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Russia. By Brianne Jenkins And Jared lawrence Pd. I. Intro to Russia .

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  1. Russia By Brianne Jenkins And Jared lawrence Pd. I

  2. Intro to Russia Many Families in Russia fear that members of the family will become ill and they will not be able to afford Medical Care. Medical Care used to be free and now it is expensive and hard to get. Even though things have changed life is still pretty difficult for many Russians.

  3. Emerging Capitalism After the Soviet Union diminished in 1991 Russia had to find a new identity for itself. The nation had problems when it came to changing from communism to a free-market economy. They had no experience in democracy and fought over power with the new laws. Comic strip about capitalism

  4. Moscow Moscow is the center of all economic activates in Russia. Its population is 9 million. When the soviet union collapsed the business in Moscow sky rocketed. Investors came from all over to make money. They became very wealthy and opened more modern things in Russia.

  5. Widespread Corruption Most Russians face many challenges every day. 25% of all Russians live in poverty. Corruption is the main reason people can not improve their situations. Most Honest people are forced to pay criminals because laws to protect them are not enforced. Protesting Corruption!!

  6. Economic Problems In the 1990’s, a large number of Russians last their life savings when banks collapsed and Inflation rose. They slowly recovered, but are still working to regain the money they lost years ago. Inflation chart of Russia

  7. Health Problems All Russians have major concerns about their health care. Men only have a life expectancy of 62 years on average. Hospitals don’t have up to date equipment, and patients have to bring their own pillows and bed sheets.

  8. Changes in Siberia Siberia is a region with many reserves such as coal, gold, iron, oil and natural gas. In the soviet years the government built factories, set up mining operations, and made the Trans-Siberian Railroad to transport materials.

  9. Siberia Most of Siberia is rural, but large cities developed over time. Four of the ten largest Russian cities are in Siberia. The city of Novosibirsk has a population of 1.3 million people. But outside the cities is more agricultural. Novosibirsk the capital of Siberia

  10. Continued Being under the soviet communist system people were guaranteed jobs and farmers were promised certain prices for there crops now they worry about loosing there jobs and farms. But now Siberians can make their own decisions and buy their own homes. Siberia->

  11. Cultural Traditions Continue When the Soviet Communism crashed it changed the lives of the Russians. But they still kept up with their traditions.

  12. Life in Moscow Just like it was in soviet times, Moscow is still the center of everything. You can find art, theater and dance in Moscow. Ballet is based there. The busy city of Moscow at night.

  13. Continued On the streets of Moscow vendors sell Russian crafts and electronics from China. And on the snowy days people go in to the parks in Moscow and have the traditional picnic in the snow.

  14. Life in Rural Siberian Villages Most of Siberia is rural, very few people live in these areas because change comes very slowly there. Many of the homes have no running water. Water has to be brought from wells but when the wells freeze people have to cook and drink melted snow. Siberian Village

  15. Life in villages continued Even with all the harsh conditions people that love there have adapted. Farmers harvest their crops before winter. The temperatures are so cold that families hang their meat outside so it freezes and doesn't spoil. In winter

  16. Continued During the winter the women bundle up and go out to get wood to put on there stoves that are used for both cooking and heating.

  17. Uniting a Vast Nation Russia covers more the 6 million square miles. It has more the 144 million people. With this many people it is hard to keep everyone united as one because of the different ethnics, religions, and languages. All different types of groups come together in the cities of Russia.

  18. Chechnya This oil rich republic made up of mostly Muslims is located in the South Western Russia. In 191 Chechnya declared its independence from Russia. a map to show you where Chechnya is.

  19. War in Chechnya Russia sent troops into the capital of Chechnya. Tens of thousands lost their lives during the fight over the status of the republic during the 1990’s. Many others had to flee their homes. After all of that Chechnya remained part of Russia. Map of Chechnya itself.

  20. Economic Problems remain Russia still has plenty natural resources but, rely on sales of the materials to heavily this creating less chance for new jobs. If prices are low the economy suffers. However Russia is strong and if it pulls through its future should be pretty good.

  21. The End Thank you

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