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Part Four. Language Study. ENTER. I. Word Study. 2. commit – v. a. to do, perform, or perpetrate b. to make known the views of (oneself) on an issue c. to learn sth well enough to remember it exactly. Word formation. a .committed 尽职的 , 尽忠的 n . commitment. Examples:
Part Four Language Study ENTER
I. Word Study 2. commit – v. a. to do, perform, or perpetrate b. to make known the views of (oneself) on an issue c. to learn sth well enough to remember it exactly Word formation a.committed 尽职的,尽忠的 n. commitment • Examples: • to commit a crime/an error • Chairman refused to commithimself on the controversial subject before making due investigations. • I committed the sonata to memory.
I. Word Study 3. Convict – v. to find or prove (someone) guilty of an offense or crime, especially by the verdict of a court Word formation • Examples: • The jury convicted the defendant of manslaughter. • He was convicted of murder. n. conviction
I. Word Study 6. illustrate – v.a.to clarify, as by use of examples or comparisons; b.to provide (a publication) with explanatory or decorative features Word formation n. illustration a. illustrative • Examples: • His story illustrates her true generosity very clearly. • The book was illustrated with color photographs.
I. Word Study 7. prior– a.preceding in time or order b.preceding in importance or value Word formation n. priority according to priority give (first) priority to • Examples: • I have a prior engagement and so can’t go with you. • This task is prior to all others. • a prior consideration 优先考虑 • You must give this matter priority.
I. Word Study 12.decline – v. a. to refuse politely b.to draw to a gradual close; to wane • Examples: • I declined their offer of help. • an empire that has declined业已衰落的帝国 • sink into a decline 开始衰落, 衰弱下去; 体力衰退 • (尤指因患肺病而衰弱) • on the decline 走下坡路, 在衰退中 • the decline of life 晚年, 暮年 Word formation n. decline To be continued on the next page.
I. Word Study cf. decline, refuse, reject • decline 较正式地、有礼貌地谢绝 • He declined the nomination. • refuse 是普通用语: 坚决、果断或坦率地拒绝 • He refused to take the money. • reject 以否定、敌对的态度当面拒绝 • They rejected damaged goods.
I. Word Study 13. given – a.a.specified; fixed b.prep.granted as a supposition; acknowledged orassumed • Examples: • We will meet at a given time and location. • Given the condition of the engine, it is a wonder that it even starts. The end of Word Study.
II. Phrases and Expressions 3. give outto give sth. to each person in a group • Example: • Students were giving out leaflets to everyone on the street.
II. Phrases and Expressions 6.work out – to have a specified result; to make a total amount of sth.; to add up to 结果是,共计 • Examples: • It worked out that everyone left on the same train. • The ratio works out to an odd number. • The total cost of the project worked out to 10 million.
III. Word Building List: • prefix – non- • suffix – -al
III. Word Building noncombatant non-: not prefix nonabrasive nonacid nonadjustable nonautomatic nongovernmental 不可研磨的 非酸性的 不可调的 非自动的 非政府性的 The end of prefix.
suffix III. Word Building arrival -al: action; process renew deny dismiss refuse survive disapprove propose withdraw • renewal • denial • dismissal • refusal • survival • disapproval • proposal • withdrawal The end of Word Building.
IV. Grammar Ways of expressing resultWays of comparing things
IV. Grammar so much/many + noun + that … that there is so much crime that it simply cannot be punished. so + adj. + as + to + infinitive I will not be so foolish as to suggest a solution to the crime problem.
IV. Grammar so that + a clause It all served to fog my mind with pleasure so that I forgot my grandpa’s repeated warnings. and + a clause … I cut my hand and blood spurted freely from my wound.
IV. Grammar so + a clause After some time, my fingers grew cold and numb, so I took the bandage off and threw it away. do sth. + and + a clause (indicating a future result) Read Homer and your mind includes a piece of Homer’s mind.
IV. Grammar so + adj./adv.+ that + a clause I was so astonished at this that I must have looked rather foolish and everyone laughed. and so + a clause But the disease has not touched his mind, and so it has not affected his work.
IV. Grammar (only) to + infinitive of result I tried to travel west but only to hit the creek again. The end of Ways of expressing result.
IV. Grammar more + noun + than + clause of comparison This amounts to more than 41 million crimes, many more (crimes) than we are able to punish. the more… the more The more angry he became, the more she laughed at him.
IV. Grammar more + adj. + noun + than + clause Our current crop of prisoners is an elite group, on the whole much more serious offenders than those who were once imprisoned in Alcatraz. as + adj. + as + clause The criminal justice system must then become as powerless as a parent…
IV. Grammar more than + clause Yet any of you… knows more about physics than did many of those great scholars of the past. as + adj. + as anything Sky’s just as blue asanything.
IV. Grammar as +adv. + as+ clause And now, just as suddenly as the engine started, it stops. as much + noun + as possible One can feel fulfilled… by organizing one’s cell to save as muchspaceas possible.
IV. Grammar as + adv. + as if + clause Harry died abroad, in a third-rate hotel, with Bess weeping as hard as if he had left her a fortune. (as) + adj. + as + noun On EL Camino the traffic was steady and light, peaceful asa river. The end of Grammar.
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