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European Youth Forum: Empowering Youth through Non-Formal Education

The European Youth Forum promotes active youth participation in Europe by providing non-formal education programs. Learn about its methods, values, and impact on personal development and society.

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European Youth Forum: Empowering Youth through Non-Formal Education

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  1. The European Youth Forum The European Youth Forum is a platform of 97 national youth councils and international youth NGOs from across Europe.  It endeavours to serve the interests of young people from all over Europe, working with international institutions — principally the European Union, the Council of Europe and the United Nations — to promote the active participation of young people in the construction of a common Europe.

  2. Learning: Life Long and Life Wide Holistic view on education: three sectors on equal level: formal education and training, non-formal education and informal learning; Aim: self development of individual in relation to society Definition of the European Youth Forum: Nonformal education is an organised educational process which takes place alongside the mainstream systems of education and training and does not typically lead to certification. Individuals participate on a voluntary basis and as a result, the individual takes an active role in the learning process.

  3. NFE in Youth organisations Methods and Principles NFE has as main methodology learning by doing. It doesn’t take place in artificial situations but in real interaction with other people and the world around. NFE is learner centred and focusses on personal development within a community. NFE providers themselves decide their programmes. Learning is fun. Value based for instance peace education Often a by-product of participation

  4. Learning Outcomes of NFE Knowledge Soft skills such as interpersonal skills, people management skills, teamwork, leadership skills, planning, project management, organising, co-ordination and problem solving skills. Values and attitudes: human rights and freedom; democracy; respect; diversity; peace and prosperity; sustainable development; social justice and solidarity Personality and self-esteem

  5. Policy Processes Open Method of Coordination on Youth: - structural Dialogue EU-Youth - European Youth Pact: employment, social cohesion and education Open Method of Coordination on Education: ET 2010 - EQF - Validation of Non-Formal Education - Youthpass and Europass - Early School Leavers Social partners: regular discussion on EU level & member of Social Platform Council of Europe: co-management procedure on Youth, instruments such as the European Portfolio for Youth Workers Worldbank, UN: mainly Unesco,

  6. Youth needs for Guidance Empowerment and autonomy: throughout whole education Wish of learner central Transition education – work: youth employment twice as high Vulnerable groups: need priority Peer led processes as in youth organisations

  7. Questions * Have you ever recommended parents to have their children join youth organisations? Or advised young people about non-formal education possibilities? * Do you in career or LLL guidance take into account competences acquired in non-formal education or informal learning? * Have you included National Youth Councils or youth organisations in the National Guidance fora? * What could the YFJ and youth organisation do for you?

  8. Thanks!

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