-oriented portal

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  1. NEEO 16 European academic research libraries setting-up a subject-oriented portal LIBER, Toulouse, 1er juillet 2009 F. CAVALIER Sciences Po FRANCE

  2. What is NEEO ? • European Commission funded project • eContentplus, DG Information Society and Media • Finance : € 2 M • Duration : 30 months : Sept. 2007 to March 2010 • Key objectives : to improve the visibility of economics research • by providing Open Access to the academic output of leading economics institutions • through a multilingual portal – Economists Online and a technical architecture enabling new services Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  3. Who is NEEO ? • 16 EU-funded partners, including LSE, Universities of Oxford, Warwick, Tilburg, Kiel, Toulouse, Dauphine, Sciences Po, ULB, UCL, … • + 5 new partners: EUI (Florence, It.), the universities of Constance, Louvain, Geneva and Columbia University (USA) • Background : NEREUS consortium since 2003, with 23 academic institutions and their libraries with strengths in economics • NEEO is a libraries’ initiative. • Human resources involved: In each library, about 3 or 4 library and IT staff involved in the project Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  4. Quantity and quality : keywords for the content • Over 2 300 economists at NEEO institutions in 2007 • 900 authors participating • Objectives : 50 000 metadata records, 15 000 FT records Both historical and current content • Academic output : articles, books, chapters, conference proceedings, reports, PhD thesis, working papers • RePEc content also available in EO Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  5. Quantity and quality : keywords for the content Already achieved: Over 44,000 metadata records Over 17,300 full text records >2,600 currentcontent (cultural change: getting more CC) Content of the portal: Currently 9 partners online & RePEc Economists Online gateway, versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, version 1.3. Public launch 28 January 2010 Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  6. NEEO organisation chart

  7. NEEO Organisation 8 Workpackages WP1: Project Management is responsible for the efficient and successful execution of the project : planning, controlling, product delivery, reporting and communication structures. This work package is led by Vanessa Proudman, NEEO Project Manager (TU). WP2: User Requirements is responsible for identifying the needs of the end users(LSE) Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  8. NEEO Organisation WP3: Content – Traditional publications : coordinating and monitoring the local aggregation of high-quality content-enriched academic output amongst all partner institutions. A sub-workpackage will be dedicated to IPR issues (TU). WP4: Content – Datasets : making primary research data, on which publications aggregated in WP3 are based, publicly available (TU). Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  9. NEEO Organisation WP5: Interoperability infrastructure and Gateway : creation of an interoperable infrastructure to allow the smooth aggregation of dispersed information concentrating on setting common guidelines and standards (ULB). WP6: Multilingual issues is responsible for increasing access to economics content to the European community and four of its languages (EN, FR, DE and ES) KU Leuwen Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  10. NEEO Organisation WP7: Awareness and Dissemination : Advocacy activities relating to the dissemination of content from the project to further national and international information service providers (UCL) WP8: Assessment and Evaluation : monitoring the visibility, access and re-use of material and carrying out a user evaluation of the project’s services and content (LSE) Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  11. Managing together main OA and technical issues • Workshops, knowledge exchange, supportive outputs such as reports and FAQs on IPR issues • Advocacy support • User requirement studies • Assistance with adopting technical requirements defined by WP5 (sharing developments made on DSpace, adapting CERGE IR with Tilburg technical staff, etc.) • Long-term preservation (agreement with KB) Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  12. EO portal : technical aspects, new services • OAI-PMH exchange of DIDL-MODS formatted metadata • OAI-PMH exchange of usage metadata • Full-text searching • Automated publication lists per author • Automated enrichment of metadata • Integration with RePEc : push and pull • Multilingual searching Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  13. EO portal EO & PARTNERS’PORTALS • Local portals: SPIRE… • EO Portal Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  14. Local IRs,central portal : NEEO SOA • A local IR at each institution harvested by EO portal Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  15. Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  16. Local IRs, central portal : NEEO SOA • A local IR at each institution harvested by EO portal Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  17. Which content in 2009? Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  18. Bibliographic references44,443 89% • Full text documents17,355 77% • Working papers 9631 : Maastricht(1468) and LSE(1373) • Journal articles 5879 : Tilburg(1157), ULB(1112), and Leuven(672) • PhD theses 344 : Maastricht(223), ULB(35) • Book chapters 500 : Maastricht(253), Tilburg(62) • Reports 198 : SciencesPo(81), Tilburg(33) • Books 128 : ZBW(45), Leuven(31) • Conference proceedings 143 : SciencesPo(48), ULB(18) & Leuven(18) Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  19. Datasets: • Access to the primary research datasets (and supplementary materials) that underpin economics publications • Exploring the issues that hinder OA availability of research data, e.g. privacy, IPR, DB rights • One of the only concerted European efforts in the social sciences that systematically links primary research datasets to publications Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  20. EO portal Datasets • Pilot with 10 datasets per partner • Using DDI standard and Dataverse • NEEO accredits all contributors to the data life cycle, that is, dataset owners, data sources, data providers/distributors (capturing data provenance info) • Case study for researchers • Spin-offs • Emergence of institutional departmental policies for archiving, sharing and improving access to research data • Introduces the development of new skills and professions for the library community: The Data Librarian Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  21. EO portal Datasets: • NEEO Dataverse hosted by DVN of IQSS • 3 tools studied by NEEO : Nesstar, Fedora, Dataverse Network • NEEO choice : using the Dataverse Network of IQSS (Institute for Quantitative Social Sciences, Harvard University) NEEO dataverse : http://dvn.iq.harvard.edu/dvn/ • Each partner can choose to store its data on another platform which can be harvested in NEEO DVN • It is what Sciences po choosed to do because NESSTAR is already implemented in CDSP lab. Valoriser des données dans un dépôt institutionnel

  22. What are the benefits of NEEO for participants? Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  23. What are the benefits of NEEO for participants? • NEEO has provided the opportunity to set up IR in many cases and given an new impulse to local initiatives where IR already existed Sciences Po’s case: A DSPACE at first (SPIRE1) given up for a new tool conceived and set up by librarians, scientists and IT staff Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  24. BENEFITS • Taking part in a European project improved the visibility and credibility of the library’s activity in its environment • An opportunty to develop new skills to manage a European project • A wonderful opportunity to work together with European partners and to exchange information and good practices with librarians & IT staff • A new opportunity to work with researchers • An opportunity to increase advocacy for Open Access and to discuss the stakes for Scientific communication with researchers Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  25. A model for other subject repositories? • A strong consortium of institutions with a member base • With high-level support from the subject community • Where the institution’s rank and quality content is key • Making concrete efforts to provide new content OA • Showcasing and disseminating work worldwide • A central portal, where added value services are developed and tested collaboratively • Knowledge exchange activities increase efficiency and inspire • A sustainable model that can be built upon in the future

  26. EO portal : final conference • Theme: The future of subject repositories • Geographic overviews: US, Australia and Europe • Workshops on interoperability, datasets, IPR, content recruitment, multilingual systems and usage statistics • 28-29 January 2010, British Library, London • Programme to be published shortly • Interested in attending? subjectrep_parts@lists.uvt.nl Spire, l’archive ouverte de Sciences Po

  27. Ready to join us?

  28. Thank you Francois.cavalier@sciences-po.fr

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