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READ Act for Higher Education Leaders

This session discusses the implementation and impact of the READ Act in Colorado, examining the need for improved reading outcomes and the similarities and differences between the Colorado Basic Literacy Act and the READ Act. The presenters also provide guidance on developing effective reading plans and implementing targeted and intensive instruction.

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READ Act for Higher Education Leaders

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  1. READ Act for Higher Education Leaders August 23, 2013 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Featured Presenters: Pati Montgomery, Executive Director of the Office of Literacy Dian Prestwich, Assistant Director of the Office of Literacy Jenny Arzberger, Educator Preparation Project Manager

  2. WELCOME from today’s featured presenters… Pati Montgomery, Executive Director of the Office of Literacy Dian Prestwich, Assistant Director of the Office of Literacy Jenny Arzberger, Educator Preparation Project Manager 2

  3. Why Replace the Colorado Basic Literacy Act? A look at reading achievement in Colorado

  4. 3rd Grade CSAP Reading Percent Proficient & Advanced and Average Scores2003-2011

  5. Grade 3 CSAP Reading Scores of Economically Disadvantaged Students

  6. Grade 3 CSAP Reading Scores of English Language Learners 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

  7. Grade 3 Reading Status Change for Students Scoring Unsatisfactory on the CSAP2005-2007

  8. Literacy: A Critical Issue Once children score in the unsatisfactory range, it is unlikely they will emerge. If third grade reading is the gateway to academic success, Colorado is only adequately preparing 70% of its children for future success. The literacy achievement of Colorado’s children signals the need for intensive and coordinated efforts in policy and practice.

  9. From CBLA to READ What are the similarities and differences between CBLA and READ? What are the assessment and plan requirements for teachers?

  10. How does the READ Act Compare with the Colorado Basic Literacy Act (CBLA)? CBLA Assessments READ Act Assessments Use of interim assessment(s) for all K-3 students from approved list. DRA2, PALS, DIBELS Will be used to progress monitor at least 3 times per year, with more frequent progress monitoring for those students below benchmark, and will be used to report to CDE Follow up with approved diagnostic assessment(s) for students who may have a Significant Reading Deficiency Use of interim assessment(s) for all K-3 students from approved list. DRA2, PALS, DIBELS Primarily used as a reporting measure to CDE

  11. How does the READ Act Compare with the Colorado Basic Literacy Act (CBLA)? CBLA Support READ Act Support Support provided through a competitive Early Literacy Grant, regional technical assistance, and formula funds for interventions. Specific parental involvement components. Recommended instructional programming and professional development. Support provided through the Read To Achieve grant 11

  12. Implementing the READ Act 12

  13. The Big Ideas of the READ Act 13 Determination of a Significant Reading Deficiency Approved lists for the Resource Bank of Diagnostic and Summative Assessments Minimum Reading Skill Competencies Development of a READ Plan Convergence of School Readiness Plans and assessment Resources to the field

  14. 14

  15. Rules for the Administration of the Colorado READ Act 15

  16. Determination of a Significant Reading Deficiency A child scoring at least twice at or below the cut-off score category established by the interim assessment within a school year. All children shall be tested within 30 days of enrollment, and any child scoring at or below the cut-off shall be retested within 30 days on the same state board approved interim assessment. Flowchart Handout Cut-Scores Handout 16

  17. Upon Determination of a Significant Reading Deficiency Approved list of diagnostic assessments http://www.cde.state.co.us/coloradoliteracy/ReadAct/resourcebank.asp Progress monitoring Collect a body of evidence 17

  18. Minimum Reading Competency Skill Levels • From the Colorado Academic Standards • Significant correlation to reading on grade level • Students should develop mastery • (A) Phonological Awareness. • 5.01 (A) (1) Recognize and produce rhyming words; • 5.01 (A) (2) Identify and produce groups of words that begin with the same sound (alliteration); • 5.01 (A) (3) Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words. 18

  19. Attributes of Effective Universal Instruction Guidelines for Instruction Provide for a multi-tiered system of support Addresses the five components of reading Guided by assessment data 90 minutes for universal instruction Utilizes a scope and sequence that is delivered explicitly with judicious review Aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards 19

  20. Attributes of Effective Targeted and Intensive Instruction Guidelines Addresses one or more of the five components based on assessments Delivered with intensity, frequency and urgency Guided by assessments and driven by student need Directed by an effective teacher in the teaching of reading Utilizes a scope and sequence that is delivered explicitly with judicious review Delivered in a small group format 20

  21. Approved Interim Reading Assessments (2013-2014) Developmental Reading Assessment – DRA2 / EDL Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening – PALS/PALS Español Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy – DIBELS / IDEL Fall/Winter Review 21

  22. Development of a READ Plan 23

  23. The READ Act Requires a READ Plan CBLA Individual Literacy Plans The READ Act READ Plans READ planONLYfor students with a significant reading deficiency with specific required components Parent involvement in the creation of the plan The scientifically-based or evidence based instructional programming that will be used for interventions Provide interventions to accelerate progress and make advancement decision when students do not make determined progress. Individualized Literacy Plan (ILP) for ALL students reading below grade level. Provide interventions to accelerate progress.

  24. Required Components of a READ Plan • Specific diagnosed reading skill deficiencies. • Goals and benchmarks for the student to attain reading competency. • Type of additional instructional services and interventions that will be provided. • Scientifically or evidence based programming to be used. • The manner in which the student’s progress will be monitored. • The strategies the student’s parent is encouraged to use in assisting the student to achieve reading competency. • Additional services the teacher deems available to accelerate the student's reading skills

  25. Assessment Component to support Specific Skill Deficiency 26

  26. Specific Reading Skill Deficiency and Goals 27

  27. Benchmark Progress Monitoring 28

  28. Scientifically or Evidence Based Interventions and Universal Programs 29

  29. Parent Involvement and Communication 30

  30. Other Supports 31

  31. Convergence of READ with School Readiness SB 08-212 Colorado’s Achievement Plan for Kids (CAP4K)

  32. Kindergarten Assessment Refer to the guidance document

  33. Kindergarten Readiness Plan

  34. Funding Sources • Based on students identified as having an SRD • Full-day Kindergarten • Summer School • Tutoring Services • Or other scientifically-based interventions Formula Funding Early Literacy Grant 36 To act as pilots for implementing all required elements of the READ Act and RtI Awarded to 16 applicants representing 15 school districts and 30 schools in 7 regions of the state.

  35. Funding Sources Early Literacy Assessment Tool Project • Provides a licensing for the electronic administration of DIBELS • Professional development and ongoing support • Approximately 122 schools/districts across the state are participating

  36. Advisory Lists Instructional Programming Professional Development • Core/Universal Instruction • Targeted and intensive interventions • Professional Development providers that offer job-embedded PD as well as topic specific • http://www.cde.state.co.us/coloradoliteracy/ReadAct/programming.asp 38

  37. Human Resources • Created an Office of Literacy • Newsletters • Research • Webinars • On-line Education • Technical Assistance / Professional Development to the field • Regional Technical Assistance positions • Regional Professional Development Opportunities • Early Literacy Assessment Tool Project • Website • http://www.cde.state.co.us/coloradoliteracy/ReadAct/index.asp

  38. Webinars and Itunes U Professional Development Coming Soon! • Cycle of Instruction • Identifying a Significant Reading Deficiency and Writing a READ Plan • Designing Effective Universal Instruction

  39. Shifts in our Thinking

  40. Shifts in our Thinking 42

  41. Contact Information CDE: Office of Literacy Marisa Herrera Program Assistant General information, registration, receiving links or handouts Herrera_M@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6189 Donna Bright Principal Consultant Early Literacy Assessment Tool, Webinars, On-line resources Bright_D@cde.state.co.us Dian Prestwich, PhD Assistant Director of Office of Literacy Early Literacy Grant, assessments, READ Act implementation Prestwich_D@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6150 Pati Montgomery Executive Director of Office of Literacy READ Act implementation, programming, professional development Montgomery_P@cde.state.co.us (303) 866-6016 43

  42. Contact InformationRegional Consultants Dian Prestwich, PhD Assistant Director of Office of Literacy North Central Region Prestwich_D@cde.state.co.us Rachel Anderberg, PhD Senior Consultant, Office of Literacy Denver/Metro Area Anderberg_R@cde.state.co.us Kathy Martin Senior Consultant, Office of Literacy Pikes Peak Region/ Southeast Colorado Martin_K@cde.state.co.us Jane Burk Senior Consultant, Office of Literacy Southwest Region Burke_J@cde.state.co.us Pam Gjellum Senior Consultant, Office of Literacy Southwest Region and Lake County Gjellum_J@cde.state.co.us Lynda Idle Senior Consultant, Office of Literacy English Language Learners and the READ Act, Denver and Aurora Idle_l@cde.state.co.us

  43. STATE OF COLORADO Colorado Department of Higher Education Colorado Department of Education CDE / DHE Collaborative Webinar Series For up to date information including agendas, login information, and recorded webinars, locate our website, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

  44. Preliminary Agenda is being developed based on the CDE DHE Needs Assessment Survey data. This will be announced on our Educator Preparation Project website, which will go live early September 2013.

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