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P UBLIC H EARING O N C ONDITIONAL G RANTS & C APITAL E XPENDITURE. Cape Town, 2.09.2009 M.E.C. Grace Pampiri North West Province. Introduction. Trends on grant allocations, transfers and expenditure. Analysis of budget and expenditure. Expenditure Trends. Achievements.
PUBLIC HEARING ON CONDITIONAL GRANTS & CAPITAL EXPENDITURE Cape Town, 2.09.2009 M.E.C. Grace Pampiri North West Province
Introduction. • Trends on grant allocations, transfers and expenditure. • Analysis of budget and expenditure. • Expenditure Trends. • Achievements. • Reasons for under-spending. • Plans to address shortcomings. • Monitoring capacity. • Conclusion. INDEX
The Department is humbled to be an implementing agent for our national Departments delivering its mandate, and ensuring that this grant achieves its objectives by providing accessible, sustainable sport and recreation programmes in providing resources and building the capacity of communities as well as schools for the development, excellence and transformation of sport and recreation in the N.W. Province; while addressing other key priorities like crime, education, social cohesion, chronic diseases, and improving the nation’s health profile; to mention but a few. • The Department strives to comply with the prescripts and the regulatory framework as set out in the Division of Revenue Act (DORA). • It is critical that the Committee notes that this grant forms the basic of sport and recreation funds, as it is exceeding the equitable share allocated by the Province. • Our UNQUALIFIED AUDIT report for the 5th consecutive time goes to show the effort the Department put in ensuring that transparent, efficient and effective systems and processes put in place; and this grant is basically the main project budget within the overall budget of the Department. INTRODUCTION
End JUNE 2009 : Trends on grants allocations, transfers & expenditure
Sport & Recreation • 300 Athletes participated in National Winter Schools Ball Games in Durban on July and a Gold & Bronze Medals for Volleyball girls under 15 were won. Codes included football, netball, LSEN netball, volleyball and tennis. The selected players and officials will be representing SA during the COSSASA games. • 330 Hockey under 13, 15 & 17 Boys and Girls, and their officials represented the Province at various national hockey tournaments in Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Port Elizabeth, east London and Potchefstroom. • Provincial Indigenous Games took place in Madibeng on 06th June 2009 in which there were over 800 participants. Before that 20 Local & 4 District Indigenous Games were held. ACHIEVEMENTS
Sport & Recreation • 2 (Two) Mass Mobilization and Legacy Events took place in Mafikeng and Matlosane to popularize the Confederation Cup and FIFA 2010 World Cup. Football clinics were conducted by FIFA Ambassadors; Mark Fish and Desiree Williams to 600 kids, and football equipment was donated to both districts and local municipality SAFA structures by the Minister, Rev. Stofile. • National Netball Championships Legacy – 10 teams and 10 coaches from the rural communities of the district benefited from clinics conducted by the national Protea u/21 team . More than 1230 players from all over the country contributed to Sport Tourism. • A classification workshop held for people living with physical disabilities, to assess them, and then they participated during the National Games. 50 Sports people represented the Province. North West won 19 medals. 7 Disabled Athletes were picked in the SA delegations that participated Slovenia during the International Global Games. This initiative was fully funded by the National Lottery Distribution Fund.(N.L.D.F.). ACHIEVEMENTS
Sport & Recreation • Athletes supported to attend the Comrades-marathon in June. • International leadership camp- 1 CDO from Ramotshere Moilwa has been sent for leadership camp in Los Angeles in USA. • Jijutsi World Champioships- 12 Jijutsi athletes supported to attend world Jijutsi competition at Florida in USA from 28 June-10 July. 4 of the athletes are graded as world champions in various age categories. • Training for 170 officials and community structures on recreation programs (Gymnaestrada, Golden Games and Indigenous Games) throughout the Province took place. • Africa Public Service Sports Day was held for more than 1550 Public Servants, who participated in the 49 activities. ACHIEVEMENTS
Sport & Recreation • Eletsa Secondary School won gold medals during the Schools Confederations Cup held in GAUTENG. The LOC and FIFA awarded them with tickets to view the Bafana-Bafana/ Brazil game in Bloemfontein. A total of 660 schools participated in this cup. • A successful “My schools Project” campaign ran throughout the schools in the North West Province. N.W. had adopted USA, as part of the participating countries in the FCC; which finally emerged Cup Champions. ACHIEVEMENTS
LIBRARIES & INFORMATION SERVICE • Project for people with visual disability: the contracts for 17 people were renewed. • Infrastructure : the extension of Coligny Project in progress and almost complete. Tenders for maintenance of Alabama, Wedela and Welverdiend and the upgrade of Koster libraries were advertised. • Public Internet Access: Installation of data lines for internet access in 14 libraries were installed. • The Mobile Library Service was fully functional and reached 15 villages per month. • Library furniture was purchased for 2 and ordered for 3 libraries. ACHIEVEMENTS
EXPENDITURE TRENDS CONDITIONAL GRANTS FOR COMMUNITY LIBRARIES • Personnel – Due to scares skills in the Librarianship profession replacement of staff which resigns takes time. • Administration – Workshops (sign language) for postponement to the second quarter due to transporting of Community Librarians from various Districts. • Stores – The extention of the Tender(books) was only approved beginning May 2009. REASONS FOR UNDERSPENDING
EXPENDITURE TRENDS CONDITIONAL GRANTS FOR COMMUNITY LIBRARIES • Professional fees – services for Public Internet Access not completed in first quarter. • Other Current Expenditure – In the process of appointment of Project Managers and Contractors to be completed in the second quarter. • Equipment & Vehicles – Procurement of computer equipment and ordering of mobile Bus done in second quarter. • Land & Buildings – Memorandum of Agreements submitted by Municipalities for Ipelegeng and Dertig being processed to transfer the funds in the second quarter. REASONS FOR UNDER SPENDING
Capital projects • R7.5 million allocated for building of community libraries in Ipelegeng Mamusa Local Municipality), Utlwanang ,Maquasie Hills- Lebaleng and for Dertig (Moretele L.M.). • According to the Business Plan the above will be implemented in the second quarter. Reasons for under spending
EXPENDITURE TRENDS Mass Sport and Recreation Grants Siyadlala • Expenditure on course. All programmes implemented as planned except training.(Tender issues) School Sport • Stores – Acquiring of apparel and equipment still in process. • Other Current Expenditure – Acquiring of external training service providers in process. REASONS FOR UNDERSPENDING
EXPENDITURE TRENDS Mass Sport and Recreation Grants Legacy • Stores – Acquiring of apparel and equipment still in process. • Other Current Expenditure – Acquiring of external training service providers in process. • Personnel Late appointments of the Community Development Officers. REASONS FOR UNDERSPENDING
MMIS – Management & Monitoring Information System is in place. The tool is effective and efficient in the monitoring and evaluation of projects. • In year budgeting and monitoring system as per PFMA & Treasury regulations. Monthly and quarterly reports as per all templates. Strategic, Operational, Annual Performance Plans, Financial reports, etc. • Internal audit section as well as the Auditor General’s reports assist the Department in enhancing service delivery. • Implementation and alignment with the Departmental Monitoring Tools. • Reporting Procedure Manual. MONITORING CAPACITY
It was critical for the Department to prioritize in this change of political environment, give priority to its mandate and give focus and energy to those things that give the highest return! • In conclusion, Zig Ziglar said; “ Obstacles are the things we see, when we take our eyes off our goals.” • I thank you! CONCLUSION