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Talent Development

Talent Development.

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Talent Development

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  1. Talent Development

  2. Every school has students within it who possess the highest potential for advanced-level learning, creative problem solving, and the motivation to pursue rigorous and rewarding work. Rather than merely being sources for the acquisition of information, schools can and should be places for developing the talents of all students. -Dr. Joseph Renzulli, Univ. of Connecticut

  3. Mission Statement • The Appoquinimink School District will nurture and expand the talents and abilities of all students by providing challenging programs and instructional opportunities that target individual learning styles, interests, and intelligences. Schools must provide instruction, services, activities, and guidance to cultivate the development of each child’s potential and talents.

  4. Where we were... When asked to describe previous practices in talent development… One principal reported, “There is not a lot about academic development. It has been more about clubs such as boat safety, yoga, basketball coaching, etc.”

  5. Where we are going... Focus of Talent Development • Extend student learning beyond the typical content • Develop 21st Century Learning Skills • Learning and Innovation Skills • Information, media and technology skills • Life and career skills

  6. Talent Development Program Supports • Schoolwide Enrichment Model • Afterschool Programs • Competitive team events

  7. Schoolwide Enrichment Model • Talent Development in Grades 1 – 8 • Minimum 9-18 weeks of instruction with focus on application of learned skills • Create a product, service or performance • Differentiation is by indicated interest

  8. Elementary Changes for 2012-13 • Alignment to core content area to provide rigor and extension of learning • Expectation for writing as integral part for demonstrating learning • More consistency across buildings • Drama • Lego/Robotics • Newspaper/Yearbook • Cultures

  9. Middle School Changes for 2012-13 • Alignment to the four core content areas to increase rigor through application of learning. • District menu of offerings across all school. • Increase student accountability with grading students (O, S, U) • Increase participation in academically aligned extra-curricular activities. • Establish building level waiver/request process.

  10. Common Middle School TD Offerings

  11. Afterschool Programs • Continuation of Enrichment programs managed at the school level: • Students competing continue to work after school to prepare • Science Olympiad • Odyssey of the Mind • Model UN • Lego/Robotics

  12. Research Support and Information for Talent Development • NAGC – National Association for Gifted Children • NAME – National Association for Multicultural Education • The Davidson Institute • DE Gifted and Talented Task Force

  13. Not every child has an equal talent or an equal ability or equal motivation; but all children have the equal right to develop their talent, ability, and motivation. John F. Kennedy

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