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Do Now Today ’ s Title: Egypt and Kush

Do Now Today ’ s Title: Egypt and Kush. On December 1 st 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white man.  This was a brave action by Parks.  What is the bravest thing you have ever done?  Be sure to include details about the event and why you think you were brave.

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Do Now Today ’ s Title: Egypt and Kush

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  1. Do NowToday’s Title: Egypt and Kush • On December 1st 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white man.  This was a brave action by Parks.  What is the bravest thing you have ever done?  Be sure to include details about the event and why you think you were brave.

  2. Today’s Agenda!! • The Importance of Kush • Conquests among Egypt, Kush, Assyrians, and Axum • Partner Reading Activity • Gallery Walk

  3. Glossary Builder • Commerce-the buying and selling of goods and services • Expedition-a journey or trip taken for a special purpose • Expelled-to force out of an area • Defeat-a loss, such as in war

  4. What is Kush?? 1 • ADD TO PAGE 19L as your DO NOW • Kush is the second civilization to take root in the Nile valley. • **Kush is also known as Nubia!! • Kush, or Nubia, is located along the Nile river, SOUTH of Egypt. • Let’s take a look at where Kush is on a map…

  5. Nubia, also known as Kush. Along the Nile River, and below Egypt.

  6. Why is Kush important in Ancient Egypt?? 1 • Trade brought Egypt and Kush together. • Egypt traded with other areas to gain supplies they did not have, and they also began to trade with Kush. • Egypt was rich in sunshine and soil, but it did not have forests, minerals, horses, and other useful resources that were found in Kush. • Egyptians had to get these resources though commerce with its neighbors. • Can someone remind us what commerce is again??

  7. How did they trade?? • Pharaohs would organize expeditions to open trade with other lands. • All trade goods brought back to Egypt by these expeditions belong to the pharaoh!!

  8. What did they trade?? 1 • Egypt gets cattle, gold, ivory, and copper. • Kush gets wheat. • Due to its location, Nubia controlled commerce between central Africa and Egypt. • Egypt would send its traders to Kush to buy cattle and gold. • Egyptians also set up forts in Kush to make sure they had access to the ivory and copper in Kush. • Kush traded its gold for Egyptian wheat.

  9. Trade and Conquest • To protect their valuable trading, Egypt gradually conquered most of Nubia, or Kush. • The Nubians had to pay tribute to the Egyptian pharaoh. (Tribute is payment). • Over time, Nubians adopted many features of Egyptian culture. For example, they wore Egyptian clothes and worshiped Egyptian gods. They also spoke the Egyptian language. • Nubian solders, who were famous for archery, served in Egypt’s army. Some Nubians rose to become government officials.

  10. Prediction… • Take five minutes to discuss with a partner… • Do you think Egypt maintained control over Kush forever? • If yes, how did they keep the people of Kush under Egyptian control? • If no, what do you think happened between Egypt and Kush? Let’s see what happened…

  11. Egypt and Kush 2 • After Ramses II ruled, Egypt’s government began to collapse. • Rival leaders in different cities were busy fighting one another, and they forgot about maintaining Egypt's control of Kush. • This mistake was very costly!! • Left on its own, Kush became an independent kingdom ruled by Nubian kings.

  12. Kush Conquers Egypt!! 2 A Kush ruler, Piye, expanded the Kushite empire by conquering one Egyptian city after another. He declared himself the pharaoh of Egypt and Kush. • Around 700 B.C.E., a Nubian king conquered an Egyptian town, known as Thebes. • The next ruler in Kush, named Piye, expanded the Kushite empire by conquering one Egyptian city after another. • After some battling, Piye declared himself the new pharaoh of a united Egypt and Kush. Piye

  13. 2 Egypt under Kush • Pharaohs from Kush ruled Egypt for almost a century. • The first Kushite pharaoh of Egypt was Shabaka. • When Kushite pharaohs ruled, they encouraged an Egyptian-style culture: • They built temples to honor Nubian and Egyptian gods • They dotted the desert with hundreds of tombs • They encouraged trade between Africa and the lands around the Mediterranean Sea. • Another important fact is that they had scribes copy Ancient Egyptian books

  14. Did Kushite rule last forever?? 3 • Nope!! • The rulers from Kush might have remained in power longer if they had only wanted to rule Egypt. Instead, they tried to expand their power…they got greedy!! • They went to war with the Assyrians, who were skillful warriors who had recently conquered the Fertile Crescent!! • They went to war with the Assyrians, which led to the Kushite’s downfall.

  15. 3 Kushites versus Assyrians • Assyrians troops invaded Egypt in 663 B.C.E. • After many losses in battle, the Kushites were expelled by the Assyrians, and had to make their way from Egypt back to Kush. • Interesting fact: the Assyrian soldiers easily defeated the Kushites because the Assyrian's weapons were made of iron.

  16. 4 Kush moves to Meroe • After their defeat, the rulers of Kush decided to move their capital south to the city of Meroe, (pronounced mehr oh WEE). • There were numerous reasons for this move: • Meroe received more rain than most of Kush • It was located on trade routes from Central Africa • Iron ore deposits were located near here • For 900 years, Meroe thrived as a center of trade and culture.

  17. 4 Meroe and Iron • The Kushites turned Meroe into Africa’s first ironworking center • Iron tools and weapons made were much stronger than the soft bronze tools made in Egypt, (this was why the Assyrians were able to defeat the Kushites). • Knowledge of ironworking spread from Meroe to other parts of Africa.

  18. 5 The Existence of Kush Comes to an End • Kush had its ups and downs, but it could not last forever. • The final fall of Kush occurred when it was invaded by the Kingdom of Axum.

  19. Quick Recap • That was a lot of moving and conquering!! Let’s take a brief moment to recap on today’s lesson so far. • 1.) Egypt and Kush trade • 2.) Egypt conquers Kush • 3.) Kush conquers Egypt • 4.) Assyrians conquer Kush • 5.) Kush moves to Meroe • 6.) Axum conquers Kush (end of Kush) • You should copy this in your notes and star it!!

  20. Partner Reading Activity!! • With a partner, you will read a section from our textbook. • This is a review of everything you just learned today. • You will take turns reading, from pages #188-193. • Then, you will both answer the “Lesson Review” Questions on page #193. • You only need to answer questions #1-5. • Please write the answers in your notebook!! • We will go over the answers in 25 minutes!!

  21. Gallery Walk • For the gallery walk, there will be 6 stations. • At each one, YOU MUST WRITE THE QUESTION AND ANSWER!! • You will have 5 minutes at each station. • You may work with the other students in your group.

  22. Gallery Walk Answers • 1.) From trading, Egyptians received cattle, gold, copper, and ivory from Kushites. • 2.) Kush was able to conquer Egypt because the Egyptian cities were fighting amongst themselves. • 3.) Egyptian culture affected Kush because Kush adopted Egyptian clothes, religion, and language. • 4.) Answers will vary.

  23. Gallery Walk Answers • 5.) Egypt wanted to control Kush because they wanted to own all of Kush’s valuable resources. • 6.) Meroe items lasted for hundreds of years because they were made of iron. • 7.) Answers will vary.

  24. Homework!! • Please study your notes for a quiz on Wednesday!! • ***Note: This quiz will be challenging because there is a lot of information we went over. You must study!!

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