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Egypt and Kush

Egypt and Kush. Geography. Located in Africa The Nile River helped Egypt develop a civilization Egypt’s economy depended on farming. Religion. Believed in many gods Polytheistic – belief in more than one god Believed in a happy after life (life after death )

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Egypt and Kush

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Egypt and Kush

  2. Geography • Located in Africa • The Nile River helped Egypt develop a civilization • Egypt’s economy depended on farming

  3. Religion • Believed in many gods • Polytheistic – belief in more than one god • Believed in a happy after life (life after death) • Akhenaton tried to replace Egyptian old gods with one god called Aton.

  4. Achievements • Egyptians made advances in calendars, geometry, medicine, astronomy, • Egyptians developed a writing system called • Hieroglyphics which are pictures that stand for different words or sounds • Pharaoh Khufu built a huge monument to proclaim his glory

  5. Politics • Egypt united under a central government that ruled for centuries • Egypt entered a period of change as centralized rule weakened • Ramses II ruled Egypt for decades and created a stable empire

  6. Economy • Fertile land provided everything Egyptians needed • The Nile and other resources influenced Egypt’s economy • Strong economy because of mining, fishing, hunting, and trade • Egyptians developed a complex society with many different jobs and social roles • Queen Hatshepsut ruled as pharaoh and expanded trade during the New Kingdom

  7. Social Structure • Pharaoh – the ruler was above all other people because he or she was considered a god • Priests – The priests cared for the temples and held ceremonies to keep the gods happy • Scribes – trained in the art of writing and record keeping • Craftspeople and merchants- built architecture, monuments • Farmers- took care of the fields and crops • Laborers and slaves – bottom of society. They became slaves if they owed a debt, committed a crime, or were captured in war

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